Thursday, February 12, 2009

Bosch Grit Dishwasher

The fourth quarter Nine Habits of Highly

That is, the fourth photo from the fourth folder. With

radicaLibre on the meme. Let's see what I find, because I have not seen yet.

The rules of the meme: Choose
  • fourth folder: "Xavo"
  • Choose the fourth photo:
  • explains:
is unfair: the fourth folder is a folder on my brother I ordered it aniseed. Basically a friend of his, not who he is, but looks like a picture on the Plaza of the Americas. I put smiley face because I will not invade your privacy.

Well, here we go again. I will choose a picture in the second folder, which is the only one where it does are my pictures (the others are other orders):

Pictures folder within the DOB, the fourth is one that says "College." This photo was taken on June 23, 2007, according to data from the photo. It is a gathering of college buddies in the house of radicaLibre precisely. Pictured: Coko, Challis and Darius. And Pilsener, of course!


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