Just over two hundred years, a bourgeois society with its covenanted king seeking a partner, a marriage of convenience to save her impoverished empire commercial.
Just over two hundred years a noble society made a pact with his queen looking for a partner, a marriage of convenience to open its thriving kingdom to the Mediterranean.
Just over two hundred years, the kingdom of Aragon had suffered two consecutive plague epidemics, its population being reduced to one third. With France in full expansion, the Aragonese, who until then had managed to stop it, could do little. The solution was the king's marriage with the princess French or English queen.
Just over two hundred years, Castile suffered a cruel civil war against feudal nobles who wanted to modernize his kingdom. The second beat and queen married to King of Aragon. Thus was established what we now call Spain.
a result, Aragon continued to govern the trade in the Mediterranean and Castile was revamped and created the world's most modern management, with which could run an empire where the sun never set.
Catalonia and Aragon not maintained its independence until the early eighteenth century that France beat the Catalan army after he had done with Castilian. Catalan laws were repealed, the land shared between France and Spain and its people prosecuted and punished to the late nineteenth century.
Now, one hundred fifty years later, nineteenth-century bravado fools to have defied and insulted an entire people, and acting under a constitution that defends more compelling in a game rooted in authoritarianism and another in fear, have laid the groundwork for the final breakage.
Five hundred years, who read history will laugh at the stupidity of those individuals who had in his hand to recover the history that was created five hundred years ago. Today
listened to politicians and commentators praise the progress autonomy, met for what was polite and civilized population. And I thought that Catalan should leave education to the background and civilization to a third party to catch up the rest.
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