Greenhouses in Amatenango del Valle. (Photo: BGS) |
Political File
Angel Mario Ksheratto
Doubtful, questionable and vague were the arguments by which, Pío López Obrador and Neftali Perez Flores, sought to distance himself from aspirations, pre-paid, the former dictator, Paul Abner Salazar about whom there are tens of preliminary investigations, most related to corruption, abuse of authority, looting and crimes against humanity. The brother of Andrés Manuel López Obrador, did not dare to mention the name of the accused, the other a perfect stranger, accused a "dirty war" against the tyrant.
For months, the only available springboard Paul Abner was the Labour Party, a political organization created in 1990 by Carlos and Raul Salinas de Gortari, to counter the leftist movement that then had a respectable left-wing politicians and opinion firm.
He, who has been an accommodating party, convenenciero corrupt, received during the dictatorship Pabloite, extraordinary financial support and other dispensations that allowed him to survive the local elections. Indebted to the corrupt
exgobernante, the local PT dome has no qualms in supporting and promoting him to a public office to continue away with the series of crimes committed during the six years usufrutuó power.
That's the blunt explanation why the PT leadership continued support for an individual who-desperately seeking the courts not to be taken to court. The brothers López Obrador, know with certainty, which also explains the warmth with which one of them addresses the issue, although they were betrayed again and again by the former dictator.
While there is no relationship between the movement called "Morena" (which sounds more like an erotic festival than a serious political grouping and reliable) and Salazar Mendiguchía-at least so they say of teeth lips there is intense activity Pabloites to strengthen the group headed by Andres Manuel, which, of course, undermines their weak position and bare the double standards that aim to trick the unwary. Arturo Luna
Lujan, Secretary of the Field, for example, has become an activist both "Morena" as a candidate Paul Abner Salazar to the Senate, nominated by the PT, the financial resources to farmers, have the condition of supporting the former dictator. Mesner Jorge Morales, former deputy Pabloite, also exploits its capabilities for the project. Like these, David Aguilar Solís, mayor of Tonala, Enoch Hernandez, local deputy for the PT, Amadeo Espinosa, María de los Ángeles Cruz Hernandez, Alfredo Palacios Espinosa, Angel Rene Estrada Arevalo Velasco Arturo Martínez, among others, operate not only for their political associations, but also for the benefit of "Morena."
The doublespeak of Pio Lopez Obrador, is evident, no doubt that Andrés Manuel is in the same predicament. They are not interested in public welfare, but his personal ambitions.
Neftali Perez Flores is not a career politician, incidentally came to the leadership of the PT, driven by the same group that has profited from it stands for. Hence their ignorance not only of the terms, but the recent history of Chiapas, although during the dictatorship, he was employed for menial jobs, but of course, harmful to the teacher. As "ear" in the teaching officer, was responsible for the systematic persecution against dissident teachers implemented. Today we want to pay for the former dictator.
his widely read column in the prestigious journalist Carlos Z. Chain (Commentary Zeta, The Orb, April 27 / 2011) records the moods of Flores Pérez "In tone annoying and loud voice, went off the tangent to indicate literally that 'we are experiencing a dirty war that the only thing that should be of interest at this point, is the national movement of Andrés Manuel López Obrador, because the rest is a dirty war '. "
support a criminal, no doubt, bring to a party electoral consequences as it has parasite been the PT. Chiapas society the vast majority of divorces Paul Abner and also requires extreme forcefulness, to punish him. Only a few, favored with the crumbs of the tyrant, his supporters. How
support a man who received hard cash resources to build 10 000 houses for survivors and only gave 2 000 978 built with shoddy materials? What was the other one hundred eleven billion dollars of those affected by hurricane "Stan"? Zapatistas and eels, have no shame. Cardholder
*** Ensure that the fine of 12 billion pesos on him by the Federal Competition Commission, is illegal and arbitrary, we wonder: does excessive user fees, are not what are they? Sure! The company robs the user to what has not. That's the famous "plans", is a blatant theft. Now he complains. Well, pay their misdeeds. *** The governor Juan Sabines Guerrero, installed yesterday in Amatenango del Valle, 24 tomato greenhouses, four of flowers and a tree nursery. This is to strengthen the economy of this municipality, which already generates 400 tonnes of tomatoes a year. Indeed, in this city also opened the drainage network and resources were given to two district assemblies. This was informed by the president himself from his Twitter account. *** The scandal over the destruction of Tuchtlán Park is already huge. However, it would be good if he should offer the explanation, then the sooner the better. Of course, to offer alternatives for recreation, reforestation and care of the city environment. No need to break the garments. The hypocrisy should be left to the intimate moments. *** It is said emphatically that the de facto leader of the PRD, Angel Cordoba Toledo, go missing. No militant who knows of his whereabouts. Question: Why seek political office unless they are to serve the people? Some say it is working for the PRI. I did not hesitate. *** Then we read.
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