Enough said: any resemblance to reality is purely coincidental and blah, blah, blah ...
; ;
Ambrosio. (Judge) - Listen, Mr. Happy, now that we are among us, all good conservatives. The other night, when I talked with that empty-headed Michael, I did not pry, but is that the way of defending the institutions? It almost looked like you anarchist!
Prospero. - OH, and why?
Ambrosio. - because in essence, you said that all the present organization of society is founded on force, thereby giving reason to those who would destroy it with force. But the supreme principles governing civil society, law, morality, religion, does not count for anything? Prospero
. - Yes, you will always pay lip service to his right. Is a vice that comes from trade. If tomorrow the government decreed, say, collectivism, you condemn advocates of individual property, just as calmly condemning the anarchists today ... and always on behalf of the supreme principles of eternal and immutable.
all a question of names, you say right, I say force, but finally decide what you really are sacrosanct and police is right that is on their side.
Ambrosio. - Come, come, Mr. Happy! It seems impossible how in love you always stifles the fallacy of the conservative instincts. He does not understand what bad effect is to see a person like you, one of the wealthiest in the region, giving ammunition to the worst enemies of order. Believe me: let's play with us, at least in public, and for Rally to defend the institutions, which by the malignity of the times they are experiencing rude shock, and to defend our interests in danger ...
Prospero. - closer ranks well, but if we do not crack measures, if not the doctrinaire liberal just will not walk.
Ambrosio. - Oh, yes, that's true. Harsh laws are needed and severely enforced.
But that is not enough. Force alone is not subject to the people a long time, especially in these times. Must oppose the propaganda of the propaganda, it must persuade the citizens that we are right.
Prospero. - So bad going! My friend, in the common interest I beg you to keep it from propaganda. It is a subversive thing, although the conservatives do, and their propaganda would always beneficial for socialists, anarchists or whatever the hell they call themselves.
is impossible to persuade one who is hungry, that's just not to eat, especially when it is the same that produced the food. While not think, and leave God to bless and the pattern for what little he left, okay. But from the time it begins to reflect upon their situation, it was over: it becomes an enemy that can not be reconciled.
Yes, yes! We must avoid at all costs propaganda, stifling the media with or without the law or against it.
Ambrosio. - Surely, surely!
Prospero. - Prevent any meeting, to dissolve the partnership, put in jail everyone what you think.
Caesar. (Dealer) - Little by little, do not be swayed by passion. Remember that other governments and most propitious times, have adopted the methods you recommended and have precipitated his downfall.
Ambrosio. - Hush, hush, behold, Michael, who is accompanied by an anarchist, who was sentenced last year to six months in prison for subversive manifesto. In fact, just between us, it was completely legal, but what they want, was the criminal intent and, in addition, society must be defended.
Miguel. - Good evening, gentlemen. I present an anarchist friend who wanted to accept the challenge issued last night by Mr. Happy. Prospero
. - What challenges, what challenge? And discussed with friends to pass the time. Therefore, I will explain you what is that anarchy which we could not ever understand anything.
Jorge. (Anarchist) - No office of professor of anarchy and not come to give a course of anarchy, but I can defend my ideas. Moreover here is this gentleman (pointing to Ambrosio ironically) you should know more than me. Has condemned many people to anarchism and as certainly a man of conscience, there will not be made without consideration of the argument.
Caesar. - Come, come, do not turn it into something personal. And since we talk about anarchy, go into the matter.
Look, I recognize that things are going wrong and needs to be remedied. But do not fall into utopias and, above all, avoid violence. Certainly, the government should further worry of workers should provide work to the unemployed, to protect domestic industry, boost trade. But ...
Jorge. - How many things do you do to the poor government! But the government does not want to worry about the interests of workers and understood ...
Caesar. - How, you understand? So far the government has been unable to truly willing and perhaps little to remedy the ills of the country, but tomorrow, more educated ministers and jealous of their work could do what has not been done so far
Jorge. - No, dear sir, not a question of a minister or another. It's a matter of general government: all governments, today like yesterday and tomorrow. The government emanates from the owners, its members are themselves, how could therefore act in the interests of workers? Moreover, the government, even if I wanted, I could not solve the problem, because what determines the nature and causes the tendency of the government. To solve the social question must radically change the whole system, the government is precisely the task of defending.
You speak to give work to the unemployed. But how can the government do that if you do not have a job? Should he do unnecessary work? Who will pay then? Should I produce to supply the needs of the people? But then the owners would not find the way to sell products that encroach on workers, on the contrary, should cease to be owners, as the government in order to make people work, would take away the land and capital are monopolized.
That would be social revolution, the liquidation of all the past, and you know that if it does not do the working poor, the destitute, the government certainly never will. Protect
industry and trade, you say: but the government can, at most, rather than promote to a class of industrialists at the expense of another class, the merchants of a region to the detriment of another. In short: it would not have won anything apart from favoritism, injustice and many more unproductive expenditures. As for a government to protect them all, is absurd, since government will not produce anything and therefore can not do more than relocate the wealth produced by others.
Caesar. - But then? If the government is unwilling or unable to do anything, what remedy is left? Even if you make the revolution will be necessary to form another government, and as you say that all governments are the same, after the revolution stay as before.
Jorge. - You would be right if the revolution that we were a mere change of government. But we want the complete transformation of property regime, the system of production and exchange, and as the government body parasitic, useless and harmful, we do not want in any way. We believe that while a government, ie, a being superimposed on the society and provided the means to impose one's will power, there is no real emancipation, there will be no peace among men.
You know I'm an anarchist, and anarchy means society without government.
Caesar. - But how? A society without government? How can you live like that? Who would make the laws? Who would make them run?
Jorge. - I see that he knows nothing of what we want. To avoid wasting time on digressions, it is necessary to let me explain briefly, but methodically, our program so we can take better advantage of the discussion.
But now it's late start the next day.
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