about the invention of the newspaper El País
few days ago, the English daily El Pais released as "first" that the first campaign Correa had received a contribution from the FARC.
not the first time that this journal will play into the Colombian government. Almost a year ago launched a similar invention. On the subject, at which time the journalist Rubén Darío Buitrón ajdunto interviewed the director of the Journal, Vicente Jiménez. This is the interview:
"If I had to be rectified I would, BUT NOT THE CASE"
By Rubén Darío Buitrón
The basic rules of good journalism say that you should go directly to the source, ask questions, compare , crossing information, check, be plural, stage actors all the facts that count. Did the
English newspaper "El País" these basic requirements, including ethical and balanced management of information, posting on Wednesday, in three pages, with front-page headline, the article "The FARC find refuge in Ecuador?
The government of President Rafael Correa reacted with outrage to the report. He rejected what the journalist says in the text, sent explanatory letters which are published today in the newspaper and threatened to prosecute the media. We communicate by telephone in Madrid Vicente Jiménez, deputy director of the "Country".
In this interview, Jimenez published and defends what he says bet on the credibility and confidence in his reporter Maite Rico, who wrote the report from Bogota.
What criteria was based El Pais to publish the story about the FARC and Ecuador? It is, in our view, of a note without confrontation with the defendant and supported by hidden sources ...
Your question is loaded with intention. The criterion that the country at the time of publishing is not, but all information is the same: the interest of information, its relevance, the contrast of sources, checking of information ... As you well have said, when sensitive information is where intelligence services are involved, obviously the source management is not the same as that of a press conference. It is information that requires a different preparation, but the criteria is the same as is usually the newspaper.
But contrasted with the other party. For example, when he says that "the former guerrilla has not mince words and launched serious accusations against the authorities," the journalist did not call these authorities ...
There are reports, as you well know, which sometimes contrast is difficult because the source that we must resort to contrast not do it, would not comment because the type of information it is.
That is, not confronted?
I will not get to discuss why a particular phrase guerrilla determined not confronted with the appropriate source or government agency. All I can say is that the newspaper published information because he felt that he was interested, we were aware that sensitive information was sensitive, but is confronted, there are various sources of intelligence, including the OAS ...
OAS Secretary reacted harshly and rejected
version ... I know that the OAS ensures that none of its officials spoke to the country, but that is absolutely false. Of course I doubt that the official wants to confess his own initiative he spoke to El Pais. But, hey, this is unusual for sensitive information that is at stake is the credibility of governments, the relations between the governments of Colombia, Venezuela and Ecuador, the relationship with a guerrilla group in Colombia considered a terrorist.
"measured the impact that would have the story?
was understood that information that would arouse much controversy and that would obviously not be to everyone's liking, but the newspaper should keep its policy is to inform all that it considers relevant. Obviously, for the country what is happening in Ecuador, Colombia, Venezuela, throughout Latin America, is of primary interest.
If the Ecuadorian government raises a claim against the country, what is your response?
Typically, it is not the first nor the last time. If there is demand would speak with our legal services and they, of course, give the appropriate response.
"The other scenario would be the correction of the report if the Ecuadorian government to demonstrate that it is not true what was said?
El Pais published tomorrow (today) a letter from the Ambassador of Ecuador in Spain and also a letter from the secretary of the OAS. We do not have the slightest problem to post the version you want to give people who consider themselves affected by information.
The question is whether the country would rectify if it is proved that what is published does not conform to reality ...
Our duty is to assess the information and we will do if what you say. But one thing should be very clear: Country fully responds to the assertion of the journalist who made that information.
you Discards "bias in the content?
The newspaper did not have any animosity against the legitimate government of Correa, Uribe or Chavez. Yes, we have every right to publish that information that according to ethical procedures that handle our journalists consider can be published.
Even if you do not have all the elements of a consistent note?
has all the elements and the country may support the assertion in the report. If from there Correa's government sees fit to go to court and take legal action, has every right to do so.
Why did the note from Bogota and Quito not?
I'm not sure where you want reach the question ...
the balance and the contrast, you have always been a benchmark of good information ...
That has nothing to do with Quito, Bogota and Caracas. Country acts like everywhere. We succeed, sometimes we are wrong and deserve awards. Our view on political violence is the same in Bogota, Quito or Beijing.
The country ratified, then, in all published?
I will not get to discuss the procedure and how it has worked our reporter. Do not go into what are our ways of working. Our commitment is to our readers and procedures to defend.
Is there the possibility of redress, if that proved otherwise?
That response is in the assessment made by the newspaper reporter's note. Lies in the fact of having published the information and who has given three columns on the front page and three pages in its international section. That's all I can say about that.
Do you accept publicly a mistake, if you get to make?
The newspaper has neither ever had any qualms about acknowledging the errors, when warranted. The country has no problem to post corrections. In the present case will publish the letters, but not rectify because we believe in the ability to Maite Rico, whose work The country defends and supports.
Via: http://rubendariobuitron.wordpress.com/2009/08/03/otra-vez-diario-el-pais-uf/
I recommend visiting the following entries from the same blog, he recalls businesses in the country and how it relates to the Colombian media ...
... and it seems that the country should have good relations with Uribe.
Andrés Velasco wrote to the same blog on the country and reveals other issues, very interesting:
To understand the notes the newspaper "El País" must be analyzed within the context, which in this case is simple: money. Sufficient to review the investments of English Multinationals (communications, publishing, energy, oil, ...). (...)
In fact, I recommend you check all items that have been published about Ecuador. They find that Alberto Acosta is apparently owns the largest bank in Ecuador as he led the Constituent Assembly.
Via: http://rubendariobuitron.wordpress.com/2009/08/04/para-entender-a-diario-el-pais/
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