Thursday, October 30, 2008

Malcolm X' Nick Names

On Applied magic

So, a couple of months ago, l started listening on the radio an ad about some sort of community college, which was offering some course on "applied magic" (magia aplicada). l have no idea how this course got approved by the council of universities (it's called conesup), but, anyway l supposed nobody would have take this seriously.

But l was wrong.

A girl was telling me she believed in strange forces and she believed she had some sort of "healing power". Before labeling her as NUTS in my head, l began remembering that all women l have met recently believe in somewhat supernatural stuff.

Although l remembered the golden rule on women , l couldn't help but filling the label with all of them.

PS. l bet at least one of them will comment on how real is magic.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

How Much Granite Headstone

Take on me, literally

Usually, a music video has no relation with the song itself. Well, if they do, this is how it would sound like:

Watch for the "this guy is gonna get his ass full of pipe wrench" on 2.35 minute.

Seen on Geekologie.

Monday, October 6, 2008

Difference Between Guitar And Drum Dongle

As mentioned previously, scheduled date for the completion of the conference will eventually be the November 29, 2008.
With this background the horizon, we reported that the receipt of papers and / or work proposals to close for the 15/10.
We urge all colleagues to consider these dates if your intention is to present some of the conference. Similarly, those with knowledge of someone who wishes to do so, we appreciate that spread.
reiterate again proposed papers so far, which are in process research and development.

Anthropocentrism Critique: Conception of Nature libertarian thought as Colson.

The aim is ecstasy, the dream is death Anarchist Free Love contrasexual the hegemonic queer praxis.

surgery, orthopedics, Eugenics: An approach to the legal constitution of the popular state in twentieth century Argentina

Freedom is a place that is away from home: Affinities between anarchism, feminism and queer theory.

Against the State and against all authority: problems and misunderstandings between anarchism, state, political and institutional.

Soon there will be more updates on times and locations.

Health and Anarchy!

What Curtains Go With Lavender Walls

Second Third statement

After a series of meetings between those who have expressed interest in participating in the conference, we discussed some issues and established common.
not we are interested in founding a "science" or "anarchist philosophy" because we believe that anarchism is referred to that, or that it is a necessity. We believe, if that is necessary to give a framework for discussion and debate libertarian, and that the fruit of this process is not necessarily the institutionalization of "truths." We do not seek or crave the truth, because anarchists simply because they do not believe it, but we hope that this exercise emergence of new ideas, proposals and opinions that allow us to rethink our struggles and our everyday realities.
For these reasons, we agree to some peculiarities about the work.

• While oriented and philosophical debate, not the days we are conceived and articulated a logic university, where they normally work dynamics of academic papers, with some language and preconceptions that have little to do with our daily lives. Everyone can (and should) participate, comment and propose.
· Works will have an exposure time (between '15 and '20) where the exponent or seek to develop the theme, then it will begin a round of questions and answers. Exchanges and questions are expected.
· Finding (and encouraged) that the works are the fruit of the collective production of all. Therefore, those who wish to present must necessarily participate in this process prior work, where from the various concerns and views, there is an exchange with colleagues and sisters. We do not want want someone to come and sit and talk about (and with) a text of individual production that had no previous access, and after reading to get up and leave. So too, we exist previous copies of the various jobs for those who have not participated in this collective production last year but wish to access it.
· There will be various ways to propose and present the various themes: material is read, may rely on visual elements, you can just sit back and throw some concerns about it go Departed, etc. The methods that each exhibitor or exhibitor deems appropriate are valid, while respecting the agreed time.
Do not look for any overlapping exposure to another, because we believe are important to all, and because we want to be present and participate in all.

continue to work collectively, to exchange views and questions, and invite you again to all colleagues who wish to propose and present various topics. We have set a date for the Conference: 29 November there will be more news 2008.Prontamente.

Health and Anarchy

2004 Hyundai Santafe Solonoid

Summary statement of the first organizational meeting First Conference on Autonomous


Finally, on Tuesday July 15 we met the group organizer with a group of comrades who had responded to the concerns proposals for the organization of the Conference on Autonomous Anarchist Thought and Philosophy.
After a general presentation, we talked and exchanged views.
Here is a brief overview of what was discussed:

- That the days are intended to deepen, problematize and enforce the limits of anarchist thought which we believe, in part, outdated and stagnant. We seek to exceed the nineteenth century thought to move towards a century anarchist thought.
- It is necessary is given an area outside of the various groups, spaces and organizations, permeable to various positions and trends, large enough to afford the questioning, breaking with the dogma. Not the "sacred cows" of anarchism.
- Who can live and work colleagues collectively, as individuals, as well as those belonging to any organized space, without necessarily be dogmatically hold various "flags", preventing the debate. We do not seek or support a "anarcómetro" to define what anarchism is and what not
Es - There are proposals and attempts to retrain anarchist thought spinning. In many cases, they are giving so much inside, but most interestingly, also out of anarchism.
- While we look for what is produced has a certain richness and depth, not seek to propose and write in a way most appreciable altruistic or incomprehensible "to the masses." That there is complexity, there is flight ... but that is not an abstract metaphysical intellectual debate, because "to Mrs. Rose wants to know what is anarchism."

After this, we expose more or less the areas on which we intend to get to work and research. The idea is that colleagues who share a similar interest to work in as possible, so group. At the same time, you are working on a particular axis does not prevent many colleagues can not participate or assist others.
So far, this competition have been proposed various themes:

  • Education, Pedagogy and the question of teaching on (and from) anarchism.

  • Anthropocentrism Critique: the conception of Nature in libertarian thought as Colson.

  • The aim is ecstasy, the dream is death Anarchist Free Love contrasexual the hegemonic praxis queer.

  • Freedom is a place that is away from home: affinities between anarchism, feminism and queer theory.

  • surgery, orthopedics, Eugenics: An approach to the legal constitution of the popular state in twentieth century Argentina.

  • Against the State and against all authority: problems and disagreements between Anarchy, State, political and institutional.
know that there are comrades who were interested to participate, but for matters of day and time they were unable to attend. We also know that there were other proposals or lines of work.
invited to submit their various proposals, as well as to participate and add to the already raised.

Soon we will meet again to see how will the various jobs, as well as to enable them to attend who could not do previously.

Health and Anarchy!

Soul Silver Rom Upgrade

Anarchist Thought and Philosophy

Open call to organize an event and not fail in the attempt:

First Conference on Autonomous Anarchist Thought and Philosophy

Al edge of anarchy

And if even Doña Rosa want to know what is anarchism?

and we do not believe in them and the anarchists, but "that is, they exist." And very colorful and diverse ... Anarcho-individualism, anarcho-communists, anarcho-Peronist anarcho-reformist, populist anarchist, anarcho-feminist ... It

already a commonplace to argue that modern political thought have somewhere a very considerable poverty but for the emergence of libertarian principles of equity. Anyway, for us and we anarchism is not an object of study. " No hope, or even want-that philosophy once and have a condescending gesture of anarchism and recognize both the complexity and density of his theoretical thinking (as if the ethical-political libertarian could be restricted only to a series of identificatory categories in competition with other political speeches -Marxism, fibula, liberalism, socialism, etc.). How thinkers and theorists of anarchy will discuss at the same level, on the same machine closure professor-qualifying the dominant order itself? Why are they going to accept the recognition they proposed to shift to play dress up in order to enter the temples of science and philosophy?
is another thing we are interested in anarchism ...
We consider a complex war machine and not a simple revolutionary social force that finds its purpose in a petty passion of abolition purely reactive and destructive, even though the main enemy is the State. This is why the Anarchism Philosophy pillages without the slightest intention to preserve or move strictly within its margins, in other words, it simply serves to deliver theoretical and practical dimensions of a common political emancipation. Why not propose this investment? Move from thought to anarchist philosophy, this is the suggested move. What philosophical issues that we can trace in the libertarian perspective? Perhaps this question synthesize our little proposal for the conference in question.
Anarchy is concerned, happy, quicksand, unclassifiable and subversive. We want to organize a Conference on Thinking Anarchist Philosophy and - of course! - For this modest company-we \u200b\u200bneed the active participation of numerous beings disinterested lovers of wage-work-no manual and intellectual. We hope to get in touch with: workers, university students (regardless of faculty or discipline), neighbors, intellectuals, activists, and militontas militontos, artists, dreamers and dreaming (which I may not have participated in both Skating Dancing like a dream), anarchists publicly discovered and uncovered as such, and so on. According to Daniel Colson: "Why has not the French Academy, or cathedra, nor Pope or high priests, or Central Committee, anarchism allows all to speak on their behalf. " Of course, we recommend not to participate in organizing this event for all those persons wishing to obtain a credential or certificate anarchist libertarian for services rendered.
Who we are and who we call and hide behind the first person plural? Let's see ... Some are anarchists and some incurable romantic and romantic and entries already entered in years and eager to contribute to the updating of a worldview similar to the practices and experiences XXI century anarchists, others and others constructed collective beings we are humble we think that a mix of anarchism and philosophy can be very productive for contemporary political thought, and we're also the that knowing that libertarian and anarchist can be used as synonyms perfectly still using the first term to express our membership of a autonomous radical left Marxist affiliation not become an anarchist, etc. In short, we are who we are and if an ancient prophet was right, from two and we crowd. Anyway, more muscles and brains too bad we did not come ... Is in the doing where we define these issues beyond the number and identity issues ...
At this very moment we are developing these themes for the conference (of course the idea is to expand the topics):

- Anarchism and Philosophy of Law, social control.
- Base material and forms of social self-management.
- Critics of anthropocentrism: the conception of Nature in libertarian thought as Colson.
- Anarchy and Eros: anarchism before love.
- Anarchism and political thinking outside of the institutional and state logic.
- The place of God in anarchist thought.
- Anarchism and Feminism: resonances and affinities.
- Grandpa Bombita anarchist Rodriguez, Palito Ortega Montonero (we apologize to those who still do not know this character and have been left out of the joke) ...

Pending hundreds of emails we say goodbye for now.

All those involved are WELCOME to the "kitchen" of the conference.

Health and anarchy!