Wednesday, December 22, 2010

David Beckham Knit Hat Where To Buy

NEW Commentator CYNICISM


Why is it that I like so much to disturb the soul of sanctimonious happy

Now, when everyone knows that the SIC are thieves and criminals, the stupid excuse of voter is that everyone is equal, everyone steals, but nobody has shown, seen or heard. ___________________________________________

Zapatero agreeing with the American lobby to Internet freedom and break laws to suit English USA; Berlusconi destroying the rule of law to perpetuate and legitimize their crimes, Cameron, sacrificing education and welfare of their students to benefit big capital, Sarkozy ready to add to the descendant of Le Pen, the municipalities of the left (of progress , according to them) Catalan coba giving the
xenophobia ... Meanwhile, the polar cap is melting at a rate as unknown as expected, without anyone doing something about it. ___________________________________________

years ago, and in 2007, commented Expanding on the looming crisis, very different to the lender, in 2008 it was with my friend Sebastian, a navy commander. Curious
a navy commander and a designer and entrepreneur in the world of fashion so clearly see the current depression, while our politicians and some of our economists, specifically those involved to make the money run, do not found out.
discuss now more or less success in Nothing is free and Jardiel Dream. The one, FEDEA, seems rooted in the desperate and the illogical inaction of nonsense, rambling about how a state should fuck who keeps and who squeezes feed. The other, Sage Manuel Conthe, who seems to be doing exams if they call to save the shed. Namely, you can not say anything alter his rise through the ranks. ___________________________________________

The future is China, Brazil and little else, the road is a series of wars of attrition, as terrible as bloody, isolation of America and its end as a dominant power, which will entail misery and death throes death and ruin of Europe, whose streets are able to see poverty.
same time, in ten years climate change will transform huge areas of culture, home to hundreds of millions of people in unhealthy lands flooded by a sea polluted with heavy metals. We will see mass migration as they have never seen, countries Whole disappear. While the U.S. Congress and the Chinese Council, discuss the opportunity to formalize the change, as if his life depended on it.
the next ten years will have been censored internet and can be used only from approved brokers. In some countries monitor private mail, at first under the pretext of pursuing terrorism, even though its practitioners may fall into the idiocy of use. This will seek the relevant heads of Turkish, to be among the rebels and outcasts.
In the so-called free world, all governments sharpen their weapons and finalize their bills that the thing done well, slowly but unchecked. Wanted and discusses the potential victims, always among the most vulnerable, first illegal immigrants, which will be called uncivil, then their descendants, previously isolated and out of education and health, to then be expelled lack of integration. Analyze them to find a link to some kind of crime, riots caused by despair. At first will be a hundred, two hundred, then friends, acquaintances, family, later the entire group. Be expelled, jailed or arranged in fields, so that people can sleep in peace. And the law is already done and people accustomed to obey, and pass through the filter of censorship and repression. ___________________________________________

many years ago, when we fought against the dictatorship, the majority who vote for the CIU, the PP and some of those who follow the PSOE, cried out against us, these young people that clutter, that affect the economy , to scare customers and do not let us sleep in peace, which constantly remind us that we live in a dictatorship. And when we asked, looking to the side and said: I do not meddle in politics.

When we find a social problem, a mathematical error, an aviation accident, illness ... anything to break or alter the business of life, people seek their solution, first out of the mess, after not to fall more into it.
currently we have the most serious crisis in modern society, as we predicted three years ago, the same or worse than 29. Most of our economists give a deadline without argument, that will lengthen as it approaches and nothing implies an end. We all know, from the pastor more isolated in the region more uninhabited, until the bank manager Spain, which has been the problem, but there is no intention to fix it, not even legislate so that does not happen again. Instead, he is desperately seeking the means of pay between those who can fix it, suffocating and limiting its room for maneuver. New technologies, health, research and alternative energy sources ... everything that was covered by the famous law of sustainable economy, have been killed, but the only thing that remains and so, as I warned at the time, was created: the law Sinde.


Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Toilet Bowel Tablets Bad


few days ago Juan Carlos Rodríguez Ibarra wrote an article in the Tribune Country , and this came another in the Fedea Blog: Nothing is Free , which participated as a commentator, sometimes rightly, sometimes not so and some being deleted by the censors. This has been the case.

My comment:

"President of the region with more fiscal surplus since the arrival of Philip the government. Each Extremadura he is averaging € 2800 after delivering 1043, while a Catalan 2120, after paying 1868; that's not counting here everything is more expensive.
I really do not understand how there is so much unemployment in Extremadura after so many years, unless someone takes the money or drive with your feet.
I do not know how you see it, but as individuals and the media have forum like that, things remain the same or worse.
Of course, I have been a lot of things in the pipeline. "

And yes, I left a lot to say, but I thought I should not because insurance censor the comments, not insults much and truthfully, something I could not avoid. I guess I should not like, that reading the comments would be reflected so.
not surprise me or upset that this guy has a forum in the country. Why not, if it is of the same neoliberal ideology, but in a place as academic and non-political, the court can give a guy so useless that threaten their incompetence just attack the rest is left, facing countries and drop populist invective or, as now, use your verbiage learned to preach the opposite of what he practiced.

The same subject was published in Chrysalis time, extended with another opinion.


Monday, November 1, 2010

Xanax And Quit Smoking

Pope of Rome and Barcelona

is so ridiculous and hypocritical to be against the visit of the Pope of Rome as excusing the special treatment he will receive for being head of state. Under this premise, as we visited the president of San Marino, Andorra or Mauritius, would have to collapse half Barcelona.
Pope of Rome is the spiritual leader of millions of people and is as such, so that his visit could move more than a million people, arrived from many parts of Spain, and to administer such agglomeration requires a large organization and prepare the necessary infrastructure.
is just as ridiculous and hypocritical that some Catholics hide behind the suitability of the visit of its leader, with benefits accruing to the city, much higher, they say, the expenditure involved. From a Catholic I would be embarrassed, and if the pope, much to think that a community of faithful treat my visits as a circus to attract tourists and money.
But the rest of the Catalans, what else should worry, not to come or stop coming, that's his right, but some elected leaders to govern and administer the country, are willing to obey their spiritual leader before that the mandate of their electorate.
I would ask Mr. Duran i Lleida, if considered appropriate that a head of state and undemocratic theocratic should be treated better than any of the democratic world. I would also like to know what he would say, if Mr. Montilla received with the honors it deserves to Mr. Chavez, elected president of Venezuela and a survivor of a coup, in which Spain and the USA were involved.


Thursday, September 30, 2010

Brothersoft Age Of Empires 3

Social - Christian

I believe in democracy because I think that through it you can also obtain the distribution of wealth and greater social equality, I think democracy is a valid and beneficial to the people, so my ideas are not revolutionary more than utopias already shown, none has worked.

believe and defend the regulated capitalism as an economic system, not a bad feeling "good", the state is in obligation to provide basic services to the people or public welfare system, as they prefer to call it, for example: A good health system or a good identification system or a legal system guarantees, among many other services that Venezuela lacks ... The government that runs the state must address the tax administration in order to maintain such basic services in Venezuela and unfortunately we have rarely enjoyed such a government, almost all have handled the money for their "welfare" personal.

For me there should be equality of opportunity regardless of race, sex or religion, we all have the same rights and obligations. Also the social-Christian call because for me Traditional values \u200b\u200bare important to the Catholic religion with some nuances: The traditional family, I do not support abortion (end of life is murder) but I'm not against euthanasia because if someone wants to die is because it has no quality of life.

Finally rulers are the stewards of our wealth, which translates into: STATE TO CARE FOR AND PROTECT THEIR CITIZENS BASADONSE IN A WELFARE SYSTEM.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Birthday Wishes For Someone Turning 18



Saturday, September 25, 2010

Vice City Unhandled Exception:c0000005

Nazism and Zionism


This item was released on January 31, 2009 on my old blog Blogia. We constantly being reissued now, that certain facts are never forgotten and because occasionally I get a commentary in English and without reason, with a funny link, make me remember.

Given the inability to add the comment Koldo, perhaps the longest and most interesting in the history of blogging, I add the link "A cat on the balcony" of Blogia .

Hidden behind the screen of the media war and the creation of economic terrorism, Nazi Germany tried to kill all members of a religious and cultural lineage. He used political persecution, violation of the law, the use of terror in the highest degree. Its aim: to win economic and physical space, and steal the property of their victims on behalf of the Aryan race.
Disturbed that a developed and educated people could choose as leaders men who, displaying a lot of preparation and refinement, feel so attracted to the cruelty and could publicly boast of their atrocities.

Nazism from 1933 to 1945, twelve years, sacrificed everything from his reputation for economic recovery achieved, his achievements as a reuniting of the German population, for his murderous desire.
Nazism developed in the lower socio-cultural spaces of German society. The procedure was coming to power through terror and agitation produced by young people with a swastika on his arm, hailed as a police outpost and predominant breed, special ... permission to murder anyone who prevented his promotion. Once in power and get it in its entirety, seduced by surrounding the former ruling class of industrialists, politicians and military transmuted his image, became more worldly and refined lover of culture, architecture, medicine.
Twelve years of mass murder and conquest to achieve physical and economic space for the big German.

Germany lost the war after many years of victories, was completely destroyed and their leaders persecuted and judged by everyone. Many people believe that if Nazism, instead of persecuting the German Jews, had been associated with them, which was insured, the war would have ended sooner and with his victory.

Today, Israeli Jews can not bear to be compared with their tormentors for the simple reason that they are equal. The swastika is the star and their weapons have changed as the world, are cluster bombs, white phosphorus ... its objectives are the owners of the land where they set their cities; people that their sin is to preserve the keys and title deeds to their lands and claim them back.
The Nazis were genocidal and terrorist force and the SS, the Jews founded in 1937 the Irgun, a terrorist who killed thousands of Palestinians.
Deir Yassin, Lod, Dawayima, Saliha, Abu Shusha ... to twenty-three Palestinian villages massacred. The Europeans who had visited these people on the ground that the testicles were severed from adults, children tied up and burned alive and their mothers killed in front of them.
Jews strategy was based on depopulated, since they could not move to neighboring countries the total population, the maximum amount of territory through mass killings. To achieve their ends do not hesitate to assassinate Count Folke Bernadotte, UN mediator, who had saved thousands of Jews from Germany, while he was president of the Swedish Red Cross during WWII.
of the most bloodthirsty and cruel leaders of the Irgun were: Yitzhak Shamir, Benagem Begim and Stern, the first two future prime ministers of Israel.
Shamir and Stern, later founded Lehi, a band of murderers who accused the Irgun soft.
In 1941, the band tried to associate with Nazi Germany to relocate all the Jews to Palestine, to eliminate the Palestinians and create a Jewish nation, in exchange for a military alliance against the English.

If the reader follows closely the history of Zionism, discover which is the exact copy of Nazism.
The information published on this subject comes from declassified Israeli army and MI5 recovered by historian Benny Morris: A History of the Zionist-Arab Conflict, 1881-2001.

We shall soon see in our cinema and television screens, a new film about the Holocaust and the heroic journey of the Jewish people. Also the birth of some new books, written probably new historians alike, the same story written in a more pleasant and modern. A new screen propaganda to hide the genocide and ethnic cleansing, for they "transfer" which is more beautiful, of the Palestinian population.


Thursday, July 29, 2010

Mazatlan/dune Buggy Rental



Excerpt from the book I'm writing:

One day we went to help in a nearby field, I noticed a deep trench dug in the ground. Asked my companion and I pointed to the sky, and made a hand plane and the other pump. "Hindus," he said with astonishing calm. And at dinner I found out that Indian aircraft, having violated the sky Pakistan had dropped a few bombs in the fields. He did not kill or hurt anyone, but a house had been damaged and were still arranging, and tenants who had been thrown to the ground, frightened shrapnel and built the trench.
And I thought about what our friend told us commander, that the Pakistanis were his people, both as to the other side of the border, and never attack or bombed population, but the Indians felt at home outside and did not care to do so in either of the two sides.

Years ago, during the Yugoslav wars, I thought of those words, when my younger sister asked me, upon hearing the news from Sarajevo ...
- How is it that some guys who have been brothers, who speak the same language, playing with the same selection, bomb and kill in this way so barbaric? -
And is that Serbs never considered as part of the Bosnians themselves, but to their land, the taxes collected. For them it was part of Greater Serbia.

That is extreme nationalism.

. ____________________________________________________________

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Gretchen Rossi College


Just over two hundred years, a bourgeois society with its covenanted king seeking a partner, a marriage of convenience to save her impoverished empire commercial.

Just over two hundred years a noble society made a pact with his queen looking for a partner, a marriage of convenience to open its thriving kingdom to the Mediterranean.

Just over two hundred years, the kingdom of Aragon had suffered two consecutive plague epidemics, its population being reduced to one third. With France in full expansion, the Aragonese, who until then had managed to stop it, could do little. The solution was the king's marriage with the princess French or English queen.

Just over two hundred years, Castile suffered a cruel civil war against feudal nobles who wanted to modernize his kingdom. The second beat and queen married to King of Aragon. Thus was established what we now call Spain.
a result, Aragon continued to govern the trade in the Mediterranean and Castile was revamped and created the world's most modern management, with which could run an empire where the sun never set.
Catalonia and Aragon not maintained its independence until the early eighteenth century that France beat the Catalan army after he had done with Castilian. Catalan laws were repealed, the land shared between France and Spain and its people prosecuted and punished to the late nineteenth century.

Now, one hundred fifty years later, nineteenth-century bravado fools to have defied and insulted an entire people, and acting under a constitution that defends more compelling in a game rooted in authoritarianism and another in fear, have laid the groundwork for the final breakage.

Five hundred years, who read history will laugh at the stupidity of those individuals who had in his hand to recover the history that was created five hundred years ago. Today

listened to politicians and commentators praise the progress autonomy, met for what was polite and civilized population. And I thought that Catalan should leave education to the background and civilization to a third party to catch up the rest.


Wednesday, June 30, 2010

How To Take Out Sony X-plod

Patan with little shame


No doubt I have quite abandoned my two blogs. The illness of my companion, when he seems to see the light, has a relapse that left worse than it was, and the book I'm writing, completely absorbing the free time I have.

A friend and follower of this blog has written me asking what he thought about how he had left after deducting the statute and what future for the Catalans.
There has already been discussed at length the issue and everyone knows my opinion on the statute and the English Constitution, I think continuing the same is tiring and a waste of time. I have not even read the opinion or how it is cut. Speaking of TC no longer worthwhile. What they do and undo it, for some years, the importance that everyone wants to give depending on their interests. Much

me I fear that from now on will be the rest of Spain, who will ask the future holds, and if a long wait, perhaps ended up asking the Catalans.
The Catalans will be anything they want, they just need to agree, something difficult with politicians who choose to run around the country.
Catalans no longer need anyone's permission and under the rest of Spain, Madrid or some yahoos with common sense and shame in the ass, to be or do whatever they please. These jerks have it on a plate.
Now ... my question is: who are jerks, the ones here or there?


Tuesday, June 29, 2010

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European hypocrisy


I knew that this guy is special.


Sunday, June 13, 2010

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Do not go

I was born wanting to say loudly that I like you madly, I want to wish you, I miss you with suspicion, I want to stay close to your body, do not detach from your lips, do not turn away from my hands.
arise I want to break with the distances, to have a super flight, to transport me in two seconds & get you in one shot. I love you, want you near want you here, I want, I want to close, I want there. You do so exquisite
every night by simply thinking of you, that makes me shooting the idea of \u200b\u200bnot being with you. And you feel close, is that river with your smile & live with each of the sighs of yours, every word disband, it is becoming another one of my sweet breaths ...
not go, please do not go. Continues forever giving me this laugh that comes every time I see you do not leave me to feel these knots that provoke smiles on my face. Born of my body thousands of feelings, many sensations. And is that fuss more than the stomach, much more than my desire. Do not go, please do not go. Let more seconds to remember your smile, pervade it, make honey and keep it for life. Is that want you close, do not go. Is that with so little do so much and is so sudden that I'd begun to love, which perhaps is why this love is not going to beat me. And now, if you get ... can you tell me how it was born it did to me ... how to keep my main reason for doing things now is that please do not go ...

Friday, June 4, 2010

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Yesterday, while waiting to get into the operating room Amara, my young daughter asked me what had happened in Palestine.
The TV news was an enlightened and shocked and English journalist told the story as it happened. There need not exaggerate or distort it, the truth had been sufficiently bloody and explicit.
had recently that he was meditating. The wait of four hours, plus two in ICU, go far in a hospital room, accompanied by a mother with only one regret: "What desgraciadita I have a daughter like this."
My daughter, listed as hunger, he told the story as it had been, how they forged the outcome, who promoted and why, who had been ready and who the fool, who had gained and who lost.

History is clear: a humanitarian aid convoy heading from Turkey to Palestine. It does so with enough media coverage to everyone is aware of it, and is organized by a Turkish NGO, with support from a group of European humanitarian organizations.
The heroic Israeli army, which after the fiasco in Lebanon must find more enemies in line with their capabilities, sent its elite commandos to intercept.
So far so good, it was what he played for any normal person, who knows how to finish these things. Now ... in the U.S., the backbone of Jewish politics, ruled by a liberal, black top and Muslim, that does not swallow the necessary facility and seeks peace.
Hebrew putearlo think it should, that is unless someone sends it to another neighborhood, and Muslim to be Cuban, but this combination is very difficult. Should boycott the peace process and to tap the black, so you know for once in your house, neither he nor his voters sent a shit. And is that the process is a nuisance and not only involves delivery of land concessions and without writing but still grab prevent more.
On the other side is Hamas, which has infiltrated the NGO and not interested in any peace deal with the invader, to prevent its disappearance as a state.

To understand the situation we put ourselves in the place of a sick society: the Hebrew, as mindless as it was the German in the thirties and forties, who has fallen in Nazism with all its vices: the cultural and religious difference, because race can not be, because of the variability of individuals. Although have very enhanced the Semitic spirit is considered the heir of his caste, the truth is that they are Semites who tries to expel and exterminate themselves. And understand the current global and European socio-economic status. Europe is in full regression with the rest of the world. A group of emerging countries, rich in raw materials, jealous of its ownership and management and very human growth, without problems of identity and a way to understand nationalism more comprehensive and unbiased, they are making room in today's world. At first not to compete, grow without prejudice to the stranger, but now at the expense of a decrease in the developed world. This group
Turkey and Brazil are two countries with enough power and drive to lead two very different geopolitical areas. The first with the old interest in entering the European society with full rights.
Turkey, Erdogan's hand, a wise statesman who has managed to structure and consolidate economic growth, social policy and create a homologous with that of Europe, after having been rejected by Europe, which saw the association with fear of an Islamic power modern 75 million people, has chosen to lead a society of free trade between nations in their environment, modern and elastic, much more than our journalism and our politicians believe known. Syria, Iran, Jordan, Egypt ... and could later be extended to the confines of their world, pulling the exclusivity that it have the U.S. and Europe.
Brazil, Lula's hand, has become the indisputable power that the giant mortgage and north, which influences its neighbors, and hit harder than that and English. He has also managed to structure a society almost slavery and make it modern, cutting-edge social and educational policies, and powerful, ambitious, proud of her personality.
The agreement between Turkey, Brazil and Iran is symptomatic and demonstrates the potential of both countries decide en el mundo.

Pero hablemos del estado hebreo, Palestina y la situación creada.
Por un lado tenemos una sociedad descerebrada, que se guía por impulsos y se considera inmune y escogida de su dios; por otro una sociedad desgajada, que lo ha perdido todo excepto su orgullo y que está dispuesta a morir, con tal de expulsar a su enemigo de la tierra que le robó; en otro lado la sociedad turca, moderna y que se abre paso en un mundo fértil y por explotar.
El turco, igual que Hamas, sabía como terminaría la aventura. El hebreo, con tal de dar la nota e insultar al progre negro y al ciudadano europeo, provocaría una masacre, y lo haría en aguas internacionales para más escarnio y para demostrar, that international law does not paint anything but only theirs, which is something divine. The warning is clear: there is because I want and I'm interested, Rome remains whole because I feel like the Big Ben rings the bells because I leave ... In short, the Red Brigades could re-emerge, kill again ETA and the IRA could resurrect , the bigwigs are in the spotlight, like the black progress that nobody understands how the American electorate ignored the warning, as was the nice being Palin, with the approval Hebrew.
The Turk needs space and has led to Hebrew. And this, thanks to their stupidity and arrogance, has fallen into the trap full. The Turkish flag flutters from Indonesia to Morocco and people cheering their leader. The Egyptian, scared, has opened the border. Does not want to identify with the clueless and would rather take the risk. The Iranian rubs his hands, has powerful allies and the Chinese would never accept to be touched, its oil is at stake. The Russian has taken note and looks at everything from the barrier with its new military nanotechnology, its deterrent capability, technology and warehouse space for raw materials intact.
No, the Hebrew is not what it was, his friends are losing ground every time he rides a stunt and, before long, they can not cover it with his umbrella. The apple will fall under its own weight.
What about Europe?
For this, after having forgotten about the alliance of civilizations, the English visionary, and does not paint anything in the world. The Brazilian partner has robbed South and Turkish Islam.


Tuesday, April 27, 2010

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When it began to show signs coming a crisis in my industry and had long since we had noticed.
People had no money to subterfuge and consumption habits were changing, earn the same but, instead, had to pay a monthly mortgage fortunón and parents often pay the bill, prices had risen against the Euro and wages remained, they had invented new spending without providing pocket more money, expenses whose benefits would end up abroad in the form of investment or payment of product. He could not borrow more because of how little of their income. The small industry is not dependent on the construction was paralyzing and every day was taking longer to sell a home. People expected the collapse of prices for shopping.

A good friend, financial advisor to a major (the more, to be exact), I said nothing would happen, that blood does not reach the River. I replied with a premonition: unemployment would reach between 24 and 25%, and GDP would drop from about 12 to 15%. Is Clearly, the calculation I did by eye, based more on experience and intuition than facts and figures about unknown to me.
Then my friend laughed out loud, I said the Spaniard had not reached the debt ratio of a German, a Frenchman, an Englishman ... however, a few months ago I asked on the subject.

The Spaniard means not much money to spare and the calculation of the potential borrowing should be based on savings. Bankers should know better than anyone else, at least I did. The rich European, after paying fixed expenses and food, it makes up far more money than half Spaniard on catalanito all that, that water, transport, infrastructure, education, housing ... more expensive, and lack of support for all, compared to any other Spaniard, nothing left to save.
Today I think the government will have done so badly. Unemployment will continue to grow but at a pace that will make it impossible to reach 25% and the GDP may reach down a little more, but I do not exceed 10 or 11%.
is clear that I had followed another policy, perhaps more radical and future. I'm tired of announcing in all forums and blogs that I know about it. What is certain is that with the current, not just domestic, we have crisis poverty while and will rule in our country. May not perceive it, perhaps think, when unemployment decreased and consumption rise, the bad dream is over. But no ... the success and failure should be measured by what might be and what we are, and the difference will órdago.


Sunday, April 25, 2010

How Can I Brake In To My Honeywell Safe

Today I barely know your name, you're an image, a fingerprint, a word to the wind that causes millions of things in me. ...
I could not touch or kiss you, I look almost unreal only a mirror of feelings that I hope you also feel ...
Your words, your gestures, you ... are made to walk back to my world, even backwards.
a parallel life with another being, that is not and it starts to mean more than it should, which creates a temptation in the air ... are filling everything and I also want to fill you ...
'm not scared or anything, I just feel that you're so far ... A bed half empty, half full heart & you have all those "other half" ...

How I wish you were here or I there, but alone ... as if nothing else had to distract ... :)

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Do Cheerleaders Feet Smell After The Game

Start walking and realizes he was wrong again. He told her to tone do not know what, not at that pace, not to the same rhythm. She, grave, took a penalty, blaming. And wrong again.

thinks Nothing is as it is, nothing. Wears days
to day thinking of a reason to avoid the question why. When you stop, you are asked to explain why not think about anything. And you're wrong.

And she looks, walk on, continues to fulfill all, still working. And not because they do not say what he feels, it feels, but how I wish that were so often.

And the days of his life that should be hers, which should be perfect, never are.

Cos if one day need the courage to wake up, you receive a call that does not deserve, but it is silent. And then does something that makes you well because you are required to remain resting the fatigue of someone else, lady in waiting.

And a silly mistake, but nothing that has done well, used to this situation, it was wrong and that it is serious. And everything is going down by a mistake, because she acts immaturely. Nobody tries to understand or forgive, no one stops to hug her, to listen.

And think about doing something to soothe the soul and think of a bomb just inside his heart.

knows well that he can not.

And left alone. Again.
And cry. Again

But you have to worry that she is not just feeling bad, it caused an outbreak of bad feelings in someone else to blame for that.
and should apologize for that.
And it should be set aside for that.
And to blame for that.

And it becomes more manipulable.

Because it was no longer completely her laughing or out without thinking where.
who was talking with a lot of people.

His life now is enclosed in the hand of someone else to drive. That away.

She is wrong with that again ...

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Today I swear I love you, even when away from you ...

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I forgive my way of being, yes. I know I'm not perfect, I know I'm not anyone's dream, but at least I try it for yourself. In solitude
you took, let me phrase: I love you ... And since I feel I have not ceased to feel ...
I'm happy for your laughter, your eyes. I'm happy for your arms, your hugs. I'm happy for your sighs, for your yawns. I am happy with your "I love you."
be in the wind or a hug, will be in the sound, I know sho my love, you came to be with me. I'm happy about that ...

Honestly, I love you ...
& all in all, those two words sum it up ...
infinitely, I love you ...

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says he has never ceased to feel things for me, despite all the time.
says ... I do not I know few things he felt when I saw her again.
and finally asked, how I wanted it, I lied.

Have I ceased to think of a time that he is not the perfect man for me? He remains the model of man for all my plans, especially in his clear eyes ...

It's like starting again, not feeling well, & knowing me knowing it to me ... Because yesterday
remember things that ever made us smile ... And I wondered if you want that for me, but it again. Will he?

Him? What comes to do near me again?

So I wonder if after all this time, what you want is love ... And me, I have no head or less in the heart, I think after we mourn what is dead.

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I think someone once told me, within me, which should more than ever to start my own thoughts ... Because my mind tormented by loneliness that eats me will not be able to stand firm to continue this story.
Perhaps this fall that makes me advance my own winter and mourn ... Perhaps it is the absence of what I have not have had, what I do not know if I'll ... Maybe the sound will causes the wind sings, now once again close the door ...
me this sheet is so lonely that I write these letters that I slipped unconscious ...

I already can not resist ...

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I leave my mind's eyes for a minute & I examine myself as a doctor searching for a disease or something that can relieve pain, but nothing cures it hurts me, it provoked myself recalling just remembering ...

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Suddenly I wonder if it would be better to put a good retreat ... Where nobody gets injured, where no one is injured ... Which has no possibility mourn for a loss & where they need to continue to embrace the uncertainty & disappointment ...
A retreat where no one doubts & where I do not question where just leave the empty road for those who are behind me ...
Suddenly I wonder if the rest longs to implement a good retreat, only to have his thirst for knowledge that I have fear & fear that makes me a coward, is fully demonstrated, because just thinking about the desire they have defeated me are so huge, it makes me stop hesitating steps & in this place a little daring to challenge errant ...
Perhaps the great mountains that put me ahead are only evidence of the same greatness that I have to pierce ...

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disagreement in the blind than thought and what has been your confused my mind and my heart begins to beat again, what was not my love, pass unnoticed through your window?

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Someday, someday I

can dream that no one else there
and that the only distance between us is our skin
is the air that blows in the hugs,
is the need to re-look at you ...

Someday, someday
I would like to explain
I want to scream as this silent love, like

steal a second before you have to leave ...

Someday, someday I
tell you how much I've wanted, even when you hurt
how much I expected, even though I know
not come, how much I've thought
even when you think of someone more
how much I've dreamed
even when I want you out of my mind, how much I've written
even though I know that my words
only silence will be ...

Someday, someday I
, let
this love aside, only to renew

and back to love you more ...

Someday, someday I
, serene

answer that you are not mine, but something
you keep
that makes it appear that you were ...

Someday, someday I
say that I have no hurry, because
not find a better place now,
that the power be with you ...

Someday, someday I
think at that time I looked
and I was caught up in emotion, when I chose to embrace
your skin instead of choosing
heaven ...

Someday, someday I
, let this thought

to erroneously write,
no more than a necessity that crazy
know I'm thinking of you.
I'll let the thought escape,
thought ... someday ... Someday I


I told you I loved you? That at all times
you thinking?
That with every breath you expected?
That in every look you're looking for? That
each letter you missed? That
every need you felt?
That every night I dream? That
every waking you wanted? That each evening
appointed you? That in each year
that every month you loved?
which was written each week?
that every day remember?
that every hour if idealizaba?
that every minute, hiding? Y
that every second, go back to repetirte? Y
that every second, go back to quererte? Y
that every second, go back to Pensarte? Y
that every second, go back to esperarte? Y
that every second, go back to PesquisaT? Y
that every second, go back to añorarte? Y
that every second, go back to sentirte? Y
that every second, go back to Sonarte? Y
that every second, go back to desearte? Y
that every second returned to nombrarte? Y
that every second, she started to sing? Y
that every second, go back to Adorarte? Y
that every second, go back to escribirte? Y
that every second, go back to recordarte? Y
that every second, go back to idealizarte? Y
that every second, go back to ocultarte? Y
every second repetirte again?
repetirte ... x__x

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eligible quererte ... No matter which way things in it Sean easy, yo eligible stay with you, pass to pass tomorrow, laughter, disgusted & cariño, no me away from you ... because he has affection is enormous, despite the fact that simply do not believe me ... Although or just do not think like me .-
This time I'll stick with what I feel & with what I think, for one simple reason: Time will tell that you really trust me .-

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I got lost in a "why?" in a "how much ?"... in a "maybe" ...

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The sky is poured on me ...

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enlaquemesumerjo & nomedejadormir
quelagentesecansedeleerme, desentirme, Demir
me, deidolatrarme, deodiarme, Deamer, qui
zábuscandoquesólomedejen. Mepesansusmiradasextrañassobreestecuerpo

assombrasmientrasesperaqueseposeelsol & p
uedasercapturadoporlasolas, esperandoserre
encontradoencolinasporlamañana ... Mepesanlaspalabrasquenohelogradohacersorda

sentantosaños ...
mepesanlosotoños, mepesaelveranoenelquenací.
mepesaseguircreciendo, mepesaseguirpensandoen
losañosqueseavecinan & mepesaseguirpensan
quizáloquemásmepesaesseguirpensando ...

pensandoenti .-

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think therefore I am ...

Suddenly I wonder why the need to do a monologue constantly ... when I walk down the street and start to react like a real poet who does not pass his words to paper, but loses his ideas in the wind ...
Suddenly I feel I start walking again, feeling that these typing fingers glide ...

"I've always thought it would be like my own soundtrack ... I imagine it played by a piano, classical slow .... Yes, something like that ...
Last night I dreamed about you, it's funny .. . after all this time ...
There are many ways of seeing the world, everything is relative. At least I know that when one is go, others come. But why have to go to those who most want?
A person is born here and across 23 years, 6 months, 18 days later at this point, a person born 40 years, 3 months, 15 days prior to 1,500 km away and no one we surprised ...
Where are all the people that is not here? What are you doing?
Sometimes I have the feeling that time passes very slowly ... and that is when I hope all forward motion faster ... Sometimes goes too fast and that is when I go back to back ... "

[ ]

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suddenly remember that I should never watch you, I should never speak

I should never wish to feel a little closer. Sometimes I feel

that should never have loved your eyes, dream
those eyes, those eyes
sleep ...
feel sometimes sentimental
that based on me,
is the sweetest, the most bitter
, lthough it is unclear
my arrival in your soul, even if you hate
loving, but you cele
not having you .. .
feel really spend my time to do
not yours,
is what I never wanted ...
And letting me love you,
I came to disconsolately anhelarte,
to wish you no choice ...
And letting me love you, I have not been able
stop thinking.
And to think that you provoke these verses ...
Sometimes ...

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Now that I look at you twice, I can not understand that I found grace in your eyes ...

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qe The wound left open, bleeding
where my voice ... And

tension while breathing,
detected the discretion of people watching me ... qe
as if you had not left my senses weak,
like my face was not well sick and stupid!
like my love for you
no alcanzara a gritar más fuerte que mi silencio...

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De nuevo tú...
Moví los pies intentando alejarme, pues ves, que no logro apartarme de ti.
Quise, dos segundos, pensar en algo distinto, pero sigues presente.
Sin duda, ninguno de mis días, ninguna de mis horas, es lo mismo sin ti.
Anhelo tu cuerpo para respirarlo, seducirlo. Para tocarlo & bailar con él. Para hacerme una en tu piel tan tentadora...
Te extraño. Sí... eso es, te extraño...

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Dicen que una es por ti, luego otra por mí. Y así nos vamos, continuando una lucha constante to solve do not know what else, without even attempting to support the humor of the other, without even imagining that such damage, burn ... Of course, after a while, remember that we are human and continue fighting. And so, we destroy.
will this end? or finish first with us?

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

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The economy is paralyzed, there is no week to close a company and those that remain, are powerless and decreased daily activity.
my computer tells me the economy grows at the expense of more unemployment. But no, not that, the economy slows down and it shows in the street, in shops, transport public ... Lies who says otherwise and you do so to please and encourage staff, because they dare to confront the problem. And not the fault of this government or any of those who run around the world but of the system.
There is no solution, at least in the short term. Two years ago on this blog or in the cocoon we talked about the issue.
The economy is paralyzed because the country is running out of money, maybe not as fast now, but unchecked. The government can say whatever they want, but the problem remains the same: the country spends more than it produces and there are few who reintroduced the money in the form of investment. The pyramid has failed.

The solution must be long term and only through a paradigm shift, something that, as things will be made to hosts, but at the same time. Sarkozi
made this clear: we must rebuild the capitalist system. A pilgrim somewhat saying we should correct some imbalances of globalization, before we pete in his hands.
We must work harder and earn less. Plain and simple, something they already do or can do the lucky few who work. And we must correct the handling of coins or a social tax, part of the terrible cost of production difference with Asian countries, that or they adapt to our system or we at theirs.

The strike, unless the government gets to square the circle, exceed 25%, pensions and salaries of officials will be frozen and prices will go up by increased taxes and the price of raw materials.
this talk about the problems of the communist bloc, and finally falling into the same trap, but as a capitalist.
is that and recognize it as before, before we leave the quagmire. Now if the first is the government not understand, bad going.
