Saturday, April 30, 2011

Examples What To Write To In A Wedding Card



                                                     CHAPTER VII

Ambrosio. - Well, can you explain to you what is communism?

Jorge. - With pleasure.
Communism is a form of social organization in which men, instead of fighting each other to grab the natural wealth and exploit and oppress each other, as at present, will be associated and will agree to cooperate and achieve the maximum possible of each, based on the principle that land mines and all natural resources belong to everyone, and also those accumulated and acquired by generations past. The men, in communism means to work cooperatively and produce the requirements for the community.

Ambrosio. - I understand. You want, as I said a rag I read during a process of anarchists, each producing their strengths and eat according to your needs, or that everyone should give what you can and take what you need Is it so?

Jorge. - Yes, those are maximum we tend to often, but to represent correctly what should be a communist society, as we see it, should be knowing how to interpret. There is obviously an absolute right to satisfy all the needs because the needs are endless and growing faster than the means of satisfying, therefore your satisfaction is limited by the possibilities of production would not be useful or fair the community, to meet an excess of need or, rather, the whims of an individual, being subjected to a disproportionate work produced by the utility. And it is not used in production all individual forces, since that, taken literally, means it would need to work to exhaustion, that is, to better meet the needs of man would to destroy the man.
What we want is that everyone is best, is all to achieve maximum satisfaction with minimum effort. I could not give a theoretical formula that represents exactly this state of things, but when we're out of the way employers and police, and men are considered brothers and think and not be exploited to help each other, not be very difficult to find the formula.
Anyway, we'll act as it is known and can be, modified and improved as they learn to do better.

Ambrosio. - I understand. You are in favor of au TAS prize as their French comrades say: each one produces what seems better and thrown into the heap or, if you like, deposited in communal stores what has occurred, and each one takes the pile everything you need and place. Is it so?

Jorge. - I notice that you've decided to learn a little about the issue and I suppose that you have read the documents of the processes more closely than it does when it is send to jail. If the judges and the police as you do, what draws us in searches of our homes would at least something!
But back to topic. This formula takes the lot is nothing but a way of talking, expressing the tendency to replace the commercial spirit today by the spirit of fraternity and solidarity, but certainly does not indicate a particular mode of social organization. You may find someone among us who take that formula to the letter because it implies that the work done spontaneously will always superabundant and products would accumulate in such quantity and variety that would make it unnecessary to regulate the work and consumption. But I do not think so but, as I said, man has always more needs than resources to meet them and I am glad of it, because that fact is the cause of progress, and I think that while he could, would be an absurd waste of energy to produce blind to fill all possible needs, instead of calculating the actual needs and organize to meet with the least effort. Therefore, once again, the solution is in agreement between men and the tacit or express, that they will when they have conquered equality and be inspired by the spirit of solidarity. Try
into the spirit of our program and not worry so much about the formulas, which, in ours, as in other games, no more than a concise and impressive, but often vague and inaccurate, to express a trend.

Ambrosio. - But does not realize that communism is the negation of freedom and individuality? There may have existed in primitive times, when man, intellectually and morally underdeveloped, was pleased when the tribe could satisfy their material appetites, perhaps it is possible in a religious society, monastic, which proposes the elimination of passions human, which boasts of the absorption of the individual in the monastic community and makes obedience the first duty. But in modern society, with the flowering of civilization produced by the free individual activity, with the need for independence and freedom that haunts and ennobles modern man, communism, if not an impossible dream, would be a return to barbarism. All activities would be paralyzed, all fruitful emulation to assert one's individuality is extinguished ...

Jorge. - And so on ...
Basta! Do not waste your eloquence. These are phrases I've known for a long time and are just so many lies, blatant and unconscious. The freedom, the individuality of starving! What cruel irony! How profound hypocrisy!
you defend a society where most animals live in a society where workers die of hunger and poverty, where millions of children die for lack of care, where women in prostitution have something to eat, a society where ignorance darkened the spirits, where it is instructed to sell his knowledge and lying to eat where no one is sure of tomorrow And he dares to speak of freedom and individuality? Perhaps
freedom and the possibility of developing one's individuality exist for you, for a small privileged caste ... But even that. The same privileges are victims of the struggle between man and man, it corrupts the whole social life, and would benefit from living in a caring society, free among free, equal among equals.
How can you argue that liberty undermines solidarity and a sense of individuality? If discutiésemos on the family, and someday she'll talk you would not sing one of the usual hymns to the holy institution, base, etc. However, in the family, in which glorifies, in which there is not really "bonded by love and solidarity. "You would argue that the brothers would be freer and better develop their individuality if, instead of loving and working all agree on family welfare, be made to steal each other, to hate and stick?

Ambrosio. - But to regulate society as a family, to organize and run a communist society, we need a strong centralization, an iron despotism, an omnipotent state. Imagine what would oppressive power a government that had all the social wealth and allocates to each job to do and the part that can consume!

Jorge. - Certainly, if communism had to be as you conceive and authoritarianism, it would be impossible, or if such sterminaría in a colossal and complicated tyranny, that sooner or later cause a great reaction. But none of this is that we advocate Communism. We want the free communism, anarchist, if the word does not offend, that is, we want the community to organize freely, from the bottom up, starting with individuals who come together in partnerships, and continuing slowly, by federations associations, to include all mankind in a general agreement of cooperation and solidarity. And like that communism will free up freely also be maintained by the will of those concerned.

Ambrosio. - But for all that was possible, would require that men were angels, who were all altruistic! And, on the contrary, man is by nature selfish, mean, hypocritical, lazy.

Jorge. - Right. To be able communism needs than men, partly by impulse of sociability and partly by a correct understanding of their interests, do not hate each other and want to go in line and help each other. But this, far from being an impossibility, today is a normal and general. This social organization is a continuing cause of antagonisms and conflicts between classes and individuals, and if society can be maintained and not literally degenerated into a horde of wolves that eat each other, it is precisely because of the deep human instinct that causes social thousand acts of solidarity, sympathy, selflessness and sacrifice that was made at any time, without even thinking about them and that makes it possible for society to endure, despite the selfishness that carries in her womb.
The man is both selfish and altruistic and is in its very nature pre-biological and social. If it were not selfish, that is, if I had not had the instinct of self-preservation, could not exist as an individual, and if it was not altruistic, that is, if I had not had the instinct to sacrifice for others, as first manifestation is in the love of offspring, could not have existed as a species, or even more to get here.
The coexistence of feeling selfish and altruistic, and the impossibility of satisfying today's society both, means that today no one is happy, even those who occupy a privileged position. By contrast, communism is the social form where selfishness and altruism tend to be confused or mistaken, that all men accept it, because they cause their welfare and that of others.

Ambrosio. - will be as you say, "but believes that everyone will know and adapt to the obligations of a communist society? If, for example, people do not want to work?
But you, to suit his imagination, I say that work is an organic necessity, a pleasure, and that all rival to take most of him.

Jorge. - I do not say that exactly, but that's the opinion of many of my peers. In my view, what is an organic necessity and a pleasure is the stroke, both muscular and nervous activity, but the work is disciplined activity in view of an end goal and outside the body. And I know very well that one may prefer the equestrian exercises when, on the contrary, it would be necessary to plant cabbages. But I think the man knows how to adapt and adapt very well to the conditions necessary to reach the intended purpose.
Since the products from the work are necessary to live, and nobody would have the means to force others to work for him, all recognize the need to work and would prefer the organization where the work is less painful and more productive; as it is, in my opinion, the communist organization.
Consider also that communism is the workers themselves who organize and direct the work, and therefore have every interest in doing it nice and easy, consider that communism would naturally form a public opinion that would condemn
idleness as harmful to all and understand that although there were idle, there would be more than an insignificant minority
that could sympathize and support without harm.

Ambrosio. - But suppose that, despite its optimistic forecasts, the idle were many, what would you do? Will remain the same? So might as well keep calling bourgeois.

Jorge. - indeed there would be a big difference and, as the bourgeoisie not only take away a part of what we produce, but that prevent us from producing what we want. By no means would I say that keeping the idle, when they were so numerous as to cause harm, particularly as recreation and a habit of living on a whim, would also give the idea of \u200b\u200bsending. Communism is a free deal, but he who does not agree, or not sustained, is out.

Ambrosio. - But then there would be a new kind of hopeless?

Jorge. - No way. Everyone is entitled to the land, working tools and all the benefits that man can enjoy in the state of civilization reached by humanity. If one wants to accept the common life and the obligations it implies, is concerned yours. Will fit as you think with those with whom you agree, and if you are worse than others, that will demonstrate the superiority of communism and motivate you to join with the Communists.

Ambrosio. - But then one would be free to accept or not communism?

Jorge. - certainly, and would have the same rights that the communists would have on natural resources and the products accumulated by the past generation. What the devil! Do not you ever talked agreements free, free communism? How could there not have freedom if possible alternative?

Ambrosio. - So you do not want to impose their ideas by force?

Jorge. - Are you crazy? Are we making by police or judges?

Ambrosio. - So, nothing is wrong. Everyone is free to dream what you want.

Jorge. - Be careful, however, wrong, one thing to impose the ideas and another to defend against thieves and violent, and regain their own rights.

Ambrosio. - Ah, ah! therefore, to regain the rights use force, is not it?

Jorge. - That I will not tell. You could prepare for my answer a requisition against us in any process. What I say is that, indeed, when the people's awareness of their rights and want to finish ... you run the risk of being treated a little roughly. But that depends on the resistance against. If they give willingly, everything will be peace and love, if however, persist, and I am convinced that insists, so much the worse for you. Good night.


Thursday, April 28, 2011

Catcher Console-web Moni

Paul: I was invited by BAD "Morena"

David Aguilar, Pabloite the bone.

Political File

Angel Mario Ksheratto

THE face of Paul Abner Salazar was an entire cascade of sweat, despite the ceiling fans were running at all that gave the heat and suffocating him more when he determined to confess what a reserved and cautious politician would not do in the worst of circumstances. He lowered his glasses in the middle of the nose and saw his few partners over the glass. The pen in his hands, trembling with ferocity. Yet a politician pleaded loved by the masses ... The 12 attendees were turned to see unbelievers.
And is that the former dictator did not hesitate to contradict Pío López Obrador, a few hours before, had sworn that "Morena", the political group led by his brother Manuel Andrés, had nothing to do with Pablo Salazar. "He's a very repudiated," said Pio told reporters in Tapachula.
-López Obrador summoned me to participate in the National Regeneration Movement, "said the tyrant, and I gladly accepted because Lopez Obrador is going to be a good President, just that I made it a condition to come to work in Chiapas.
Surrounded by a cloud of mosquitoes to which frightened at times with a handkerchief, Paul Abner said to his astonished audience that at the invitation of Andrés Manuel López Obrador, had initiated the formation of groups called "Circles of Hope," which aims to strengthen the presidential aspirations of BAD. For this, he said, has met with leaders of many organizations of peasants who have undertaken to ensure five votes to the cause of Tabasco, whose brother, insist half disowned him a couple of days.
The meeting was in a room expressly rented in the town of Tonala, was expected attendance of between 80 and 100 people, only twelve arrived. Earlier, in Arriaga, David Sol just received, perhaps in gratitude for Paul gave a notary in the center of Tuxtla Gutierrez. Paul Abner Salazar was ready for anything, "would release the soup" to try to hide his black past, that it branded as corrupt, corrupting, thief, abusive and spoiled.
attacks Felipe Calderón, and health want to heal, "Felipe Calderon is a spiteful, Fox (Vincent) asked me during the election campaign as governor of Chiapas, I voted in favor of Calderon. I refused. When Calderon was president-elect at a meeting in Campeche (where Juan Camilo Mouriño had a mistress, specified) to greet me, I said, "I will turn the other cheek."
With a deep feeling of resentment, Paul Abner told his guests that his personal concern is the dilemma of President Calderón. "How to explain to their children a mediocre Vicente Fox took the PRI from Los Pinos and he is going to return to that game," he asked. The answer of his partners was silence and disbelief. Recalled that when he was governor, the praise for then-President Fox were unfair, almost bordering on the ridiculous. Today is not only a "mediocre."
So Paul, an opportunist who does not miss the opportunity to serve people. Given the silence of all, and not because his talk was entertaining but because he could not quite believe what they heard, the former dictator was ahead of him, which he and his constant paranoia, would come: "Felipe Calderon is putting uncomfortable political records like me to link them to drug trafficking and put them in jail. It intends to do with who we are supporting the candidacy of López Obrador, "he charged.
One attendee whispered to another: "Where there's smoke, hoodlum, there's fire, this son of a bitch, the must, so wash your hands before touching shit. " The murmur intensified and eyes turned to fire. Paul Abner tried to keep a straight face. I knew I was in the land of foul-mouthed, but also men of rigor. Chose to ignore the half-heard comment. Tomorrow, another part of the dictator's tirade. Cardholder

*** Now it is fashionable phrase "We're up to the mother," we may well apply to the media ad nauseam on the beatification of John Paul II and the royal wedding in England. "We should care about a wedding that will only last so long is the social upheaval a scandal-hungry society monarchists? "It is our beatification of a flamboyant man of the Vatican, while millions of Catholics around the world are starving and cold? It is the madness of a world imbued with another madness: that of being part of what exists only for late submission. *** For the next few days is expected over an extraordinary period of sessions in the State Congress. This, with the intention to progress on some issues of importance to political life in Chiapas. *** The State Congress is awaiting the dossier prepared by the Attorney General in the case of Mayor Tumbalá, Porfirio Ramos Torres, accused of brutally beating a man reported sexual abuse. To our knowledge, the mayor and goes on the run, because apart from the justice that could be on his trail, seeking revenge Ch'ol some communities in their own hands. To see who reaches first. The truth is that the outrage is the only way left to the subject in question. *** David Aguilar, mayor of Tonala, broke into honors and attentions to the former dictator Paul Abner Salazar during his stay in that city. This led to the discomfort of hundreds of Turul, who to start, begin to demand an end to the excessive nepotism in his administration. Laudable achievements *** Esther Almazan Torres at the Ministry of Labour. *** Then we read.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Knightsbridge Collection Doll Bride Worth Value

The hypocrisy of the fishes and the PT

Greenhouses in Amatenango del Valle. (Photo: BGS)

Political File

Angel Mario Ksheratto

Doubtful, questionable and vague were the arguments by which, Pío López Obrador and Neftali Perez Flores, sought to distance himself from aspirations, pre-paid, the former dictator, Paul Abner Salazar about whom there are tens of preliminary investigations, most related to corruption, abuse of authority, looting and crimes against humanity. The brother of Andrés Manuel López Obrador, did not dare to mention the name of the accused, the other a perfect stranger, accused a "dirty war" against the tyrant.
For months, the only available springboard Paul Abner was the Labour Party, a political organization created in 1990 by Carlos and Raul Salinas de Gortari, to counter the leftist movement that then had a respectable left-wing politicians and opinion firm.
He, who has been an accommodating party, convenenciero corrupt, received during the dictatorship Pabloite, extraordinary financial support and other dispensations that allowed him to survive the local elections. Indebted to the corrupt
exgobernante, the local PT dome has no qualms in supporting and promoting him to a public office to continue away with the series of crimes committed during the six years usufrutuó power.
That's the blunt explanation why the PT leadership continued support for an individual who-desperately seeking the courts not to be taken to court. The brothers López Obrador, know with certainty, which also explains the warmth with which one of them addresses the issue, although they were betrayed again and again by the former dictator.
While there is no relationship between the movement called "Morena" (which sounds more like an erotic festival than a serious political grouping and reliable) and Salazar Mendiguchía-at least so they say of teeth lips there is intense activity Pabloites to strengthen the group headed by Andres Manuel, which, of course, undermines their weak position and bare the double standards that aim to trick the unwary. Arturo Luna
Lujan, Secretary of the Field, for example, has become an activist both "Morena" as a candidate Paul Abner Salazar to the Senate, nominated by the PT, the financial resources to farmers, have the condition of supporting the former dictator. Mesner Jorge Morales, former deputy Pabloite, also exploits its capabilities for the project. Like these, David Aguilar Solís, mayor of Tonala, Enoch Hernandez, local deputy for the PT, Amadeo Espinosa, María de los Ángeles Cruz Hernandez, Alfredo Palacios Espinosa, Angel Rene Estrada Arevalo Velasco Arturo Martínez, among others, operate not only for their political associations, but also for the benefit of "Morena."
The doublespeak of Pio Lopez Obrador, is evident, no doubt that Andrés Manuel is in the same predicament. They are not interested in public welfare, but his personal ambitions.
Neftali Perez Flores is not a career politician, incidentally came to the leadership of the PT, driven by the same group that has profited from it stands for. Hence their ignorance not only of the terms, but the recent history of Chiapas, although during the dictatorship, he was employed for menial jobs, but of course, harmful to the teacher. As "ear" in the teaching officer, was responsible for the systematic persecution against dissident teachers implemented. Today we want to pay for the former dictator.
his widely read column in the prestigious journalist Carlos Z. Chain (Commentary Zeta, The Orb, April 27 / 2011) records the moods of Flores Pérez "In tone annoying and loud voice, went off the tangent to indicate literally that 'we are experiencing a dirty war that the only thing that should be of interest at this point, is the national movement of Andrés Manuel López Obrador, because the rest is a dirty war '. "
support a criminal, no doubt, bring to a party electoral consequences as it has parasite been the PT. Chiapas society the vast majority of divorces Paul Abner and also requires extreme forcefulness, to punish him. Only a few, favored with the crumbs of the tyrant, his supporters. How
support a man who received hard cash resources to build 10 000 houses for survivors and only gave 2 000 978 built with shoddy materials? What was the other one hundred eleven billion dollars of those affected by hurricane "Stan"? Zapatistas and eels, have no shame. Cardholder

*** Ensure that the fine of 12 billion pesos on him by the Federal Competition Commission, is illegal and arbitrary, we wonder: does excessive user fees, are not what are they? Sure! The company robs the user to what has not. That's the famous "plans", is a blatant theft. Now he complains. Well, pay their misdeeds. *** The governor Juan Sabines Guerrero, installed yesterday in Amatenango del Valle, 24 tomato greenhouses, four of flowers and a tree nursery. This is to strengthen the economy of this municipality, which already generates 400 tonnes of tomatoes a year. Indeed, in this city also opened the drainage network and resources were given to two district assemblies. This was informed by the president himself from his Twitter account. *** The scandal over the destruction of Tuchtlán Park is already huge. However, it would be good if he should offer the explanation, then the sooner the better. Of course, to offer alternatives for recreation, reforestation and care of the city environment. No need to break the garments. The hypocrisy should be left to the intimate moments. *** It is said emphatically that the de facto leader of the PRD, Angel Cordoba Toledo, go missing. No militant who knows of his whereabouts. Question: Why seek political office unless they are to serve the people? Some say it is working for the PRI. I did not hesitate. *** Then we read.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

How Much Concrete Basketball Court

Paul, immune to the preliminary? Mayor

The former dictator, full of demands and still loose.

Political File

Angel Mario Ksheratto

The desperation begins to take hold of the team's former dictator waned Paul Abner Salazar, has sought (and a lot of money disbursed) the approval of exrectores university Fox's former officials, politicians from other countries, former ambassador and all those who, through ignorance or out of the way, have agreed to make statements friendly tyrant, it distributes them via email or via a web page that retains much of its old space during the dictatorship of Salazar advertised image. The root is the same: it was an efficient and honest leader. The truth, we all know, is different.
Nothing has been said to favor the characters contained in the list of clappers the former dictator, has helped him improve his image, damaged by their actions-all of bad faith and corruption awful muddy until today, keeping thousands of people in extreme poverty, while he lives at home with illegally misappropriated resources.
In recent days, has sought meetings with politicians to seek support from Chiapas, the majority rejected it. Others simply ignored their repeated calls and you have been jilted. Reasons not to trust a vile subject who betrayed all those who helped him soar in power, there are plenty. Only a few, have dared to forget the recent past the tyrant Salazar to join a defense that increasingly, it sinks to a reality that we hope will soon reach by way of justice.
And Paul Abner Salazar, is not free of complaints for a number of crimes committed under the painful power for six years that had seized power in Chiapas.
Just for the theft against thousands of victims of Hurricane Stan, complaints have multiplied so that today, nobody understands why the PGR not acted according to the righteous discourse of the Federation under the leadership of Felipe Calderon. Held against you in the PGR, the preliminary investigations and PGR/UEIDCSPCAJ/SP/M-XX7133-2009 PGR/TAP-11/111/09, on charges of embezzlement, diversion of resources for the reconstruction of areas affected by hurricane "Stan", abuse of authority and others that emerge from the investigation that will hopefully bring out the PGR with seriousness and commitment to justice and against impunity.
That, advocates Paul Abner, do not speak in their discursillos devoid of truth. O have been cruelly deceived by him or simply, as is suspected, "claimed a large sum of money to defend the indefensible.
ignore or try to hide it against the former dictator, there are five other preliminary investigations into looting, theft, diversion of resources, abuse of authority and other crimes for which, under other circumstances and places, and should be sentenced. PGR/CHIS/TGZ/283/2008, PGR/CHIS/TGZ-1/301/2008, PGR/CHIS/TGZ/-1/302/2008, PGR/CHGIS/TGZ-1/303/2008, PGR / CHIS / TGZ-1/229/2008 and FESP/2008-6 are record numbers for which the former dictator, is under suspicion. But not only that. In
against more queries related to crimes committed against several citizens who were illegally kidnapped, persecuted and imprisoned, whose underlying reason was always the intention to deprive them of their property. That was, if we remember well, the daily practice of Paul Abner Salazar, Rubén Velázquez López, Mariano Herran Salvatti Pabloites and other former officials.
Never in the history of Chiapas, a exgobernante had so many inquiries against him. The straightened Paul himself against his predecessor, were never proven to the competent authority. Where applicable, all contain irrefutable evidence that make us think if Mexico is really a bit of justice, it will not go unpunished.
ask again, however: if there are many elements to imprison the tyrant and thief, why is smugly looking to clean a name that is filled with corruption? Will, the people of Chiapas, the satisfaction of knowing members of a righteous society? It is estimated that the amount of illegally abducted by Paul Abner Salazar, is unquantifiable.
conservative numbers put the number at about 20 billion pesos. Only the money set aside for victims of Hurricane Stan, talking about 111 billion pesos. That explains his immense fortune. For Paul Abner was not, before being governor, a man of money, many will remember when we hats coffee or Coca-Cola in the cafeteria of Don Pedro Bringas. Other times, asked to serve him drinks and under the pretext of going to the bathroom, he would disappear for not paying your bill. Obviously, we were paying us. Then lived in a simple house in the colony "June 24", which certainly gave it Don Juan Sabines Gutiérrez. Vochito walked into a dilapidated and ate what they gave credit at the corner store.
Today is a billionaire, a product of what was stolen and so even today, remains in total impunity. Will it? Cardholder


Unheard: Despite the official propaganda about the fight against illiteracy, five million Mexicans can not read. Where are the accomplishments that Mr. Lujambio brags, Secretary of Education? Where the "advancement of education" which proclaims Elba Esther Gordillo? Pure lies. *** So much fuss over the wedding of a member of the English monarchy. What do we care? But the electronic media, fascinated, as if the country did not have its own problems. Finally, each with their own madness. *** And while the royal London gears up for another failed marriage, here, Marcelo Ebrard formalizes their marital separation but yes, he confessed to be in need of a couple (did not say whether man or woman, which sounds weird) to run for the Presidency of the Republic. Another crazy and shot! *** Then we read.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Difference Between Maizemeal And Cornmeal

Tumbalá, criminal and cowardly

Fernández Noronha: quarrelsome under suspicion.

Political File

Angel Mario Ksheratto

Yesterday, acomedida line painted "white" so-called balance semanasantero in Chiapas. Understood then that there was no bloodshed in any of their traditional ways. This is what gives the term "white balance" zero crime, zero accidents and contrasting ... But as is common, yesterday in the pages of only two of the media surveyed, on par with the great note of the "white balance "we find information about the hijacking of a truck driver, capturing a gang of criminals, the case of drowning in Villa Las Rosas, the dead man in a rollover accident in Pijijiapan, the arrest of a trucker with illegal machete man Villaflores Finally, opposite the famous "white balance."
(Remember that any cover of a newspaper that eight columns are read to Tuxtla Gutierrez, was "the safest city in the country" and called tickers and children, the newspaper dripped blood was in the days when bad governed the city, Jaime Esposito Waltz.)
But the fact of removing the white blood to the balance of Easter, is the brutal beating Tumbalá Mayor, hit a citizen who was handcuffed, tied his feet and lying on the ground, all a man with his pants right place, yes sir! Indeed, this same mayor has been accused of beating his girlfriend in public places, with pistol in hand. Barracote! Macho!
According to witnesses the bloody deed, Porfirio Ramos Torres, the chief councilor, in a complete state of intoxication and, "depending on the language of some of his buddies who was accompanied powder-Pasadita expensive, encountered in the stretch of highway Tumbalá- Sombra Grande, with a vehicle which was moved Simón López Luna, accused of rape. Ramos Torres, pistol in hand and with their drinks under his belt is believed the fourth of the Powerpuff Girls, without a word, without asking what he was being accused López Luna, or where rural police took him, ordered him to get out.
With the grip of their frightening gun, beat him until he fell unconscious to the ground, where it remains kicked and beaten with a piece of branch and finally with his own belt, which by the way, stole the brave mayor. Once satisfied his criminal instinct, Ramos Torres asked for more alcohol and sat down to see how the victim was writhing in pain and was bleeding. One of his accomplices, Manuel Torres (indeed, their family, confirming the nepotism) Public Works Director Tumbalá finally asked why they had arrested what Simon Lee Luna.
He explained that he had been falsely accused of rape of Maritza Guzman Alvaro, denied being the perpetrator.
In Shadow Grande, where the community was moved, López Luna had reached a "compromise" with the alleged victim and her mother, paid 3 thousand dollars to avoid being transferred to the municipal and of course, be in freedom. The women took the money, is shared between them and the municipal judge who issued the penalty, Pedro López Velasco, and anyway, they decided to keep him in prison. In the course of the transfer, they found the criminal mayor.
Simón López Luna, lost one eye, has serious internal injuries and his family feared that a sudden, death. Yes, and it read: Your situation is extremely serious and the worst is that man is without proper medical care. Moreover, his family has been receiving death threats from the same Porfirio Ramos Torres, in the sense that if you continue to be reported, he personally will kill the whole family.
The matter is serious, very serious. A mayor murderer, criminal, an armed individual who walks down the street, hitting one who he wants and what is worrying, wearing a badge that gives immunity and degree of power that grants impunity. The subject in question is not the first After incurring criminal acts. Even before he was involved in a couple of kidnappings of government officials, but by things of impunity and influence, was free ... free to continue committing crimes. And here are the results.
Will there be justice? Do you punish a criminal justice system? Hopefully not. For the sake of Chiapas and the justice, that offender must be punished, not doing so would set a bad, very bad precedent. Cardholder

*** Except unfortunate cases like the above, the other, the issue of tourism in Chiapas semanasantero, rose by 17 percent the number of visitors. It is, as the president Juan Sabines Guerrero, a rising line that will be monitoring to see what its future consolidation. *** I have at home two boxer dogs, when they fight, just a snap to separate. Unfortunately, among priests and PRD, that can not be achieved. Followers of BAD and that diputadito clown (Fernández Larron) returned to get to the Cathedral of Mexico City has done its scandal. All because one or two nosy priest, has not kept his mouth shut and has affected the interests of BAD and gang. Or who RIEF. As few as the other clowns. *** Yesterday was killed the controversial Jorge Diaz Serrano, during the glory years of corrupt, director PEMEX. For this reason, he was in jail, accused of defrauding the company, during the presidency of José López Portillo. Many are the secrets that Diaz Serrano is carried to the grave. *** Go mad the "Tigesito." And won a multimillion-dollar fine for his opponent Telcel and put to jail yesterday to his stepmother, ex-wife of "Tigesote." *** What dictatorship formerly of the order of presentation has to answer for embezzlement committed by the tyrant Paul Abner Salazar? *** By the way, a few days ago we learned that the tyrant in question held a meeting "work" in Mexico City attended by two or three of Pabloism outdated seeking the return of the gang and also two political learners with links to organized crime. Greg Sanchez, former mayor of Cancun and designated serious crimes, organized from his cell, encounter. Go! Is not that thunder pistol? And no one doubts that the famous Peje (BAD), will promote the candidacy of Paul Abner in the PT. *** Then we read.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

How Much Does A 50 Ft Ethernet Cable Cost



That debt is a story, at least as is measured.
a couple of months ago I saw the paperwork to enter a type of municipality. If a packet of pages, if a folder ... it was nothing. The seller, who was the owner, took out a note, so long that it was must have been almost a year.
"Tell your boss that you pay what we should
must be very stressful to work in a council or government office and the boss asks you to go looking for anything to the nearest store.
I recently attended a rifi-raphe between the restaurant owner and manager of the finance council. The first was shouting because the council wanted to collect a tax surcharge, when he still had the binge of the last six months, including seafood platters.
Lamps, light bulbs, pens, computers, ... to the toilet paper, soap and bleach, metalwork, chairs ... I owe everything, absolutely everything.
The PP de Catalunya also be a fortune, any payment must be approved by central Madrid. Centralist hardened, but not both. What happens, they say, is that the PPC has no money, no government in any city hall and, of course, can not suck and need to Madrid.
That's debt, although not leave exposed in the accounts. There is only one way
to put the batteries: no fiarles anything, so spend at the collection and not what your system needs.
For them not to worry. Not pay the builder that has fixed the water leak, the electrician will set up the hall, they organized the computer system to collect fines. Their employees to recover or not is not your problem. Who can not pay your child's nasal surgery, the prosthetic knee of his wife ... "and that from now on the waiting list for that crap in public health will be two or three years-not his problem. They charged at the time, there's no doubt, and all have private insurance, not to mention that the manager of the clinic will look off and they do not miss anything, lest they endanger the reclassification to the park and help to renew the resonance apparatus. If they do not Fiama
more, one of two things come into collapse or learn to manage.

Needless to banking, this is the only remedy left to the ciudadanito half, because if we expect the State to put in place, we enforce the same laws as the rest of us, we Aviados.
We must find new ways of financing and saving more honest, neighborhood associations, communities of stairs ... are a good choice. The procedure to those organizations manage our credit unions distributed among neighbors. A new TV, a car ... small purchases first, then the largest. First a small fee, after all the money you have in the bank, which gives you a pittance in return for taxes, commissions, of problems.
banking should only serve as an international intermediary, preferably state-owned. If Spain does not have sought French, German ... So simple and so our leaders smart.
for me a few years ago and I use it less likely the bank. At first it seemed silly, childish, but with time and good management have been fine-tuning the system. Consumer
-tent-manufacturing-weaver-spinner ... always the same route, only had to organize it.
we first went to the weaving and shops, then e rest have been smart. Why
find more money if it is always running hand in hand? When you need it, the other to spare, you just have to speed up or slow collections, so the point that needs funding, it has no need to go to the bank.
Why use your billing system, if we were four, we know it and the seller makes collector? Strike

taxes. We set
stores to sell our product directly. It's easier to lower prices so it does not exit without having to wait for the shopkeeper has a right to do so. But not only that, with only one product can not have enough variety, so we exchange goods with other producers that have the same problem. No need for bills, notes only in late season condition and the outcome is settled, only that, almost no taxes, no banking movement ... not necessary.
If card charge is the same price, so the law dictates, but nobody forbids a discount to those who pay without it. At home you do is you want to.

In the shop, hairdresser, in the bar ... if not have sufficient capacity put a stereo. If you are lucky to have him, put royalty free music. There is enough and every day. Support smuggling buy it, do not have to pay royalties for something empty, so the State smart.

And finally, next time look closely at who you vote.

And now one of humor.
For those who do not understand English also worth visualize


Thursday, April 14, 2011

What Is The Handle For On My Fireplace

immigration policy

Migrants crossing the Suchiate River.


Angel Mario Ksheratto

The issue of human rights of migrants, has been hovering in the air for some weeks, about that matter, Chiapas has advantages over other states, has established a system of protection of the rights of migrants which includes a Special Prosecutor who until now has been heavily involved in curbing illegal activities. At the same time, have created specific laws that guarantee a dignified life in Chiapas.
Obviously, the advantage is greater still over immigration policy Mexican. Has been the practice of local government to meet the needs of the citizens of Central and South America and that is plausible, because it turns the state into one of the first to preserve the human dignity of those who go in search of so-called "American dream." Ideally, Chiapas immigration policy is spread throughout the country, especially in the route followed by travelers to the U.S. soil.
This hints to the government of Barak Obama recently suggested that the Mexican government tighten immigration controls at the borders between Mexico, Guatemala and Belize, under the guise of closing the passage to the drug. Knowing the position
Federal Government to the U.S. interference, we fear that migrants will be further victims of harassment and persecution, to what Chiapas immigration policy should be maintained and where possible, enhanced to give migrants always find a helping hand and generous. It is not violating federal law with respect to migration, but to address an issue that has to do with the rights of migrants and not to very specific interests of the United States government.
They, the gringos, they know their border, they can not therefore be push the boundaries and pressure the Mexican repress their blood brothers.
is now that the local policy regarding migrants should be considered and put in its proper place. First, because it is comprehensive and inclusive, and secondly, because it addresses the priority needs of migrants. We note that in protecting the rights of migrants, the impact has been positive in the countries of Central America, unfortunately, in other states, violence and abuse are daily practice we still embarrassing.
In contrast, in Chiapas, from 2008 to date, 23 bands of criminals that plagued migrants, have been dismantled, all this has led to the crime against them, has been reduced to 90 percent. Immigration security agenda, there would have been possible if there were no perfect coordination. This is an elementary part of the success that has, though, I must say frankly, there are still one or two who did not understand the policy in this regard.
In the same vein, unfortunately, some agents of the National Migration Institute, continue to apply violent and unconstitutional methods. A few days ago they learned of the deportation of a Mexican girl, who despite being fully identified, was expelled from the country and so far, no one knew if it came, because since his deportation, remained as missing.
is to explain that is not the State Government imposed repressive practices; to abuse of the immigration agents, the Federal Government has promised only that "debug" to the institution, but so far nothing has happened. Not long ago, in Tenosique, Tabasco, the whole world witnessed how an agent of the INM, chased with a machete to a Honduran immigrant who nearly drowned in their attempt not to be assaulted by an official employee.
In short, Chiapas is setting an example to the world of how to treat migrants. Whoever does not want understand, simply and understands little or no values \u200b\u200band principles. Cardholder

*** Keep counting up: yesterday amounted to 146 dead bodies found in mass illegal in San Fernando, Tamaulipas. "Collateral Damage? *** On the fight against drug trafficking, several national newspapers yesterday reported the version offered by WikiLeaks where Andrés Manuel López Obrador, the U.S. government offered to get the army to patrol the streets to fight drug trafficking. This, during the last electoral campaign. According to the WikiLeaks 06México505 cable, then-presidential candidate asked the then U.S. Ambassador Tony Garza, approach the gringo government to grant financial assistance to Mexico, mainly to cover the costs of assistance programs populist implement thought to have won the elections. Curious, no? The enemy of the Americans, asking for money to fulfill their electoral tantrums. Hypocrite! *** By the way, La Jornada kept exits and no cable WikiLeaks published, although it has a special place to check each of the cables. *** From now on, no mass media ads can be promoted through human trafficking. This, the reform made yesterday in the Senate of the Republic to Articles 5 and 13 of Federal Law to Prevent and Punish Trafficking in Persons. The penalty for anyone who hires the advertising and publishing, will be 6 to twelve years in prison. *** Then we read.

Rcpired Chicken Broth

Question 1

Image taken from:

Hello! I write again to the years here.

had not written about the referendum because it was not clear how to vote. Now that I've heard and read much, I can write something useful. We question by question, because I believe every one deserves a separate analysis. QUESTION 1

Do you agree to amend paragraph 9 of Article 77 of the Constitution incorporated a clause which prevents the expiration of preventive detention when it has been caused by the person on trial and allow penalize unreasonable obstacles in the administration of justice by judges, judges, prosecutors, experts or servers subsidiary bodies of the judiciary, as defined in Annex 1?


"The remand order will remain in effect if by any means the person has escaped processed, delayed, avoided or prevented their prosecution through acts designed to cause its expiration. If the delay occurs produced during processing or the expiration, be it by acts or omissions of judges, judges, prosecutors, public defenders, experts or servers subsidiary bodies, shall be deemed to have incurred these in a very serious offense and should be sanctioned under the law. "

What do we change?

Article 77 of the Constitution describes the basic guarantees that a person has been released from prison. For example No one can be saved without a written order from a competent authority, he must "read their rights" to the detainee (the typical "you have the right to remain silent, to call the defense with a lawyer and if you can not pay, the State will provide a "we hear in the movies), among other rights.

The No. 9. right now says that no person can be detained for more than 6 months (if the offense is punishable by imprisonment) or more than one year (if the offense is punishable by imprisonment, that is, if the offense is more serious):


"Under responsibility of the judge or court hearing process, pretrial detention may not exceed six months in cases involving crimes punishable by imprisonment or one year in cases of offenses punishable by imprisonment. If you exceed these limits, the remand order would be void. "

I do not want to think about if we do not like or the government. Rather, ask yourself objectively, change, is useful or not? Is it safe or not? Utility


The expiration of custody there since 1998, the Constitution Sangolquí. It is good that preventive detention expires, because otherwise, a person could spend in prison all the time and not be judged. Many times people are left (before 1998) so much time in preventive detention equvialía or exceeded the time of the penalty itself. On more than one occasion, people who passed got saved for years after an acquittal. Some were American Court of Human Rights, that more than once said that Ecuador should put a limit on detention (can not be "indefinite.")

Needless to say that any country that respects DD.HH. American system, the remand prisons are limited. Therefore, the idea of \u200b\u200b"eliminating the expiration of custody" is not viable.

this in mind,
the Assembly in 1998 set a limit for detention. The same limit was repeated in the 2008 Constitution. Since 1999 (which began to expire remand), the detainees began to leave because they have no ruling within the law. Since then, many detainees do not seek plead his innocence or eliminate indictments making the prosecution, but seek lengthen and delay the process until the deadline of pretrial detention and go free. According

, The Universe, a report Judicial Council in 2009 indicated that of 24,958 hearing is not held 6854: 2,280 for "legal tricks" 2299 did not specify the reason, 963 per problems of the Office; 820 the absence of witnesses, 321 per drawbacks of rehabilitation centers, 156 for the judiciary, and, 15 others.

To avoid these maneuvers, the Code of Criminal Procedure states that are not counted for the revocation, the days of delay were caused when by the accused or his counsel:

" Criminal Procedure Code. Article 169 .- Revocation of custody .- Pretrial detention may not exceed six months in cases involving crimes punishable by imprisonment or one year in cases punishable by imprisonment.

In both cases, the deadline for expiration will operate from the date it became effective on remand.

If these limits be exceeded, detention order shall be void, under the responsibility of the criminal investigating judge hearing the case.

When should exceed the time limits provided by the constitutional rules and the Code of Criminal Procedure and lapses of preventive detention, granting, as a result of freedom of who is in fact deprived of it, the Court of Criminal or Court of Criminal jurisdiction, necessarily and immediately sent complete record of each case to the National Judicial Council, a body to maintain an individual record of these facts.

If you can not be the adjudication hearing for failure of the accused, witnesses considered necessary for the resolution of the case, experts, interpreters or lawyers defending the accused, ie causes not attributable to the administration of justice, this absence suspended ipso jure the course of the deadlines set in this article until the date that is actually carried out the adjudication hearing. The foregoing is without prejudice to the trial record necessary for the suspension in each case by the corresponding secretary.

not be considered, therefore, has exceeded the limitation period of preventive detention when the defendant, by whatever means, has avoided, delayed, avoided or prevented their prosecution through acts designed to cause the expiration of the prison detention.

I mentioned in the preceding paragraphs includes unilateral actions of the accused or defendant when, with procedural unfairness or incidents causing delays the processing of the process not related to the right of objection to a resolution or statement, or deliberately violate the provisions of the criminal court or tribunal guarantees Guarantees criminal submitted to legally convened hearings and reported, indicating an intention to delay the normal development process to benefit from a future declaration of nullity.

In determining this period are not counted as time has elapsed between the date of filing of the objections and the date of issuance of the rulings on the challenges defendants only when they have been denied. Produced

revocation of pretrial detention, in the same order that the judge declare the criminal guarantees that the accused have become subject to regular reporting to the court of criminal securities and prohibited from leaving the country, or one of these measures if it considers sufficient to ensure the immediacy of processing with the process.

The obvious question is: if the law says and the time when the accused are not delay the trial, why do the same thing in the Constitution? Well, it happens that many judges comparing the text of the Constitution and the Penal Procedure Code and, as in the Constitution did not establish where the term Elapsed not apply the rule "more favorable to the accused" and let out the accused in a year (or six months) even though the accused himself had delayed the process.

is striking that in Cuenca, judges have left expire never a custody (or soon will be expired one or two), but in other cities, the most common prisons expire and least common are sentences. Why does this happen? There are many reasons but the main one is that the judges who let expire remand No risk: no the sanctions and in the few cases where no penalty is a small fine or suspension of work days (with pay!). Perhaps the Council of the Judiciary in Cuenca gets tougher sanctions or perhaps morlaco society morally sanction the judge to be negligent in their work. The question becomes more severe punishment for judges who let expire a remand. Danger


is said that the reform is spirit "Social Christian." In fact, the PSC has always been against the revocation of custody. In fact, after the Assembly of 1998, the PSC promoted legal reform in 2003 that created a figure called "detention firm" , by which a defendant remained imprisoned indefinitely even before receiving sentence. This mechanism was ruled unconstitutional in 2006 because it violated the 1998 Constitution, but Cinthya Viteri proposed in 2009 a similar figure, the "mandatory detention", which basically meant that a defendant be imprisoned indefinitely until sentencing.

has been argued that this reform, the detainees will remain detained indefinitely, or at least, that the limitation period will be longer, which impacts the protection rights of the accused.

believe that the only defendant who will be harmed will be the one who actually delay the process moves. Is it correct to remove the incentive to delay the trial. So vote Yes.

how you'll vote on this question?

To read more:
Text El Comercio newspaper that explains the question.
History custody since 1998 (and proposals to re Cynthia Viteri indefinite preventive detention).
Another blog that discusses this question.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Herpes Simplex On Chest Phtotos

Easter Chiapas, Rubén Velásquez idiosyncrasies

Announces Sabines, transport reform.

Political File

Angel Mario Ksheratto

As every year, we prepare to commemorate the killing, torture of greater prophet of Christianity. There are still doubts about whether he killed the Jews or the Romans, as to whether Judas was a traitor or just turned a predetermined plan of God. Questions about whether it was just hanging on a tree or crucified between two thieves. That history is the truth about it, is the only truth that we hold. The other truth is that of how things may have occurred, the result is the same: one commemorating.
We shudder, every year, the horrific images of that sacrifice that some filmmakers and actors have recreated. We also shake the acts of self-flagellation of Filipinos who live and crucify the people of Taxco, Guerrero, who was tormented with whips sidewalks.
We bring that part of the history of Christianity to recharge of pity, self-pity and maintain the share of tragedy as idiosyncratic that forces us to be tortured forever, the necessary and eternal victims a bad story told, or told to so, for not recognizing that the main act of the Holy Week should not be torture and death of Jesus Christ.
The sublime act, the one who exalts himself above all self-will of Jesus to be martyred, is the resurrection. Jesus' victory over death. For when you arrive, during the commemorative week, that act, all we're drunk on the beaches, we have forgotten the sacrifice ... and follow the rest of the year, crucified. We care little or no experience the defeat of death, were born to suffer. It is our character because we have not attention to God's greatest gift: life.
it known: I am not religious, do not get along with any sect or give me chest-beating. As the Great Sabines, I believe God is an old man a bit awkward. (I would add that it has stayed a little while their children make the world a miserable mess.) As Perales, also have demanded an explanation from the unjustified wars, the atomic bombs on the death of defenseless children. One explanation for the existence of pedophile priests and of overspending to exalt ecclesiastical figures. (Only the mayor of Rome disburse more than $ 5 million for the beatification of Karol Wojtyla). Anyway ...
But He is God and against him, Anyone!

reorganize transport
Back from the pulpit, recently we learned that there is a government plan for an effective reorganization of public transport. Accordingly, the government of Juan Sabines Guerrero propose an amendment to the law to include the dependence of the Transit Police of the Ministry of Transport. Good initiative, no doubt, but that will be strictly controlled to prevent the evils of the police force today, repeated.
One of the functions of the police would be reformatted to combat pirataje in public transport has indeed grown sprees but mainly due to the abuses of organized transport. One example is the bus traveling to Mexico City, while they, pirates, earn less than 400 pesos to the passage, companies under the monopoly regime, charge up to 800 thousand pesos and poor quality units.
Hence the importance of the initiative Sabines, who has advanced in the reorganization will not be defeated but benefit. That philosophy seems appropriate because it avoids social friction and wear as it occurred in past presidential administrations.
"You may make a joint strategy to combat pirataje front where there are no losers, only benefit," said The governor who also announced that for the preservation of good public transport units of the capital, is expected a comprehensive program to fix streets, especially those in which they pass. This is coupled with the government request made to the carriers, in the sense that expand their units, which allow for greater transmission capacity. It was necessary
removed in this sector. Although it has been working on it, it is urgent that government initiatives are carried out in reasonable time. Cardholder

*** A couple of days, deputies Tovilla Arely Madrid and Juan Jesus Aquino Calvo, held a friendly with a number of journalists to whom it was announced that so far only two councils have complied with the regulations for the Inland Revenue. The remaining 116 have been made duck its responsibilities, which however, has not generated a complaint that forces institutional to abide by the rules. *** As of yesterday, 120 bodies had been found dead in the town of San Fernando, Tamaulipas. Grisly crime group that exceeded all expectations and good intentions official. *** Now that Televisa and TvAzteca are partners in the cellular phone company Iusacell and also take a television campaign against his opponent TELCEL, comes the hope that their ads give a high quality service especially at very low prices. That will require TELCEL, we hope to do with their new society. Are required. *** Someone must monitor the program of assistance to producers. One such Coutiño of the Secretariat of the Field, provides cash payments to farmers and at the time, only sign of receiving the money and deliver what they are seeds. Who gets the cash? For there is seen an act of corruption. *** Of workers entitled to claim, went to crime are dismissed from the Mexican Union of Electricians. The day before yesterday was over the line. Abused their demands and committed a crime. The requirement now is to punish them all rigor. *** Then we read.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Bourne Ultimatum, Telescope

defeatist, cynical and hypocritical

death threat to users.
Political File

Angel Mario Ksheratto

furiously frustrated by the rejection that citizens increasingly express it strongly, who during the dictatorship Pabloite incited hatred and resentment and shamelessly appropriated properties of the persecuted, was erected in provocative solo, fictional character who failed to foresee the consequences of his audacity. Never had an ounce of shame, of cleanliness, of sensitivity. Egotistical and immoral, Rubén Velásquez thought the dam would have forgotten who were its victims and presented to an event where he knew there would be more of a communicator.
In an act of consistency that I applaud them for their forcefulness and opportunity faced Miguel González Alonso, after the cynical PRD senator, from where he sat, impertinent babbling of a coward to own at some point, thought that if you give results applause, the silence of attendees. Who
is the butcher of the dictatorship Pabloite to provoke their persecuted? Has no moral authority to try a deplorable action that you just bare for what it is: a cynical madman who refuses to understand that time is slowly bringing to light the atrocities, with the tyrant of shoddy, Paul Abner Salazar, committed under laws unjust and unjustifiable, draconian laws by which robbed, persecuted, imprisoned, mutilated, all civil liberties.
Senator via the dedazo (remember he lost the election overwhelmingly against Senator Manuel Velasco also Coello) pretends to forget the tricks she practices committed under the cloak of impunity that Government granted the secretariat during the dictatorship. Recalls that there was no political prisoners, nor to shed their properties hundreds of innocent people who went to jail. He has consistently refused, demonstrating that no pants to admit their mistakes.
The cancellation of the male value at which the senator used to conceal the blunders committed in the past, make a vicious lies and simulation. No respectability may have cost assumes no liability for their actions and think that only when they feel protected, including common, may cause their victims. It misses the senadorcete bad shape. Chiapas
True, they have very good memory indeed. All remember, for example, when he signed the global gag rule and sent to a crouching and submissive Congress deputies. Nobody can forget the persecution of indigenous peoples in the north, it is hard to forget the atrocities committed against teachers and students.
social leaders, were treated at gunpoint. The outpouring of violence against opponents of the dictatorship, has never had, limits. That and more thousands of brutality, Velasquez wants to forget, as if the damage was not enough, as if the people of Chiapas would be in the obligation not only to believe, but to accept it as one of the society.
"Deny anything that gave precise orders to submit to psychological torture physical and detainees during the time he usurped public authority? Have you forgot when ordered, mandated by the little dictator Salazar, which would lead to the punishment cell for certain prisoners when the team lost a match Jaguars? Have you forgotten, of course, who preferred to buy the franchise of the football team and failure to supply medicines to the hospital in Comitan which killed more than 30 children? Hypocrite! Shameless!
Velasquez and Salazar, became the ideal in penalties, suppressed freedoms and closed the doors to democracy. They behaved like what they are: cowardly and savage, unable to attend the popular clamor. That's really and no heroes that they must defend.
If Velásquez believed the alleged neglect should add provocations, taunts, threats and pressures to give in, is absolutely wrong, they could not when they had complete control of all institutions-and even some bodies of human rights defenders " least now they are nothing short of plague. Make it clear to them and the former dictator Salazar senadorcete: no space in Chiapas Chiapas where there is no brave faces and reproach them their behavior. It has happened many times and will remain so because sown hatred and resentment and that will reap. Cardholder

*** Speaking of tyranny, Paul Abner Salazar insists on sending to my personal email "newsletters" he emphasizes, he said, the achievements of his government, falsehoods, if we did not know for certain, either you would believe anything. Everyone is certain that his government was a dictatorship insensitive, brutal and disgusting. But he, like the character mentioned above, ensures that all was good. Would not you be ashamed to continue lying? It makes me a jerk with no respect or education. I've been low and have denounced as "spam" (junk mail) shipments, but he insists. Do you think maybe we're going to publish their lies? That was the post who have not aware of what Paul Abner made against society. *** Arrogant and arbitrary, so are the traffic police of the city of Tapachula. According to reports from users of public transport, the agents of that corporation demanding bribes to combis drivers not to be disturbed. And when they refuse, the fines up to 800 pesos, even though they have not committed a single violation. For the drivers, the illegally retained up to half an hour or until they pay the bribe. This obviously has generated dissatisfaction among users, who must be late for their workplaces or schools. The officers in question, usually are parked by the Social Security and rob carriers Huixtla and other municipalities near Tapachula. What is serious is that threat of death to passengers who ask for their wrongdoing. *** Then we read.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Gretchen Rossi Swimsuit Bleue And White

free and uncensored word *

Miguel Gonzalez, as above, that is.
Political File

Angel Mario Ksheratto

These 1000 hours are not flying, but working.
1000 hours have been worked in journalism, criticism and opinion.
1000 programs have been conducted with balance, with no partisan tilt. Free Word has been
1000 hours in the air, no air.
have been 1000 hours that the airwaves have carried the word Free in the air, while he drives, keep your feet flat on the ground. Clinging to the loyalty of a commitment to society to do journalism in public media without the label of "official journalism."
have been a thousand times, and talking to free speech, convinced every morning, at the entrance to the cabin, the true temple of truth, that the conviction should prompt us to perform our work with the emotion with which we The first program, but also convinced that may be the last. Therefore, the daily statement: "I said, that is."
And that paraphrase Pontius Pilate is to wash our hands. Is to emphasize that what is to be sustained given. As he holds his word today in Chiapas said with facts, which offered words.
On January 9, 2007 at Government House I met with Governor Juan Sabines Guerrero. I went to him to ask me to lift the veto, the fence, the prison that held my expressions and ideas in electronic media censorship itself! that I used during the previous administration.
Last I withdrew from any possible use a microphone for reporting by radio that in the person of my friend Angel Mario Ksheratto an injustice was committed, a crime is consummated, that the abuse of power passed this list, again, against the press. Against the fourth estate.
intolerance, then took what looked a tantrum to establish its real, and thus opposed the power of reason in that time. There was then to wait for that, the time to give us the power that holds the reason. Today
Ksheratto is free, yes, but had to wait for a law-abiding governor, Democrat-minded and do with words! came to the Palace of Government and cease all hunting Ksheratto against and against all journalists in Chiapas.
Anyone who claims to be a serious journalist, sensible, credible and honest, you acknowledge that today in Chiapas harass the press. If so, not just say it. Let him show it!
Being a journalist, involves knowledge of laws, but especially enforcement; Being a journalist means to stand up and do not blush to put our heads held high; Being a journalist means being part of an editorial policy and not the owner of a enabled cell phone message bulk emission, nor become a journalist, every worker in the networks are looking into debauchery, bad choice for all your chores. Those
, 'pa' what twitters! ", had said Don Gervasio.
no shortage here, or be missing in their own paradise, the paranoid and the faithless, those who live with their tails between their legs, tail who have walked on them! Those who feel able to criticize to the perfect state described by Plato in the anthology of ideas in "The Republic." That is, there are Could it be that they are looking for impunity and believe they have found the vaccine against the exercise of justice in destructive criticism and lack of sustenance? Should it be perhaps the refuge of scoundrels journalism and wolves in sheep's clothing?
Despite the bad yeast I wonder: What journalist "But reporter is in jail? What journalist journalist but has been persecuted for their writings or ideas? Let me conclude
similar to something I heard in 1982, when it was journalism at San Cristobal de Las Casas, when his father, Don Juan Sabines Gutiérrez, made a work tour by way of farewell to the town after its mandate lucky Chiapas. And the story because, I confess, I can not even steal the ideas of others.
On that occasion, prominent businessman Hernán Pedrero handed a scroll to the then governor asserting something that fits you good governor. I say without flattery, and I maintain, by conviction! At any price!, With the understanding that I am not a wealthy man as it was Don Hernan, but I enjoy the friendship of the present matter that much value, and this, I break even. I quote: "we know the Don Juan Sabines in Chiapas who sought an opportunity in history to make history at the appropriate time." It is your friend if governor, Juan Sabines Guerrero. Reaching
thousand radio and serving four years in an area of \u200b\u200btelevision, by no means a goal, but the time for reflection and endorsement of the enormous commitment to the society, with whom he has had faith the team and confidence accorded him a communicator to expose in public media, their ideas through the exercise of free speech and uncensored.
The goal now, our constant. The usual!, Will retain the confidence of the audience, persevere in loyalty to the commitments, and continue with renewed courage and vigor in the search for the truth to make it public on payment of credibility.
Governor: I've heard throughout his tenure that this administration is "the empowerment of women", the "ecology" of "justice", that of "combating poverty" and " the field, to name a few. I think with history of both swine, and those who have yet to appear, it is time someone says it!, the mandate of Juan Sabines Guerrero, is also: the presidency of the Freedom of Expression.
I said, that is!

* Address journalist
Miguel González Alonso, during the celebration
the fourth anniversary of program
television "Unrated" and
the thousand radio programs,
"Free Word."


*** With Miquelon, we share many things, one of these, the fight against cruel and inhuman dictatorship of an evil and a thief who unfortunately has not been punished. I mean the tyrant Paul Abner Salazar. So it was a war without quarter, the tyrant with all the power on their side. We, with the truth. It has been, Miquelon, a man of his word, pants, loyalties. It has amply demonstrated. Therefore, during his professional celebration goes a big hug and a commitment to follow every one who from his very different point of view, doing what the state we call, confident that the friendship, above all things, is indissoluble. Cheers *** Then we read.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Walk Through Walls Cheat For Platinum


Lately my partner is doing very generous. Not shown as demanding on the issue of VAT, and that facilitates the sale. Stores do not want
VAT, 18%, other 4% of the system of equivalence means the 22% real price. They usually work in objective assessment and modules do not forgive. Go right or wrong, must pay the appropriate module.
A facturita the beginning of the season, as small as possible. If you do not give in, the sale takes another. The market is bad, there are crises and squared with the VAT would secure closure.
The shop you can afford not, competition is fierce, the Chinese clean sweep of price and shop front can sell cheaper because their providers billed blank.
Take it or leave it, that is the option and decided the only possible.

So far my partner pushed me. If you do not bill must close, he said. The material comes from abroad, imported, and there's no exit, on the other hand we must sell a minimum, otherwise we could not keep the company legally.
occasionally saw him check the entrepreneur famous , forty or fifty thousand euros per quarter. Insufficient to equalize the situation, but something did and the rest could be found among some developers who always needed money to pay those famous black commissions that nobody has seen. We blanqueábamos and they blackened.
Now there is no property, so I do not know where they will get the money political parties. Perhaps the sport, perhaps the many charges that some treasure. Now is the famous businessman, who, before the closure of such business, the rest of us can bill hundreds of thousands, some even millions.
knew a weaver who charged it several million a year, but the poor has been closed. The bank closed the tap and faulted business. Who comes up with the times, set up a factory in Romania?
Where this did not reach another, but also closed. A family business, a small but solid. The unpaid he said. And in our world since we were little and we all know. Now the remaining
must cover the hole, millions of feet fictional, no one makes, no one sees. Thousands of tons of yarn, tens of thousands of kilowatts of light and thousands of hours of loom. Million meters of fabric import bill and are not issued. Tissue bill and sold a hundred.
We have no problem, he says. We buy what we want without VAT. We sell what we please without VAT. The famous entrepreneur swallows it all, he is billed as the next day I have the tax money in the bank. And
that the famous businessman more money than ever, it says. The economic daily praise him, is the only one that sells around the country. But the truth is that nobody understands, as their shops are empty and people who enter, leave without buying anything. Dependents, their managers admit it. Sell \u200b\u200bmore than ever, I do not know how we can support both spending. But no, not true, the numbers are singing and the famous entrepreneur beat its own record during the crisis of consumption.

If it were not billed tens of thousands of items without having to give them, manufacture them. If it was not know who invoice million meters of fabric without the need to deliver, or manufacture them ... I even believe it.
I really sobering. The truth is that your account gets a lot of money, very much, and I know its origin. If the huge sale that states were true would not need so much fiction. Actually the State
accounts will add up, which is what expected demand, we fabricate and invoices, but the merchandise is buy one, you pay another tax. The state that gives a fuck or go to the same laws to know ... on purpose.
What would the famous entrepreneur if everyone work legally?
not find who you will be billed and your bank does not know what to do with all that money go dark problem! Surely you would have gone with the business elsewhere, and that can not be. What would the bank without money?

Pepe, do you know someone who wants to be my boat, that pays well?
Yes ... a Galician who comes once a month and buys them all, are as they are. A Galician
? But Pepe ... that falls too far and are llauds Mediterranean boats.
AH! Do not you know? Galician takes them to the river and released at sea, to confuse the radar of the civil guard. There is a lot like yours, seized, imprisoned ... Thus, when your radar are the patrol to march north, after a couple of boats that are unresponsive to the call, they can get the goods from the south.
What a fool! I had not happened.

Today I discussed this with my partner. I do not feel remorse, my money is clean, the product of what I make and sell. She is the same.
are wholly owned subsidiaries, which in principle can only work to supply their shops and buy fabric and accessories. Others are engaged in garment manufacturing and call bills such as the Tse workshops.
The Tse is a Chinese who works for many of us, legal, and all his people regularized. However, I never invoice me or my acquaintances. Forty workers and almost one hundred machines, a huge production. Who
bill to keep both device?
Al famous businessman. Who if not, when I introduced myself.

The black Spain. And never better.


Sunday, April 3, 2011

Drb 3675r Bruksanvisning

The Saint, The Cave, Blue-Demon and The Bulldog

Calderón and López Obrador in peacetime.

Political File

Angel Mario Ksheratto

- Murderer!
- Thief!
- eyelet!
- Fri ' bitch!
- Clown!
- Fat!
- Ladybug!
- Pendejo!
- Incompetent!
No, not the passing of assistance in the Chamber of Deputies, is the discursive mode of youthful politicians who want to be the public after Felipe Calderon has finished his eventful term. Humberto Moreira, self-styled national leader of the PRI, launched the first spit. Caused serious discomfort which then was unable to handle. In defense of the indefensible, Juan Molinar, jumped from the tables in the huge bar they have turned the country and accused the PRI of thousand sins.
Felix Guerra took what did not belong, fell into the trap and ended up involving another system uncouth, accustomed to cheap row: Javier Lozano. All against an emboldened Moreira who has spared no placeras phrases, those that would shame the most of the vulgar boor.
In another arena, Jesus Zambrano, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, Enrique Peña Nieto, Dolores Padierna, Felipe Bravo Mena, Alejandro Encinas, Marcelo Ebrard. The apple of discord, the result of a poll vote as a citizen who first drove the PRD and later dismissed him for not agreeing to the dictates of Lopez Obrador, the left denatured chief failed.
The PAN, in the comfort of presidential power, insisting: Yes to the pan-PRD, the PRD, sorry, they refuse. The PAN has suddenly spurned prostitute. Requests and demands at the same time, does not seem the party in power and with power, but a body worn, rotten, driven by a pair of crutches for at least die on your feet. The epithets in this arena are not Gentiles.
are generous in pure poison, on charges that reflect the lack of common sense in characters who claim to be the best to lead this country.
A third arena is occupied by the ruling. The Secretary General of the National Action Party, naked to its leader, the President of the Republic. Openly says that Felipe Calderón directed the electoral machinery in the State of Mexico. We deny, put it in place. The president of that political body, gets angry and says a couple of expletives. The war has just begun.
Everything in Mexico is phenomenal mess. In the Upper and Lower Houses of Congress, congressmen and senators are given up under the tongue; meet the vulgar proverb which states that politics is a riding breech "you have to give it to chop the top and the that is down. " Sure enough, no matter how prosaic it sounds. The level, the magic formula to attract the attention of a society that distrusts everything and everybody.
Even in the clerical hierarchy are devastating blows, they, of all against all and all against one. "No one covers her mouth to the Church," said a senior prelate, just yesterday, referring to the request to stay out of politics.
is, indeed, a country at war. So much so, that our northern neighbors push for organized crime to the rank of "terrorists" and thus have the latch to enter the national territory to strengthen its drug war, a war we do not want to fight on their territory. Even
Media is an arena. Televisa against the newspaper Reforma, Telcel against Iusacel. Companies telephone to television companies. And all this despite the "agreements" of solidarity that have signed together, ostensibly to curb the narco-style propaganda. And the President? Mal, thanks. Cardholder

*** is one of the tastiest stages of the year, because that is when in Chiapas, we have a variety of mangoes. According to official data, in 21 municipalities in the state that fruit production occurs in just over 30 thousand hectares. Of this 30 000 tonnes are exported to the United States and Canada. This puts Chiapas in a prominent place in production. Obviously, the ideal Soconusco for its production, but so is the Frailesca and elsewhere in the center of the state. Here I must say that both the production and distribution, has been widely supported by the current government through the issuance of Decree 365 billion to set clear standards for the regulation of mobilization of that delicious fruit. In fact, the handle "Ataulfo" is considered the best in the world and here in Chiapas where it occurs. It should be noted that the government initiative to encourage the production and marketing of mangoes has been very successful. *** What would Chiapas without Jaime Waltz? Just saw a "documentary" on TV and I was surprised: the former mayor idle, refounded the UNACH. For him there, practically. Everything he has had since its founding, Waltz did it in just a few months. There was no prior exedil UNACH. Go! What is not to be ashamed. *** By the way, Central Park is slowly turning into parking lot. Township officials, employees of state and federal palaces, use it as parking. Anyone will order and clean cars that should be for recreation of the citizens? Please, we are going to thank. *** Then we read.