Friday, September 5, 2008

I Wear My Wife Pregnant Girdle

WTF: Lesbians want abortion

Maybe l didn't get the right idea or the journalist didn't follow what this girl is Saying, But, as it looks in this news report, lesbians are in. favor of abortion:

The director of the Ecuadorian Organization Lesbian, Sandra Alvarez, noted that 90% of proposal was welcomed by the assembly and in the 10% that was not accepted by City Alfaro is the decriminalization of abortion. This sentence
eat from a news report from The Telegraph Journal, about a bunch of female Organizations in favor of new Ecuadorian constitution.
Why Women Would Give a dime on the abortion issue? As far as l know, pregnancy is Strictly related with heterosexual intercourse. If you're lesbian, you shouldn't care if abortion is legal or not.



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