Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Toilet Bowel Tablets Bad


few days ago Juan Carlos Rodríguez Ibarra wrote an article in the Tribune Country , and this came another in the Fedea Blog: Nothing is Free , which participated as a commentator, sometimes rightly, sometimes not so and some being deleted by the censors. This has been the case.

My comment:

"President of the region with more fiscal surplus since the arrival of Philip the government. Each Extremadura he is averaging € 2800 after delivering 1043, while a Catalan 2120, after paying 1868; that's not counting here everything is more expensive.
I really do not understand how there is so much unemployment in Extremadura after so many years, unless someone takes the money or drive with your feet.
I do not know how you see it, but as individuals and the media have forum like that, things remain the same or worse.
Of course, I have been a lot of things in the pipeline. "

And yes, I left a lot to say, but I thought I should not because insurance censor the comments, not insults much and truthfully, something I could not avoid. I guess I should not like, that reading the comments would be reflected so.
not surprise me or upset that this guy has a forum in the country. Why not, if it is of the same neoliberal ideology, but in a place as academic and non-political, the court can give a guy so useless that threaten their incompetence just attack the rest is left, facing countries and drop populist invective or, as now, use your verbiage learned to preach the opposite of what he practiced.

The same subject was published in Chrysalis time, extended with another opinion.



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