Saturday, September 12, 2009

Regal Kitchen Pro K6743 Parts

In I-.

This time I leave a fairly rigid schedule on the blog to say what I please.
I recently returned to comment on the blog (that I have it pretty botadito, do not endorse or I add anything, so I thought it was great) and took advantage of update my profile.
just off I have two phones, so I am incommunicado telephone (if not for the blessed Internet)
should have done this long ago I think.
distance has brought me good and bad times. Good and bad nostalgia. Good and bad experiences. Good and bad dreams. And very bad disappointment.
Although the latter clearly is, it's just my fault, since I am faithful follower of the line in that place for waiting disappointment over what might happen, so do not expect anything and be happy with what comes . And a "better than nothing."
you consider is always the same? Where they are?
I do. Although no parezca que soy la misma.
De pasar a ser florerito de mesa en mi colegio a ser alguien super piola en la U, es una gran diferencia. Realmente, una gran diferencia. Pero es que estoy probando el terreno recién y está tomando menos tiempo que en el colegio (8 años, toda la enseñanza básica para despertar recien en primero medio y darme a conocer).
Me agrada la nueva gente que está a mi alrededor. Me hace enojar con facilidad por su flojera, pero me cuidan. Además, son ellos los que llevan la batuta para la diversión y eso me agrada, como yo no conozco mucho acá. Además hablamos de todo.
Pero por el otro lado, soy de las que no olvidan el pasado. Nunca nadie reemplazará a mis buenos amigos de Curico. Well, I think the good ... or thought a while ago.
I've always said that people come and go in our lives, but for me, I'm so stupid when it comes to love, I find it a bit hard to give to people. And expecting the same in return, as it was not caprice.
More than one bitter moment has given me to see the rest still change and I remain the same. Loving them the same way and expecting something that may never come. And here I always think I already went through the exit door to go that far.
I was miserable? Yes, I walked away for mental health.
But not to lose ... lost bread or piece? I do not know. But now looking forward to Curico I have, and ultimately would go for a while ... than necessary ... and what is needed?
do not know, because where no aid, better not to interfere.
So now I'm not more. -.-


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