Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Cera Vs Parryware Comparision
l Want to Thank Everyone Who Took Some Time to greet me for my birthday yesterday. To Those friends and to all my friends and relative, A Truly happy new year.
Monday, December 29, 2008
How To Make A Carriage Out Of Diapers
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Dental Hygienist And H1 Visa
The Minister of Justice and Human Rights, Dr. Gustavo Jalkh, to mark the sixtieth anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights provides publicly apologize for the cases of violations of fundamental rights.
Today, the international community, celebrates 60 years of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. This declaration of human rights became the project of ethics in all countries and in the fundamental rules of coexistence of mankind.
Every state has an obligation to ensure that these standards are translated into real public policy commitments to guarantee them really, so that human rights are not mere postulates policy.
In this effort to achieve its full effect, if there is anything we undertake value, if there is something we must defend at all costs is the truth, without it no justice, without which there can be no true peace.
Defending human rights is not only the first responsibility of the state, its raison d'être and its institutions. State institutions that are supported by the hard work and resources of citizens. So there is no greater betrayal of the rulers and their officials, when they run the machinery of state to threaten the life, dignity, human rights of its people, thus betraying its raison d'etre.
reprehensible acts have taken place in our country, Pages sad, dark, we should never live as a society, family tragedies that are national tragedies, intolerable abuses can not, must not go unpunished, can not be in the silence.
The Government understands that the best way to commemorate 60 years of the universal declaration of human rights is through the implementation of an international obligation pending before the Inter-American Human Rights, namely: apology public men and women whose human rights were violated by the act or omission the Ecuadorian State.
memory This exercise is not only an obligation in international decisions, should also let us in this time of change, in this era of construction of us, creating memories exemplifying those acts who can not be repeated.
Presentation of case by case apologize
The national government in compliance with international obligations and its democratic and humanist convictions presents public apologies on behalf of the Ecuadorian State:
In memory of Professor Consuelo Benavides Cevallos posthumously to his parents and Luis Rosa Sofia Benavides Cevallos, brothers Kelly and Silvio Benavides, who fought and fight for the disappearance, torture and death Consuelo not remain silent.
In memory of Laura Susana Albán, a victim of medical malpractice, whose death the Ecuadorian justice has left unpunished. His parents Carmen Cornejo and Bismarck Alban, who are still fighting for the punishment of those responsible for the death of her daughter.
In memory of Wilmer Zambrano Vélez, Second Cobeña Olmedo and José Miguel Caicedo Caicedo, victims of extrajudicial killings by the Armed Forces, presented the apologies of the Ecuadorian State to family .
To Mr Daniel Tibi, deprived of freedom and prosecuted for a crime he did not commit Baruet his wife Beatrice, his children Sarah, Jeanne, and Valerian Lisianne Tibi.
To Mr. Rafael Iván Suárez Rosero, deprived of freedom in subhuman conditions, held incommunicado and charged without due process guaranteed to him, his wife Margaret and daughter Micaela Ramadan.
A Mr. Juan Carlos Chaparro and Freddy Lapo, businessmen detained incommunicado and involved in criminal acts that were not tested.
Rigoberto Acosta Calderón at which due process was violated by the institutions of justice in Ecuador.
The State thus complies with the provisions of judgments issued by the Inter-American Court of Human Rights.
However, these are not the only cases in which liability was determined by the Ecuadorian State in the violation of human rights. Additionally, 27 were signed compensation agreements with the Inter-American Commission of Human Rights, in which while not planned to hold a public apology, our convictions citizens require us to submit a formal apology from the Ecuadorian State. Posthumously to donate Arismendy Luz Elena and Don Pedro and Maria Fernanda Restrepo Restrepo Arismendi, the torture, disappearance and death of Carlos Santiago and Pedro Andrés Restrepo Arismendi.
Similarly, in the 26 cases in which Ecuador has accepted responsibility for the violation of human rights.
All apologies to the victims will never be enough, any damages the may compensate, but the truth can never give up. A truth that ends impunity, that truth which makes us understand that each victim suffers the whole society.
The creation of the Ministry Justice and Human Rights is the manifestation of a real commitment of the Government of the citizen's revolution to make an institutional practice justice and the conviction that only the respect, protection and guarantee of human rights is the source of true security, of real development and true democracy.
Gustavo Jalkh Röben
Minister of Justice and Human Rights
Quito, December 10, 2008
Monday, December 1, 2008
The Antlers Granvillaise Near Vire
This is good news for not believing. A zoo in Harbin, northeast China, has spread to a couple of penguins from the pack. The reason: they steal eggs from other couples and exchange them for pebbles. As you can imagine, the couple who steals eggs is a homosexual penguin couples.
zoo spokesman said:
"One of the Responsibilities of Being a male adult is looking after the eggs. Despit this being to biological impossibility for this couple, the natural desire is still there."
Via: Geekologie
Other cases of similar policies in zoos, here.
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Enlarged Uterus Causes Gas?
Al edge of anarchy
operational issues, papers and organization:
As mentioned previously, the date scheduled for the completion of the conference will end on Saturday 29 November 2008, and the physical location will be the Faculty of Arts at the University of Buenos Aires (Puan 480, Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires). The Conference will give its opening at 9:30 AM. The papers will be:
- Are we had loved so much?: Small
critical the foundation of the social bond with Marx and Engels, Kropotkin and others.
- air not only are facts:
Base material and self-management.
- Freedom is a place that is away from home:
Affinities between anarchism, feminism and queer theory.
- surgery, orthopedics, Eugenics:
An approach to the legal constitution of the popular state in twentieth century Argentina.
- Man is the measure of all things - Criticism Anthropocentrism:
Conception Nature in libertarian thought as Daniel Colson.
- Against the State and against all authority:
problems and misunderstandings between anarchism, state, political and institutional.
- The aim is ecstasy, the dream is death
Anarchist Free Love contrasexual the hegemonic queer praxis.
Health and Anarchy!
Launch Options Css 2011
What if Doña Rosa wants to know what is anarchism? We
and we do not believe in them and the anarchists, but "that is, they exist."
And very colorful and diverse ... Anarcho-individualism, anarcho-communists, anarcho-Peronist, anarcho-reformist, populist anarchist, anarcho-feminist ...
is another thing we are interested in anarchism ...
We consider a complex revolutionary war machine and not just a social force that finds its purpose in a petty passion of abolition purely reactive and destructive (though the main enemy is the State). That is why anarchism Philosophy pillages without the slightest intention to preserve or move strictly within its margins, in other words, it simply serves to deliver theoretical and practical dimensions of a common political emancipation. Why not propose this investment? Move from thought to anarchist philosophy, this is the suggested move. What philosophical issues that we can trace in the libertarian perspective? Perhaps this question synthesize our little proposal for the conference in question.
Anarchy is subversive, restless, revolutionary, gay, shifting and unclassifiable. Therefore, we decided to organize a conference on Anarchist Thought and Philosophy and - of course! - For this modest company have pointed to the involvement (active and disinterested) of many passionate things work (not paid) manual and intellectual. According to Daniel Colson: "Because it has the French Academy, or chair, or Pope, or high priests, or Central Committee, anarchism allows you all to speak on their behalf." During the past 5 months, a group of colleagues we have met with this intention, and we have certain issues in common. No we are interested in founding a "science" or "anarchist philosophy" because we believe that anarchism is referred to that, or that it is a necessity. We believe, yes, it is necessary to give a framework for discussion and debate libertarian, and that the fruit of this process is not necessarily the institutionalization of "truths." We do not seek or crave the truth, because anarchists because we believe in it, but what if we hope is that this exercise emergence of new ideas, proposals and opinions that allow us to rethink our struggles and our everyday realities.
Who we are and who we call and hide behind the first person plural? Let's see ... Some are anarchists and some incurable romantic and romantic, and entries already entered in years and eager to contribute to the updating of a worldview similar to the practices and experiences XXI century anarchists, others and others are instead humble collective beings we think that the intersection between anarchism and Philosophy can be very productive for contemporary political thought, and we're also the that knowing that libertarian and anarchist can be used perfectly as synonyms, we continue to use the first term to express our membership of an independent radical left Marxist affiliation becomes not an anarchist , etc. In short, we are who we are and if an ancient prophet was right, from two and we crowd. Anyway, more muscles and brains too bad we did not come ... Is in the doing where we define these issues beyond the number and identity issues ... While
oriented and philosophical debate, not looking to the workshops are designed and articulated with a logic university, where they normally work the dynamics of academic papers, with some language and preconceptions that have little to do with our daily lives. Everyone can (and should) participate, comment and propose. We hope the presence of: workers, university students (regardless of faculty or discipline), neighbors, intellectuals, activists, and militontas militontos, artists, dreamers and dreaming (where possible that have not participated much in Dancing as Skating for a Dream), anarchists publicly discovered and uncovered as such, and so on. ...
Of course, recommend not to participate in this event to all those persons wishing to obtain a credential anarchist, a libertarian certificate for their assistance or services rendered.
The Conference on Autonomous Anarchist Thought and Philosophy will be held on Saturday November 29 at the Faculty of Arts, from 9: 30am. Each and all are invited.
Health and Anarchy!
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Big Females Who Enjoy Sitting On Men's Faces
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Malcolm X' Nick Names
So, a couple of months ago, l started listening on the radio an ad about some sort of community college, which was offering some course on "applied magic" (magia aplicada). l have no idea how this course got approved by the council of universities (it's called conesup), but, anyway l supposed nobody would have take this seriously.
But l was wrong.
A girl was telling me she believed in strange forces and she believed she had some sort of "healing power". Before labeling her as NUTS in my head, l began remembering that all women l have met recently believe in somewhat supernatural stuff.
Although l remembered the golden rule on women , l couldn't help but filling the label with all of them.
PS. l bet at least one of them will comment on how real is magic.
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
How Much Granite Headstone
Usually, a music video has no relation with the song itself. Well, if they do, this is how it would sound like:
Watch for the "this guy is gonna get his ass full of pipe wrench" on 2.35 minute.
Seen on Geekologie.
Monday, October 6, 2008
Difference Between Guitar And Drum Dongle
With this background the horizon, we reported that the receipt of papers and / or work proposals to close for the 15/10.
We urge all colleagues to consider these dates if your intention is to present some of the conference. Similarly, those with knowledge of someone who wishes to do so, we appreciate that spread.
reiterate again proposed papers so far, which are in process research and development.
Anthropocentrism Critique: Conception of Nature libertarian thought as Colson.
The aim is ecstasy, the dream is death Anarchist Free Love contrasexual the hegemonic queer praxis.
surgery, orthopedics, Eugenics: An approach to the legal constitution of the popular state in twentieth century Argentina
Freedom is a place that is away from home: Affinities between anarchism, feminism and queer theory.
Against the State and against all authority: problems and misunderstandings between anarchism, state, political and institutional.
What Curtains Go With Lavender Walls
not we are interested in founding a "science" or "anarchist philosophy" because we believe that anarchism is referred to that, or that it is a necessity. We believe, if that is necessary to give a framework for discussion and debate libertarian, and that the fruit of this process is not necessarily the institutionalization of "truths." We do not seek or crave the truth, because anarchists simply because they do not believe it, but we hope that this exercise emergence of new ideas, proposals and opinions that allow us to rethink our struggles and our everyday realities.
For these reasons, we agree to some peculiarities about the work.
• While oriented and philosophical debate, not the days we are conceived and articulated a logic university, where they normally work dynamics of academic papers, with some language and preconceptions that have little to do with our daily lives. Everyone can (and should) participate, comment and propose.
· Works will have an exposure time (between '15 and '20) where the exponent or seek to develop the theme, then it will begin a round of questions and answers. Exchanges and questions are expected.
· Finding (and encouraged) that the works are the fruit of the collective production of all. Therefore, those who wish to present must necessarily participate in this process prior work, where from the various concerns and views, there is an exchange with colleagues and sisters. We do not want want someone to come and sit and talk about (and with) a text of individual production that had no previous access, and after reading to get up and leave. So too, we exist previous copies of the various jobs for those who have not participated in this collective production last year but wish to access it.
· There will be various ways to propose and present the various themes: material is read, may rely on visual elements, you can just sit back and throw some concerns about it go Departed, etc. The methods that each exhibitor or exhibitor deems appropriate are valid, while respecting the agreed time.
Do not look for any overlapping exposure to another, because we believe are important to all, and because we want to be present and participate in all.
continue to work collectively, to exchange views and questions, and invite you again to all colleagues who wish to propose and present various topics. We have set a date for the Conference: 29 November there will be more news 2008.Prontamente.
Health and Anarchy
2004 Hyundai Santafe Solonoid
Finally, on Tuesday July 15 we met the group organizer with a group of comrades who had responded to the concerns proposals for the organization of the Conference on Autonomous Anarchist Thought and Philosophy.
After a general presentation, we talked and exchanged views.
Here is a brief overview of what was discussed:
- That the days are intended to deepen, problematize and enforce the limits of anarchist thought which we believe, in part, outdated and stagnant. We seek to exceed the nineteenth century thought to move towards a century anarchist thought.
- It is necessary is given an area outside of the various groups, spaces and organizations, permeable to various positions and trends, large enough to afford the questioning, breaking with the dogma. Not the "sacred cows" of anarchism.
- Who can live and work colleagues collectively, as individuals, as well as those belonging to any organized space, without necessarily be dogmatically hold various "flags", preventing the debate. We do not seek or support a "anarcómetro" to define what anarchism is and what not
Es - There are proposals and attempts to retrain anarchist thought spinning. In many cases, they are giving so much inside, but most interestingly, also out of anarchism.
- While we look for what is produced has a certain richness and depth, not seek to propose and write in a way most appreciable altruistic or incomprehensible "to the masses." That there is complexity, there is flight ... but that is not an abstract metaphysical intellectual debate, because "to Mrs. Rose wants to know what is anarchism."
After this, we expose more or less the areas on which we intend to get to work and research. The idea is that colleagues who share a similar interest to work in as possible, so group. At the same time, you are working on a particular axis does not prevent many colleagues can not participate or assist others.
So far, this competition have been proposed various themes:
- Education, Pedagogy and the question of teaching on (and from) anarchism.
- Anthropocentrism Critique: the conception of Nature in libertarian thought as Colson.
- The aim is ecstasy, the dream is death Anarchist Free Love contrasexual the hegemonic praxis queer.
- Freedom is a place that is away from home: affinities between anarchism, feminism and queer theory.
- surgery, orthopedics, Eugenics: An approach to the legal constitution of the popular state in twentieth century Argentina.
- Against the State and against all authority: problems and disagreements between Anarchy, State, political and institutional.
invited to submit their various proposals, as well as to participate and add to the already raised.
Soon we will meet again to see how will the various jobs, as well as to enable them to attend who could not do previously.
Soul Silver Rom Upgrade
already a commonplace to argue that modern political thought have somewhere a very considerable poverty but for the emergence of libertarian principles of equity. Anyway, for us and we anarchism is not an object of study. " No hope, or even want-that philosophy once and have a condescending gesture of anarchism and recognize both the complexity and density of his theoretical thinking (as if the ethical-political libertarian could be restricted only to a series of identificatory categories in competition with other political speeches -Marxism, fibula, liberalism, socialism, etc.). How thinkers and theorists of anarchy will discuss at the same level, on the same machine closure professor-qualifying the dominant order itself? Why are they going to accept the recognition they proposed to shift to play dress up in order to enter the temples of science and philosophy?
is another thing we are interested in anarchism ...
We consider a complex war machine and not a simple revolutionary social force that finds its purpose in a petty passion of abolition purely reactive and destructive, even though the main enemy is the State. This is why the Anarchism Philosophy pillages without the slightest intention to preserve or move strictly within its margins, in other words, it simply serves to deliver theoretical and practical dimensions of a common political emancipation. Why not propose this investment? Move from thought to anarchist philosophy, this is the suggested move. What philosophical issues that we can trace in the libertarian perspective? Perhaps this question synthesize our little proposal for the conference in question.
Anarchy is concerned, happy, quicksand, unclassifiable and subversive. We want to organize a Conference on Thinking Anarchist Philosophy and - of course! - For this modest company-we \u200b\u200bneed the active participation of numerous beings disinterested lovers of wage-work-no manual and intellectual. We hope to get in touch with: workers, university students (regardless of faculty or discipline), neighbors, intellectuals, activists, and militontas militontos, artists, dreamers and dreaming (which I may not have participated in both Skating Dancing like a dream), anarchists publicly discovered and uncovered as such, and so on. According to Daniel Colson: "Why has not the French Academy, or cathedra, nor Pope or high priests, or Central Committee, anarchism allows all to speak on their behalf. " Of course, we recommend not to participate in organizing this event for all those persons wishing to obtain a credential or certificate anarchist libertarian for services rendered.
Who we are and who we call and hide behind the first person plural? Let's see ... Some are anarchists and some incurable romantic and romantic and entries already entered in years and eager to contribute to the updating of a worldview similar to the practices and experiences XXI century anarchists, others and others constructed collective beings we are humble we think that a mix of anarchism and philosophy can be very productive for contemporary political thought, and we're also the that knowing that libertarian and anarchist can be used as synonyms perfectly still using the first term to express our membership of a autonomous radical left Marxist affiliation not become an anarchist, etc. In short, we are who we are and if an ancient prophet was right, from two and we crowd. Anyway, more muscles and brains too bad we did not come ... Is in the doing where we define these issues beyond the number and identity issues ...
At this very moment we are developing these themes for the conference (of course the idea is to expand the topics):
- Anarchism and Philosophy of Law, social control.
- Base material and forms of social self-management.
- Critics of anthropocentrism: the conception of Nature in libertarian thought as Colson.
- Anarchy and Eros: anarchism before love.
- Anarchism and political thinking outside of the institutional and state logic.
- The place of God in anarchist thought.
- Anarchism and Feminism: resonances and affinities.
- Grandpa Bombita anarchist Rodriguez, Palito Ortega Montonero (we apologize to those who still do not know this character and have been left out of the joke) ...
Friday, September 5, 2008
I Wear My Wife Pregnant Girdle
Maybe l didn't get the right idea or the journalist didn't follow what this girl is Saying, But, as it looks in this news report, lesbians are in. favor of abortion:
eat from a news report from The Telegraph Journal, about a bunch of female Organizations in favor of new Ecuadorian constitution.
The director of the Ecuadorian Organization Lesbian, Sandra Alvarez, noted that 90% of proposal was welcomed by the assembly and in the 10% that was not accepted by City Alfaro is the decriminalization of abortion. This sentence
Why Women Would Give a dime on the abortion issue? As far as l know, pregnancy is Strictly related with heterosexual intercourse. If you're lesbian, you shouldn't care if abortion is legal or not.
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Abdominal Pain And Pee Alot
Since about 8 months, I'm working in my office with a partner.
's website office is available for their comments or criticisms: the design is based on blogger template and some changes I made.
Blog institutional nature precludes putting links of contacts, so I left them in paragraph LINKS>> Blogs. If any blog, I pray that I do agree
Monday, August 18, 2008
Gpa Swarovski Crystal
Short Story:
was once a daily Mainichi , 4th in circulation in Japan (I know: it pays for the louts, but even so we speak in the suc-mundu newspaper-newspaper stands) that in its English edition decided to put a column of "news humor" that at some point he decided to feed the humor and Weird notes with simple and plain lies.
This column is called Waiwai and, being one of the few sources in English from the Japanese press, eventually became an obligatory reference to international journalism, when taking any cable news in Japan.
Everything went well (except, of course, for years the West believed that great things happened in Japan) until sometime a Japanese foreign realized that signing the Mainichi newspaper said in Waiwai fictitious notes were taken abroad as truthful. The restrained in their country complained and so began the debacle: readers and advertisers rejected Waiwai column and the newspaper was forced to withdraw from the English edition of his diary, in addition to fire those responsible.
With that, the West will stay with the boring real life notes and the Japanese can sleep easy, knowing that the world is not going to shock of occurrences such as: Restaurants where you eat and rape animals, sexually Japanese easy or a country where everyone has an inflatable doll.
Waiwai A video
read the full story at this link.
But in this one, I heard the story that invented a small country-western end: Ecuador.
turns out that in a happy day came the news "dummy" column Waiwai:
In Ecuador, Japanese can, According To the men's weekly, hunt for Children in a Different Manner as They Are Armed with a rifle and permitted to track down to youth let loose in the jungle. About 10 Japanese Have so far taken part in the tours, with only three at getting a shot off target and no fatalities Their report.
I put these words in the English translator of Japanese and rarest characters left. Then I put the characters very rare in English translation and went something like this:
In Ecuador, as a weekly for men, the Japanese can hunt children in different ways: they are armed with a rifle and allowed to pursue infants who have been abandoned in the jungle. About 10 Japanese have been part of these tours, and only 3 have been shooting their targets and no fatalities have been reported (In tourism).
not know how to take it when a power Ecuadorians imagine crazy things about the country, but usually it gives me grace. Like when Bender and hundreds of robots are going to a party at the Galapagos Islands in Futurama.
But is not the same erroneous reference in a comedy like Full House or as I dream of Gennie, but if there is a story, apparently seriously, in a newspaper column, apparently seriously, things change.
seems nobody has hitherto been known about the press release "false", but the first protest since Ecuador was nothing less than a Japanese resident in this country. His concern was only logical if tomorrow this note appears as "true" in Ecuador, some lunatic's would take seriously and perhaps would ever seek revenge with the first Japanese to find.
This is the post that reproduces the complaint of the Japanese.
I could not read, has been in Japanese!
Japanese visit told us that his life was put at risk by the lightness of the daily newspaper Mainichi. has received feedback that it described as alarmist, but he based his concerns on the high rate of violence in our country, illustrating it with a link to the newspaper Extra. Quaint
story to discuss various current issues such as banning the police to facilitate access to the morgue and accidents to chronic journalists red international perceptions about the insecurity in Ecuador or simply the patron of our perception : longfin seeing us while in the international blogosphere bateroyal is armed with our name in the middle.
and on what terms the complaint of the Japanese? The story is explained in detail in globalvoicesonline . For now, the queue will close Waiwai and, within a few years, will be a case study in some schools of social communication.
Friday, August 8, 2008
Is A Half Head Of Highlights Enough
If they're not divorcing after this, it means is truly love:
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Wendy Calio In Tight Pants
l started writing before this page comes with an answer on how nerd l am. l found this test at Ursus blog .
The answer is:
(l knew it!)
But l scored LOWER than ursus (think it's ok), so l guess l must take the other quiz from the same page:
Friday, May 23, 2008
Enlarged Live Caused By Prednisone
Sen. Barack Obama has taken note of the last attack of Colombian military forces against FARC, but misses the key detail: the attack took place on ecuadorian territory!
On previous statements, Obama has clearly supported the "right" of The USA to attack any country where they assume terrorism is hidden and the local government isn't able or isn't willing to stop the threat. Now, Obama has made cristal clear he will support any other attack by Colombian government on any other country.
Sen. Obama offers to work for international isolation against any country they assume bonded with terrorism. The "tiny" problem is that american government decides which organization is or isn't terrorist (let's remember: FARC isn't a terrorist organization according to the UN ) and they also decide which government they assume support or doesn't support terrorism.
In this print statement (page 7) , linked from the official website , shows Obama's point of view on Ecuador-Colombia struggle:
Promote Security and Combat Drugs in Colombia: The U.S. and Colombia have many important shared
interests. For more than 8 years, the U.S. has provided roughly $700 million a year to fight drug trafficking.
We need to continue efforts to support Colombia in a way that also advances our interests and is true to our
values. We must support the creation and reinforcement of robust civilian institutions in Colombia that
contribute to lasting peace and to ending the decades-long reign of terror perpetrated against the Colombian
people by illegal armed groups of every stripe. Given the devastating impact the drug trade has on the U.S. and
Columbia, we must continue to do more to work to reduce the drug trade. Barack Obama supports continuing
the Andean Counterdrug Program to the U.S. strategy to combat narco-trafficking in Colombia. He will
enhance the program and broaden the involvement of Colombians, while reducing its reliance on American
The Colombian people have suffered for more than four decades at the hands of a brutal terrorist insurgency.
Last March, Colombian security forces targeted a senior Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC),
leader, and Ecuador and Venezuela moved troops and tanks to their borders with Colombia, bringing hostilities
to a boiling point. But this must not be used as a pretense to ratchet up tensions or to threaten the stability of the
region. In an Obama administration, we will support Colombia’s right to strike terrorists who seek safe-haven
across its borders, to defend itself against FARC and we will address any support for the FARC that comes from
members of neighboring governments because this behavior must be exposed to international condemnation and
regional isolation.
This speech was held last friday on the Cuban American National Foundation Luncheon and is shown on this video:
For the Ecuadorian Interest, We Should Hope Obama Does not Become the next "leader of the free world", unless I Changes on this historical policy isssues.
Sunday, May 18, 2008
Yamaha Psr S710 Arabic Styles Free
For earlier had shown sympathy for Barack Obama, though not an ardent supporter.
Two things made me think:
* Will Obama end up losing because he was black? The voter can be racist in the voting screen.
* Obama said to agree with the policy of invading countries if they do not want to cooperate with the war on terrorism. This puts him on the side of the discussion Uribe CS-CO.
Mathematically, Hillary will not win enough delegates, unless the super-delegates decide in a direction opposite to that voters have decided. It is unlikely but can occur, if they believe that Obama can lose against John McCain.
Although several people have invited Hillary to withdraw, she has not done. Personally I see the risk that McCain wins a very real risk. Perhaps Obama can not win (being away from voting "blue collar" or ethnicity, or whatever), but Hillary probably can. Sure, assuming the pro-Obama voter will not go home bitter and will not come to vote.
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Wedding Decor Lemons Orenges
I will not speak of those who become bald just finished college. But this Japanese journalist:
Via: Geekology
Thursday, May 1, 2008
Friday, April 25, 2008
Infection Web Pierced
In a corporation, the General Meeting of Shareholders is the only organ of government. Is the maximum within the company.
A limited company can have a board that meets regularly but not necessarily includes the shareholders, or all or in part. The board controls the management of the company: see how it works chief executive, management, establishing their salaries or bonuses for their performance, etc. Since then, the board can amend the statute of the company, or to decide the fate of the profits.
That means that the directory is an administrative organ. Clarito I had until last week.
turns out that when leaving a sentence of 8 years detention against members of the board of a failed bank, a lawyer said that the directory is not an administrative body, but when the governor of Guayas hovers in a directory, some say you CAN NOT because the directory is an administrative body.
What it?
The first news: Ramiro Aguilar said that the directory is not an administrative body of the bank (which is a corporation):
of "opportunistic" Ramiro Aguilar called the criminal with that failure.
The criminal lawyer said that the board of a bank is not part of the administration, therefore reiterated that the decision of the Second Board was only "opportunistic" to get along with members of the Constituent Assembly have questioned the attitude of the Supreme Court of Justice for bank trials.
The second news: Pablo Ortiz recalls that the directory is an administrative entity of Pacifictel SA (a publicly owned company, but organized according to the rules of private law):
Five Corporate Law lawyers agreed the illegal appointment of a governor as an administrator in a corporation. "The board members are making functions of managers and therefore there is a ban on him (Saman) may be appointed to the board, "said Pablo Ortiz, sub-Dean of the Faculty of Law at the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador (PUCE).
As a professor, Ortiz says, "The Commercial Code determines who may not be directors and one of the clauses says that can not be civil servants. He (Governor) is within the prohibition. I affirm that you are an administrator and that falls within the prohibition. "
Who is right?
Why is there a double standard for bankers and government officials?
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Jvc Gz-mg155ek Drivers
Network Readiness, presented by The Global Information Technology Report, the World Economic Forum Ecuador appears between Albania and Armenia, as one of the countries to the developing tail of information technology.
Ecuador is ranked 107. With the exception of Bolivia, Nicaragua and Paraguay, ALL America is better placed.
link here.
On the other hand, the good news: Welcome to a blog friend, Global Ecuador. Your link is in the blogroll on this blog and www.asamblea