Saturday, April 30, 2011

Examples What To Write To In A Wedding Card



                                                     CHAPTER VII

Ambrosio. - Well, can you explain to you what is communism?

Jorge. - With pleasure.
Communism is a form of social organization in which men, instead of fighting each other to grab the natural wealth and exploit and oppress each other, as at present, will be associated and will agree to cooperate and achieve the maximum possible of each, based on the principle that land mines and all natural resources belong to everyone, and also those accumulated and acquired by generations past. The men, in communism means to work cooperatively and produce the requirements for the community.

Ambrosio. - I understand. You want, as I said a rag I read during a process of anarchists, each producing their strengths and eat according to your needs, or that everyone should give what you can and take what you need Is it so?

Jorge. - Yes, those are maximum we tend to often, but to represent correctly what should be a communist society, as we see it, should be knowing how to interpret. There is obviously an absolute right to satisfy all the needs because the needs are endless and growing faster than the means of satisfying, therefore your satisfaction is limited by the possibilities of production would not be useful or fair the community, to meet an excess of need or, rather, the whims of an individual, being subjected to a disproportionate work produced by the utility. And it is not used in production all individual forces, since that, taken literally, means it would need to work to exhaustion, that is, to better meet the needs of man would to destroy the man.
What we want is that everyone is best, is all to achieve maximum satisfaction with minimum effort. I could not give a theoretical formula that represents exactly this state of things, but when we're out of the way employers and police, and men are considered brothers and think and not be exploited to help each other, not be very difficult to find the formula.
Anyway, we'll act as it is known and can be, modified and improved as they learn to do better.

Ambrosio. - I understand. You are in favor of au TAS prize as their French comrades say: each one produces what seems better and thrown into the heap or, if you like, deposited in communal stores what has occurred, and each one takes the pile everything you need and place. Is it so?

Jorge. - I notice that you've decided to learn a little about the issue and I suppose that you have read the documents of the processes more closely than it does when it is send to jail. If the judges and the police as you do, what draws us in searches of our homes would at least something!
But back to topic. This formula takes the lot is nothing but a way of talking, expressing the tendency to replace the commercial spirit today by the spirit of fraternity and solidarity, but certainly does not indicate a particular mode of social organization. You may find someone among us who take that formula to the letter because it implies that the work done spontaneously will always superabundant and products would accumulate in such quantity and variety that would make it unnecessary to regulate the work and consumption. But I do not think so but, as I said, man has always more needs than resources to meet them and I am glad of it, because that fact is the cause of progress, and I think that while he could, would be an absurd waste of energy to produce blind to fill all possible needs, instead of calculating the actual needs and organize to meet with the least effort. Therefore, once again, the solution is in agreement between men and the tacit or express, that they will when they have conquered equality and be inspired by the spirit of solidarity. Try
into the spirit of our program and not worry so much about the formulas, which, in ours, as in other games, no more than a concise and impressive, but often vague and inaccurate, to express a trend.

Ambrosio. - But does not realize that communism is the negation of freedom and individuality? There may have existed in primitive times, when man, intellectually and morally underdeveloped, was pleased when the tribe could satisfy their material appetites, perhaps it is possible in a religious society, monastic, which proposes the elimination of passions human, which boasts of the absorption of the individual in the monastic community and makes obedience the first duty. But in modern society, with the flowering of civilization produced by the free individual activity, with the need for independence and freedom that haunts and ennobles modern man, communism, if not an impossible dream, would be a return to barbarism. All activities would be paralyzed, all fruitful emulation to assert one's individuality is extinguished ...

Jorge. - And so on ...
Basta! Do not waste your eloquence. These are phrases I've known for a long time and are just so many lies, blatant and unconscious. The freedom, the individuality of starving! What cruel irony! How profound hypocrisy!
you defend a society where most animals live in a society where workers die of hunger and poverty, where millions of children die for lack of care, where women in prostitution have something to eat, a society where ignorance darkened the spirits, where it is instructed to sell his knowledge and lying to eat where no one is sure of tomorrow And he dares to speak of freedom and individuality? Perhaps
freedom and the possibility of developing one's individuality exist for you, for a small privileged caste ... But even that. The same privileges are victims of the struggle between man and man, it corrupts the whole social life, and would benefit from living in a caring society, free among free, equal among equals.
How can you argue that liberty undermines solidarity and a sense of individuality? If discutiésemos on the family, and someday she'll talk you would not sing one of the usual hymns to the holy institution, base, etc. However, in the family, in which glorifies, in which there is not really "bonded by love and solidarity. "You would argue that the brothers would be freer and better develop their individuality if, instead of loving and working all agree on family welfare, be made to steal each other, to hate and stick?

Ambrosio. - But to regulate society as a family, to organize and run a communist society, we need a strong centralization, an iron despotism, an omnipotent state. Imagine what would oppressive power a government that had all the social wealth and allocates to each job to do and the part that can consume!

Jorge. - Certainly, if communism had to be as you conceive and authoritarianism, it would be impossible, or if such sterminaría in a colossal and complicated tyranny, that sooner or later cause a great reaction. But none of this is that we advocate Communism. We want the free communism, anarchist, if the word does not offend, that is, we want the community to organize freely, from the bottom up, starting with individuals who come together in partnerships, and continuing slowly, by federations associations, to include all mankind in a general agreement of cooperation and solidarity. And like that communism will free up freely also be maintained by the will of those concerned.

Ambrosio. - But for all that was possible, would require that men were angels, who were all altruistic! And, on the contrary, man is by nature selfish, mean, hypocritical, lazy.

Jorge. - Right. To be able communism needs than men, partly by impulse of sociability and partly by a correct understanding of their interests, do not hate each other and want to go in line and help each other. But this, far from being an impossibility, today is a normal and general. This social organization is a continuing cause of antagonisms and conflicts between classes and individuals, and if society can be maintained and not literally degenerated into a horde of wolves that eat each other, it is precisely because of the deep human instinct that causes social thousand acts of solidarity, sympathy, selflessness and sacrifice that was made at any time, without even thinking about them and that makes it possible for society to endure, despite the selfishness that carries in her womb.
The man is both selfish and altruistic and is in its very nature pre-biological and social. If it were not selfish, that is, if I had not had the instinct of self-preservation, could not exist as an individual, and if it was not altruistic, that is, if I had not had the instinct to sacrifice for others, as first manifestation is in the love of offspring, could not have existed as a species, or even more to get here.
The coexistence of feeling selfish and altruistic, and the impossibility of satisfying today's society both, means that today no one is happy, even those who occupy a privileged position. By contrast, communism is the social form where selfishness and altruism tend to be confused or mistaken, that all men accept it, because they cause their welfare and that of others.

Ambrosio. - will be as you say, "but believes that everyone will know and adapt to the obligations of a communist society? If, for example, people do not want to work?
But you, to suit his imagination, I say that work is an organic necessity, a pleasure, and that all rival to take most of him.

Jorge. - I do not say that exactly, but that's the opinion of many of my peers. In my view, what is an organic necessity and a pleasure is the stroke, both muscular and nervous activity, but the work is disciplined activity in view of an end goal and outside the body. And I know very well that one may prefer the equestrian exercises when, on the contrary, it would be necessary to plant cabbages. But I think the man knows how to adapt and adapt very well to the conditions necessary to reach the intended purpose.
Since the products from the work are necessary to live, and nobody would have the means to force others to work for him, all recognize the need to work and would prefer the organization where the work is less painful and more productive; as it is, in my opinion, the communist organization.
Consider also that communism is the workers themselves who organize and direct the work, and therefore have every interest in doing it nice and easy, consider that communism would naturally form a public opinion that would condemn
idleness as harmful to all and understand that although there were idle, there would be more than an insignificant minority
that could sympathize and support without harm.

Ambrosio. - But suppose that, despite its optimistic forecasts, the idle were many, what would you do? Will remain the same? So might as well keep calling bourgeois.

Jorge. - indeed there would be a big difference and, as the bourgeoisie not only take away a part of what we produce, but that prevent us from producing what we want. By no means would I say that keeping the idle, when they were so numerous as to cause harm, particularly as recreation and a habit of living on a whim, would also give the idea of \u200b\u200bsending. Communism is a free deal, but he who does not agree, or not sustained, is out.

Ambrosio. - But then there would be a new kind of hopeless?

Jorge. - No way. Everyone is entitled to the land, working tools and all the benefits that man can enjoy in the state of civilization reached by humanity. If one wants to accept the common life and the obligations it implies, is concerned yours. Will fit as you think with those with whom you agree, and if you are worse than others, that will demonstrate the superiority of communism and motivate you to join with the Communists.

Ambrosio. - But then one would be free to accept or not communism?

Jorge. - certainly, and would have the same rights that the communists would have on natural resources and the products accumulated by the past generation. What the devil! Do not you ever talked agreements free, free communism? How could there not have freedom if possible alternative?

Ambrosio. - So you do not want to impose their ideas by force?

Jorge. - Are you crazy? Are we making by police or judges?

Ambrosio. - So, nothing is wrong. Everyone is free to dream what you want.

Jorge. - Be careful, however, wrong, one thing to impose the ideas and another to defend against thieves and violent, and regain their own rights.

Ambrosio. - Ah, ah! therefore, to regain the rights use force, is not it?

Jorge. - That I will not tell. You could prepare for my answer a requisition against us in any process. What I say is that, indeed, when the people's awareness of their rights and want to finish ... you run the risk of being treated a little roughly. But that depends on the resistance against. If they give willingly, everything will be peace and love, if however, persist, and I am convinced that insists, so much the worse for you. Good night.


Thursday, April 28, 2011

Catcher Console-web Moni

Paul: I was invited by BAD "Morena"

David Aguilar, Pabloite the bone.

Political File

Angel Mario Ksheratto

THE face of Paul Abner Salazar was an entire cascade of sweat, despite the ceiling fans were running at all that gave the heat and suffocating him more when he determined to confess what a reserved and cautious politician would not do in the worst of circumstances. He lowered his glasses in the middle of the nose and saw his few partners over the glass. The pen in his hands, trembling with ferocity. Yet a politician pleaded loved by the masses ... The 12 attendees were turned to see unbelievers.
And is that the former dictator did not hesitate to contradict Pío López Obrador, a few hours before, had sworn that "Morena", the political group led by his brother Manuel Andrés, had nothing to do with Pablo Salazar. "He's a very repudiated," said Pio told reporters in Tapachula.
-López Obrador summoned me to participate in the National Regeneration Movement, "said the tyrant, and I gladly accepted because Lopez Obrador is going to be a good President, just that I made it a condition to come to work in Chiapas.
Surrounded by a cloud of mosquitoes to which frightened at times with a handkerchief, Paul Abner said to his astonished audience that at the invitation of Andrés Manuel López Obrador, had initiated the formation of groups called "Circles of Hope," which aims to strengthen the presidential aspirations of BAD. For this, he said, has met with leaders of many organizations of peasants who have undertaken to ensure five votes to the cause of Tabasco, whose brother, insist half disowned him a couple of days.
The meeting was in a room expressly rented in the town of Tonala, was expected attendance of between 80 and 100 people, only twelve arrived. Earlier, in Arriaga, David Sol just received, perhaps in gratitude for Paul gave a notary in the center of Tuxtla Gutierrez. Paul Abner Salazar was ready for anything, "would release the soup" to try to hide his black past, that it branded as corrupt, corrupting, thief, abusive and spoiled.
attacks Felipe Calderón, and health want to heal, "Felipe Calderon is a spiteful, Fox (Vincent) asked me during the election campaign as governor of Chiapas, I voted in favor of Calderon. I refused. When Calderon was president-elect at a meeting in Campeche (where Juan Camilo Mouriño had a mistress, specified) to greet me, I said, "I will turn the other cheek."
With a deep feeling of resentment, Paul Abner told his guests that his personal concern is the dilemma of President Calderón. "How to explain to their children a mediocre Vicente Fox took the PRI from Los Pinos and he is going to return to that game," he asked. The answer of his partners was silence and disbelief. Recalled that when he was governor, the praise for then-President Fox were unfair, almost bordering on the ridiculous. Today is not only a "mediocre."
So Paul, an opportunist who does not miss the opportunity to serve people. Given the silence of all, and not because his talk was entertaining but because he could not quite believe what they heard, the former dictator was ahead of him, which he and his constant paranoia, would come: "Felipe Calderon is putting uncomfortable political records like me to link them to drug trafficking and put them in jail. It intends to do with who we are supporting the candidacy of López Obrador, "he charged.
One attendee whispered to another: "Where there's smoke, hoodlum, there's fire, this son of a bitch, the must, so wash your hands before touching shit. " The murmur intensified and eyes turned to fire. Paul Abner tried to keep a straight face. I knew I was in the land of foul-mouthed, but also men of rigor. Chose to ignore the half-heard comment. Tomorrow, another part of the dictator's tirade. Cardholder

*** Now it is fashionable phrase "We're up to the mother," we may well apply to the media ad nauseam on the beatification of John Paul II and the royal wedding in England. "We should care about a wedding that will only last so long is the social upheaval a scandal-hungry society monarchists? "It is our beatification of a flamboyant man of the Vatican, while millions of Catholics around the world are starving and cold? It is the madness of a world imbued with another madness: that of being part of what exists only for late submission. *** For the next few days is expected over an extraordinary period of sessions in the State Congress. This, with the intention to progress on some issues of importance to political life in Chiapas. *** The State Congress is awaiting the dossier prepared by the Attorney General in the case of Mayor Tumbalá, Porfirio Ramos Torres, accused of brutally beating a man reported sexual abuse. To our knowledge, the mayor and goes on the run, because apart from the justice that could be on his trail, seeking revenge Ch'ol some communities in their own hands. To see who reaches first. The truth is that the outrage is the only way left to the subject in question. *** David Aguilar, mayor of Tonala, broke into honors and attentions to the former dictator Paul Abner Salazar during his stay in that city. This led to the discomfort of hundreds of Turul, who to start, begin to demand an end to the excessive nepotism in his administration. Laudable achievements *** Esther Almazan Torres at the Ministry of Labour. *** Then we read.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Knightsbridge Collection Doll Bride Worth Value

The hypocrisy of the fishes and the PT

Greenhouses in Amatenango del Valle. (Photo: BGS)

Political File

Angel Mario Ksheratto

Doubtful, questionable and vague were the arguments by which, Pío López Obrador and Neftali Perez Flores, sought to distance himself from aspirations, pre-paid, the former dictator, Paul Abner Salazar about whom there are tens of preliminary investigations, most related to corruption, abuse of authority, looting and crimes against humanity. The brother of Andrés Manuel López Obrador, did not dare to mention the name of the accused, the other a perfect stranger, accused a "dirty war" against the tyrant.
For months, the only available springboard Paul Abner was the Labour Party, a political organization created in 1990 by Carlos and Raul Salinas de Gortari, to counter the leftist movement that then had a respectable left-wing politicians and opinion firm.
He, who has been an accommodating party, convenenciero corrupt, received during the dictatorship Pabloite, extraordinary financial support and other dispensations that allowed him to survive the local elections. Indebted to the corrupt
exgobernante, the local PT dome has no qualms in supporting and promoting him to a public office to continue away with the series of crimes committed during the six years usufrutuó power.
That's the blunt explanation why the PT leadership continued support for an individual who-desperately seeking the courts not to be taken to court. The brothers López Obrador, know with certainty, which also explains the warmth with which one of them addresses the issue, although they were betrayed again and again by the former dictator.
While there is no relationship between the movement called "Morena" (which sounds more like an erotic festival than a serious political grouping and reliable) and Salazar Mendiguchía-at least so they say of teeth lips there is intense activity Pabloites to strengthen the group headed by Andres Manuel, which, of course, undermines their weak position and bare the double standards that aim to trick the unwary. Arturo Luna
Lujan, Secretary of the Field, for example, has become an activist both "Morena" as a candidate Paul Abner Salazar to the Senate, nominated by the PT, the financial resources to farmers, have the condition of supporting the former dictator. Mesner Jorge Morales, former deputy Pabloite, also exploits its capabilities for the project. Like these, David Aguilar Solís, mayor of Tonala, Enoch Hernandez, local deputy for the PT, Amadeo Espinosa, María de los Ángeles Cruz Hernandez, Alfredo Palacios Espinosa, Angel Rene Estrada Arevalo Velasco Arturo Martínez, among others, operate not only for their political associations, but also for the benefit of "Morena."
The doublespeak of Pio Lopez Obrador, is evident, no doubt that Andrés Manuel is in the same predicament. They are not interested in public welfare, but his personal ambitions.
Neftali Perez Flores is not a career politician, incidentally came to the leadership of the PT, driven by the same group that has profited from it stands for. Hence their ignorance not only of the terms, but the recent history of Chiapas, although during the dictatorship, he was employed for menial jobs, but of course, harmful to the teacher. As "ear" in the teaching officer, was responsible for the systematic persecution against dissident teachers implemented. Today we want to pay for the former dictator.
his widely read column in the prestigious journalist Carlos Z. Chain (Commentary Zeta, The Orb, April 27 / 2011) records the moods of Flores Pérez "In tone annoying and loud voice, went off the tangent to indicate literally that 'we are experiencing a dirty war that the only thing that should be of interest at this point, is the national movement of Andrés Manuel López Obrador, because the rest is a dirty war '. "
support a criminal, no doubt, bring to a party electoral consequences as it has parasite been the PT. Chiapas society the vast majority of divorces Paul Abner and also requires extreme forcefulness, to punish him. Only a few, favored with the crumbs of the tyrant, his supporters. How
support a man who received hard cash resources to build 10 000 houses for survivors and only gave 2 000 978 built with shoddy materials? What was the other one hundred eleven billion dollars of those affected by hurricane "Stan"? Zapatistas and eels, have no shame. Cardholder

*** Ensure that the fine of 12 billion pesos on him by the Federal Competition Commission, is illegal and arbitrary, we wonder: does excessive user fees, are not what are they? Sure! The company robs the user to what has not. That's the famous "plans", is a blatant theft. Now he complains. Well, pay their misdeeds. *** The governor Juan Sabines Guerrero, installed yesterday in Amatenango del Valle, 24 tomato greenhouses, four of flowers and a tree nursery. This is to strengthen the economy of this municipality, which already generates 400 tonnes of tomatoes a year. Indeed, in this city also opened the drainage network and resources were given to two district assemblies. This was informed by the president himself from his Twitter account. *** The scandal over the destruction of Tuchtlán Park is already huge. However, it would be good if he should offer the explanation, then the sooner the better. Of course, to offer alternatives for recreation, reforestation and care of the city environment. No need to break the garments. The hypocrisy should be left to the intimate moments. *** It is said emphatically that the de facto leader of the PRD, Angel Cordoba Toledo, go missing. No militant who knows of his whereabouts. Question: Why seek political office unless they are to serve the people? Some say it is working for the PRI. I did not hesitate. *** Then we read.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

How Much Concrete Basketball Court

Paul, immune to the preliminary? Mayor

The former dictator, full of demands and still loose.

Political File

Angel Mario Ksheratto

The desperation begins to take hold of the team's former dictator waned Paul Abner Salazar, has sought (and a lot of money disbursed) the approval of exrectores university Fox's former officials, politicians from other countries, former ambassador and all those who, through ignorance or out of the way, have agreed to make statements friendly tyrant, it distributes them via email or via a web page that retains much of its old space during the dictatorship of Salazar advertised image. The root is the same: it was an efficient and honest leader. The truth, we all know, is different.
Nothing has been said to favor the characters contained in the list of clappers the former dictator, has helped him improve his image, damaged by their actions-all of bad faith and corruption awful muddy until today, keeping thousands of people in extreme poverty, while he lives at home with illegally misappropriated resources.
In recent days, has sought meetings with politicians to seek support from Chiapas, the majority rejected it. Others simply ignored their repeated calls and you have been jilted. Reasons not to trust a vile subject who betrayed all those who helped him soar in power, there are plenty. Only a few, have dared to forget the recent past the tyrant Salazar to join a defense that increasingly, it sinks to a reality that we hope will soon reach by way of justice.
And Paul Abner Salazar, is not free of complaints for a number of crimes committed under the painful power for six years that had seized power in Chiapas.
Just for the theft against thousands of victims of Hurricane Stan, complaints have multiplied so that today, nobody understands why the PGR not acted according to the righteous discourse of the Federation under the leadership of Felipe Calderon. Held against you in the PGR, the preliminary investigations and PGR/UEIDCSPCAJ/SP/M-XX7133-2009 PGR/TAP-11/111/09, on charges of embezzlement, diversion of resources for the reconstruction of areas affected by hurricane "Stan", abuse of authority and others that emerge from the investigation that will hopefully bring out the PGR with seriousness and commitment to justice and against impunity.
That, advocates Paul Abner, do not speak in their discursillos devoid of truth. O have been cruelly deceived by him or simply, as is suspected, "claimed a large sum of money to defend the indefensible.
ignore or try to hide it against the former dictator, there are five other preliminary investigations into looting, theft, diversion of resources, abuse of authority and other crimes for which, under other circumstances and places, and should be sentenced. PGR/CHIS/TGZ/283/2008, PGR/CHIS/TGZ-1/301/2008, PGR/CHIS/TGZ/-1/302/2008, PGR/CHGIS/TGZ-1/303/2008, PGR / CHIS / TGZ-1/229/2008 and FESP/2008-6 are record numbers for which the former dictator, is under suspicion. But not only that. In
against more queries related to crimes committed against several citizens who were illegally kidnapped, persecuted and imprisoned, whose underlying reason was always the intention to deprive them of their property. That was, if we remember well, the daily practice of Paul Abner Salazar, Rubén Velázquez López, Mariano Herran Salvatti Pabloites and other former officials.
Never in the history of Chiapas, a exgobernante had so many inquiries against him. The straightened Paul himself against his predecessor, were never proven to the competent authority. Where applicable, all contain irrefutable evidence that make us think if Mexico is really a bit of justice, it will not go unpunished.
ask again, however: if there are many elements to imprison the tyrant and thief, why is smugly looking to clean a name that is filled with corruption? Will, the people of Chiapas, the satisfaction of knowing members of a righteous society? It is estimated that the amount of illegally abducted by Paul Abner Salazar, is unquantifiable.
conservative numbers put the number at about 20 billion pesos. Only the money set aside for victims of Hurricane Stan, talking about 111 billion pesos. That explains his immense fortune. For Paul Abner was not, before being governor, a man of money, many will remember when we hats coffee or Coca-Cola in the cafeteria of Don Pedro Bringas. Other times, asked to serve him drinks and under the pretext of going to the bathroom, he would disappear for not paying your bill. Obviously, we were paying us. Then lived in a simple house in the colony "June 24", which certainly gave it Don Juan Sabines Gutiérrez. Vochito walked into a dilapidated and ate what they gave credit at the corner store.
Today is a billionaire, a product of what was stolen and so even today, remains in total impunity. Will it? Cardholder


Unheard: Despite the official propaganda about the fight against illiteracy, five million Mexicans can not read. Where are the accomplishments that Mr. Lujambio brags, Secretary of Education? Where the "advancement of education" which proclaims Elba Esther Gordillo? Pure lies. *** So much fuss over the wedding of a member of the English monarchy. What do we care? But the electronic media, fascinated, as if the country did not have its own problems. Finally, each with their own madness. *** And while the royal London gears up for another failed marriage, here, Marcelo Ebrard formalizes their marital separation but yes, he confessed to be in need of a couple (did not say whether man or woman, which sounds weird) to run for the Presidency of the Republic. Another crazy and shot! *** Then we read.