Thursday, February 24, 2011

Masterbate With Household


"In times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act" (G. Orwell)

First the collapse of the financial system caused by speculation, irresponsibility and institutionalized theft, loss of capital in favor of speculators, their advisers and shareholders.

Second rescue. More than a half billion euros, of the billions Europeans, not Americans, disappeared by magic, between injections, stimulus plans and subsidies in the form of loans at 1%, to return them at market price.

Third pay the bill. They have caused the collapse and debt speculate cry to heaven. We too many social rights, they say, too much unemployment insurance, medical expense too, too many public services ... and too many taxes for their breed. Must be cut to pay the debt caused by a state too complacent with the new worker: the middle class.

Fourth, dismantle the financial system nonprofit, the boxes must be given away to the bench for his prey. It is the last competition and should disappear as a social entity.

Fifth declining wages and labor rights. Must compete with the third world, no rights, trade unions and living wages.

The result around racism, contempt for the weak and the forgotten of solidarity. The migrants must return to their countries of origin to prevent the continued enjoying the few remaining social services. Are no longer welcome, they steal our jobs. The end of the social, feudal right moves thanks to blackmail and that the unions are led by his mercenaries. Back piecework and the end of collective agreements.

The result: no longer serves a rotten democracy, in which the theft of some has become legal, that justice defends the robbery, rewards and punishes the crime of honesty, in that mock elected of voters, shielding their pensions and wages, publicly They bully and hide their wealth in tax havens that refuse to dismantle.

The solution: the revolt absolute collectivization of resources, labor and the means to develop, and the pursuit of the robber and his gang, and the seizure of all assets.

How: do we need to explain?



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