First Conference on Autonomous Anarchist Thought and Philosophy
Al edge of anarchy
Al edge of anarchy
operational issues, papers and organization:
As mentioned previously, the date scheduled for the completion of the conference will end on Saturday 29 November 2008, and the physical location will be the Faculty of Arts at the University of Buenos Aires (Puan 480, Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires). The Conference will give its opening at 9:30 AM. The papers will be:
- Are we had loved so much?: Small
critical the foundation of the social bond with Marx and Engels, Kropotkin and others.
- air not only are facts:
Base material and self-management.
- Freedom is a place that is away from home:
Affinities between anarchism, feminism and queer theory.
- surgery, orthopedics, Eugenics:
An approach to the legal constitution of the popular state in twentieth century Argentina.
- Man is the measure of all things - Criticism Anthropocentrism:
Conception Nature in libertarian thought as Daniel Colson.
- Against the State and against all authority:
problems and misunderstandings between anarchism, state, political and institutional.
- The aim is ecstasy, the dream is death
Anarchist Free Love contrasexual the hegemonic queer praxis.
Each paper will have an exhibition about from '15 to '20 minutes, after which open debate and discussion by other '20. Between paper and presentation will be intervals of '10. For some of them, colleagues and colleagues comment on other topics and ideas as a matter of time and space failed to be included. Are invited and encouraged the mourners to bring rich and nutritious food to socialize and exchange among all. It is recommended, as far as possible, bring vegetarian food to exchange for food and socialization not let brothers and sisters out of it.
Health and Anarchy!
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