Nazism and Zionism .
This item was released on January 31, 2009 on my old blog Blogia. We constantly being reissued now, that certain facts are never forgotten and because occasionally I get a commentary in English and without reason, with a funny link, make me remember.
Given the inability to add the comment Koldo, perhaps the longest and most interesting in the history of blogging, I add the link "A cat on the balcony" of Blogia .
Hidden behind the screen of the media war and the creation of economic terrorism, Nazi Germany tried to kill all members of a religious and cultural lineage. He used political persecution, violation of the law, the use of terror in the highest degree. Its aim: to win economic and physical space, and steal the property of their victims on behalf of the Aryan race.
Disturbed that a developed and educated people could choose as leaders men who, displaying a lot of preparation and refinement, feel so attracted to the cruelty and could publicly boast of their atrocities.
Nazism from 1933 to 1945, twelve years, sacrificed everything from his reputation for economic recovery achieved, his achievements as a reuniting of the German population, for his murderous desire.
Nazism developed in the lower socio-cultural spaces of German society. The procedure was coming to power through terror and agitation produced by young people with a swastika on his arm, hailed as a police outpost and predominant breed, special ... permission to murder anyone who prevented his promotion. Once in power and get it in its entirety, seduced by surrounding the former ruling class of industrialists, politicians and military transmuted his image, became more worldly and refined lover of culture, architecture, medicine.
Twelve years of mass murder and conquest to achieve physical and economic space for the big German.
Germany lost the war after many years of victories, was completely destroyed and their leaders persecuted and judged by everyone. Many people believe that if Nazism, instead of persecuting the German Jews, had been associated with them, which was insured, the war would have ended sooner and with his victory.
Today, Israeli Jews can not bear to be compared with their tormentors for the simple reason that they are equal. The swastika is the star and their weapons have changed as the world, are cluster bombs, white phosphorus ... its objectives are the owners of the land where they set their cities; people that their sin is to preserve the keys and title deeds to their lands and claim them back.
The Nazis were genocidal and terrorist force and the SS, the Jews founded in 1937 the Irgun, a terrorist who killed thousands of Palestinians.
Deir Yassin, Lod, Dawayima, Saliha, Abu Shusha ... to twenty-three Palestinian villages massacred. The Europeans who had visited these people on the ground that the testicles were severed from adults, children tied up and burned alive and their mothers killed in front of them.
Jews strategy was based on depopulated, since they could not move to neighboring countries the total population, the maximum amount of territory through mass killings. To achieve their ends do not hesitate to assassinate Count Folke Bernadotte, UN mediator, who had saved thousands of Jews from Germany, while he was president of the Swedish Red Cross during WWII.
of the most bloodthirsty and cruel leaders of the Irgun were: Yitzhak Shamir, Benagem Begim and Stern, the first two future prime ministers of Israel.
Shamir and Stern, later founded Lehi, a band of murderers who accused the Irgun soft.
In 1941, the band tried to associate with Nazi Germany to relocate all the Jews to Palestine, to eliminate the Palestinians and create a Jewish nation, in exchange for a military alliance against the English.
If the reader follows closely the history of Zionism, discover which is the exact copy of Nazism.
The information published on this subject comes from declassified Israeli army and MI5 recovered by historian Benny Morris: A History of the Zionist-Arab Conflict, 1881-2001.
We shall soon see in our cinema and television screens, a new film about the Holocaust and the heroic journey of the Jewish people. Also the birth of some new books, written probably new historians alike, the same story written in a more pleasant and modern. A new screen propaganda to hide the genocide and ethnic cleansing, for they "transfer" which is more beautiful, of the Palestinian population.