Thursday, March 31, 2011

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MALO, liar Pathological Case

Cal y Mayor reported increase in tourists.

Political File

Angel Mario Ksheratto

"I have not had any relationship with him (Calderon), or with any representative of his person," he said yesterday PRD nominee State government of Mexico, Alejandro Encinas, in response to the complaint a few hours before the failed former presidential candidate, Andrés Manuel López Obrador (BAD) do to the media: "From Los Pinos Calderón operated for acceptance of the alliance and was making indecent proposals to Alejandro Encinas. BAD even said to have evidence that he refused to submit to journalists in the required opportunity.
Unlike the version of Tabasco, Encinas confirmed yesterday that representatives of the PRD were some who suggested he accept the candidacy for the PAN-PRD alliance, an offer which he refused, according to the daily Milenio published on its website.
This is embarrassing, do not pay anything to the presidential candidacy of Andrés Manuel few days ago presented its "new" national project, which calls for building a country without lies or mafias. The above, as we see, is a pathological liar decided to build a complex of lies inconsistent with no more purpose than a good impression on those who are willing to believe their fantasies mythomaniacs. If we review the public record of Lopez Obrador, we will find significant data to confirm that in fact, is a chronic pathological liar.
scholars claim that kind of personality that pathological liars do not lie with one intention, his lies are not planned but are spontaneous and once they start to lie, can not stop even there lies remain for years. There is the case of "rotating presidency" and the reasons for it. The same BAD ended without warning with that project, but still, he said, alternate chair.
According to the criterion of psychologists, the pathological liar is not worried about the effects of the lies that they say. Tested: A Andrés Manuel has little or no matter what its cause lies not only his followers and friends, but the entire country. Remember Rafael Acosta, that dwarfed political clown nicknamed "Johnny"? BAD lied over and over again on that character, to the extent held public acts of demagogy taxation and audacity, thinking that was right, at the end of the embarrassing staging, Andrés Manuel continued to lie about what happened with Johnny.
Some might not agree with the above, but we must look closely to Mr. López Obrador to convince them. Some symptoms of chronic mythomania that could insert into the category of pathological liar are constantly changing their stories, often forget some that lies he said and that caused a stir. Greatly exaggerates their positions on any issue, lives a kind of parallel reality (president declared "legitimate" or "alternative). When you say a truth, reinforced by a lie. We argue vigorously and sometimes violently when he questioned his attitude or is made to see that he is lying. Finally, it considers the gentle reader.
What concerns us after all, the country is among a group of unscrupulous politicians, sick emotionally, mentally and spiritually incapable of serious work. If Andres Manuel came to be a hope for Mexico, his lies, falsehoods, ended up disappointing not only to his followers, but the entire country. And we're not exaggerating his last lie, cause they are many and they all wanted to convince those who still listen to him, that is correct.
If on this occasion Calderón's government had denied him, perhaps there is a margin of credibility paras BAD, but it was one of their own: Alejandro Encinas again shows consistency, self-respect and appreciation for the country. Not much, but appreciate nonetheless. Andrés Manuel Is now dare to insist on his lie? Cardholder

*** Many may wonder why Copainalá will build a Sustainable Rural City, the answer is simple: the dispersion of population in Chiapas not only covers the Highlands, Northern and Indian. The part of Mezcalapa known as the region where Copainalá also has been for many years, plagued not only by government neglect, but by the lack of control over their population growth. This has meant that poverty is spreading and, of course, public services are of high quality primary where there is depressing. The rest of the rural population, we all know, living without anything or anyone to help them. Hence the importance of building a rural town to help with the fight against marginalization and extreme poverty. The seat has been Mezcalapa culture zoque, one of the most brilliant civilizations of Chiapas. It covers all the central and northern part of the entity. Previous governments little or no attention paid him. Building a Rural Town in that area will strengthen the regional economy, but also provide its inhabitants, basic services denied to them. *** Cal Y Mayor Juan Carlos Franco, said that thanks to the boost to tourism policy has given the governor Juan Sabines Guerrero, the area has put the state in a very different from the crisis afflicting the country others . In that sense, Cal y Mayor Franco announced that to date, more than 60 percent of rooms have been reserved for tourists to spend Easter in Chiapas. *** It is increasingly critical shortage of medicines at the ISSSTE, especially in the hospital in Tapachula. To all this, the delegation of that institution, resting on its laurels. The testimonies of the victims of this dependence, are frightening. Someone put a stop to the stupidity? *** Arturo Chavez, failed with the package in the PGR. Since last night it emerged that would be relieved. And it was. This, without being brought by the scandal of "Fast and Furious", the ingenious plan to put gringo legal weapons smuggling. A whole mess. *** Then we read.

Can You Use Magic Eraser On Stove Tops?



"Spain is a democracy hijacked by big business, a mercantile plutocracy that has put state institutions at your service"
(Roberto Mangabeira Unger, a former minister Outside of Brazil.)

Jordi Pujol says we should be independent, and that Spain would never treat us well. He complains because there is not enough money for their puppies, but he never speaks only of economy, it says, although few believe him.
The ordinary Spaniard believes that in Catalonia are persecuted English speakers, a 55'6% of the Catalans as the last poll. The 32'4% speak Catalan, Castilian and 55'6% 7% neither. The rest no one knows, but for the Spaniard on the street, what matters is not the 7% or shit that nobody knows where they are, for the Spaniard what matters is the immersion, even if you have no fucking idea what and this 55'6%, surprisingly the majority. A Jordi Pujol does not care, but they know what is and is proud of the very cosmopolitan and open they are the Catalans, despite their commitment to achieve the opposite.

clinics managers have announced that if a computer breaks down, there will be another, although the doctor can not prescribe prescription, because now all electronic, or look at the history of the patient.
say the cut will be 10%, but closed more visits than one in ten more beds one in ten, lay off more workers than one in ten operating rooms and close more than one in ten. Actually I do not care about public health. Reduce the budget was something already planned. They want to strengthen the private medical insurance. They confessed only to gain power. Give a shit because they all have private insurance, they and 30% of catalanitos, those who say they agree with the snip and not step on a public hospital because it smells bad. Jordi Pujol

complains central government. Do not remember that it was he who negotiated with Felipe and Aznar plundering of the country that claims to defend, which was the Tripartite who got more justice in the sharing of cake, despite their attempts to boycott. And is that your puppy did not charge commission.

We have no money for health, for education ... but the FROB rescue the CAM and God knows how many more, and then sell it to the bench for much less money. The mortgage-rescue and sold at inflated price, is the trick, and with the money, its directors and presidents millionaires cashing in their bonds. After all their friends and their future retirement.
The Spaniard paid the mortgages more expensive to buy the apartments more expensive in Europe, overestimated by the same bank that lends, then is arrested for what it's worth and the rest must pay with his job. This is what the law says judges and English politicians. It's the perfect scam.

Spain is a country idiots who vote scam artists, cowardly and stupid, that as a remedy for their ills prefer to look for illegal immigrants, before taking on the bastards that give them the ass.


Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Knot From Heart Catherization

poverty Conjuring

Sabines, the fight against poverty.

Political File

Angel Mario Ksheratto

Since the founding of Santiago del Pinar as a municipality to address post-Zapatista demands, that city remained in obscurity, mired in such poverty, which is considered among the five poorest municipalities in Mexico. A few years ago, during the dictatorship Pabloite, he said that he had overcome his extreme poverty. Everything was a lie. That black was completed six years to finally, the inhabitants of the population saw for the first time, a light at the end of the tunnel.
Yesterday, in the presence of Philip Calderón, Governor Juan Sabines Guerrero and other personalities, opened other so-called "Rural Sustainable Cities", which comes to constitute an action that reveals the rhythmic step of a project that has as its primary purpose, to combat extreme poverty and other , refurbish the rural population that for centuries has been in a dreadful chaos population, aggravated by unfavorable geographic conditions for the population, mainly indigenous.
As the same Sabines Guerrero admitted to attending the inaugural event, population dispersal has come to be one of the main causes of poverty fueled by past governments that little importance was attached to people living in precarious conditions in areas of difficult access.
is plausible achievement of the Sustainable Rural Cities, perhaps for some constitutes an act of poor results, but the truth is that they have achieved much to ease tensions in communities, for example, faced by a fire hydrant or by simple land adjoining properties. And, if their construction has been favored self-determination of peoples, that is, no one has pressed to find accommodation in a city that offers at least basic services.
"The Chiapas understood that poverty is not necessarily a conviction, a reality that we can not get used, "Sabines said in his speech. He is right. One of the big reasons why the lag germinates in rural areas and that the authorities of the past did not attend the acute problem is that it was a conviction that ultimately, politicians enriched and impoverished the poor hardest.
Currently, the State Government has made extraordinary efforts to reverse that belief. Indeed, poverty is a burden we can snap out of it with a will. Is what we see in the administration junipers. No doubt that there are those who from the depths of power do not understand well and do the opposite of the goal set by Governor Sabines, but fortunately, these are the least and do not take the day they are exposed by the public.
may be discordant voices and that's good because only in this way understand the benefits and errors, but now for Santiago del Pinar, the certainty that every person will have access to housing, water, electricity, drainage, health, education and Of course, the opportunity to insert themselves in other tasks that netted them a living wage to support their families. That is undeniable.
before yesterday, lived in huts where water, cold and the sun were devastated. Today her condition is different. In this will be noted that the domestic government could bring down bureaucratic barriers that were previously only the best way to divert resources that were intended to help the poorest. That is, they favored direct work and left with empty pockets leaders of social and civil organizations that thrived before the poverty of the people ... Of course, also the leaders of parties that had its good crack.
is to clarify that not everything is buttoned up in extreme poverty in Chiapas, there are many other municipalities that are in poor condition and, to our knowledge, their demands being met. With all that, we must remember that it is a struggle that will last many years. The marginalization of indigenous people have suffered since they were assaulted, robbed and enslaved by the English, can not be reversed in a few months. But yes, you can move forward with firm steps as before, we see that it does Juan Sabines Guerrero.
Something worth mentioning is also common sense Sabines hinted in his speech: to provide poor tools for their own development. Teach them to fish and not in hand fried tilapia and sometimes even chewed. The greatness of a nation rising from the rubble and stands triumphant, is in his willingness to work and not become dependent on a paternalistic government. Nice change of government strategy. Plausible.
And if Mexico is not a circumstance but fate, Chiapas should be first to give the example of overcoming the world's largest. We've always been figured as the warmongering, the state contributes only red note to National Media. It is time that we bring strengths that others will follow. That's the idea. Cardholder

*** The PRD of EDOMEX are nutters, the national leadership, divide about the alliance with the PAN. The yellow EDOMEX say the alliance is going to give and even hinted yesterday that they would support the candidacy of the PAN candidate Felipe Bravo Mena. What will end this grotesque circus of clowns? It is uncertain until today. *** Active in its legislative duties Rep. John Aquino Calvo and is going beyond showing that it is not just a political opportunist, but a human being concerned for others. I wish they were all well. But there are some who are just looking to see what was stolen. *** What is only talk, without reflecting on the topic to be addressed; yesterday Magdalena Torres Abarca PRD deputy, said at the highest forum of the Nation that the government of Chiapas is determined to end the crime of "Trafficking in human trafficking." Is there such a crime? In his attempt to defend the domestic administration, ended muddy. Better tell him no longer up to Tribune only get to put us to shame. *** Then we read.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Kuchikibyakuya Tumblr

A "jewel" cultural

owners of textile culture.

only measure, highest educational level of the current charge of the culture of Chiapas, reproduce with permission from the author, an interview with Marvin Lorena Arriaga, director of CONECULTA. How much longer we will have to endure the rudeness of this woman in this important post? Embarrassing.

Blame employees, close delibrerías: MLAC

By: Samuel Revueltas

In Chiapas five years ago there were 56 libraries but now there are only 12, before this, the director of the National Council for Culture and the Arts (CONECULTA), Marvin Cordova Lorena Arriaga said it is due to the lack of accountability, honesty and punctuality of employees.
"I would get closer to the labor question, because I experienced it firsthand, I am a textile business before starting with the governor Sabines had six shops in the country, three in Chiapas, and I think the most important trade for the employer, for a publishing entrepreneur, is the employee really struggled a lot with the responsibility, honesty, punctuality of people, "he said.
However, after the declaration, upon ratification if the fault of the employees why bookstores are closing in Chiapas, said that I could not say, but confirmed that as a businessman "will battle" to employ persons involved.
"I do not know if it's the fault of the employees, I would say that is the fault of employees, but I think the traders who open and I think that opening a business, if a long battle to find committed people who do have the need to work, "he said.
The charge of culture in Chiapas explained that the experience of the lack of commitment to employees "lived in the flesh", and although they have all the benefits, not committed to the company where they work.
"Why do I say this, because what I experienced firsthand, having Infonavit, with health services and social insurance, all the benefits, good hours and pay, the employee sometimes came at 12:00 am (sic), they were sometimes 7:00 and the store was closed, then up to them right? "he said. The Chiapas
Sie7e informed March 23 that President Booksellers Association of the State of Chiapas (ALECH), Julio César Sánchez Esquivel, released the alarming decline in bookstores.
bookseller Employers reported that the problem of the libraries is due to the lack of government funding to stimulate it, the fact that no taxes, the lack of marketability and lack of demand and reading culture in Chiapas.
For his part, director of the Institute of Professional Development for Booksellers (INDELI), Arturo Romero Ahmed urged to read the time to mention that the "book does not bite, is another tool to approach knowledge."
Interviewed about the opening of the library Trails in Tuxtla Gutierrez, the director of CONECULTA considered the arrival of investment to the state is important.
"Undoubtedly the capital investment in our state is important and worthy of applause, especially when one hundred percent Mexican companies as Trillas, that gives a bonus to growth that is our state," indicó.Reconoció that Chiapas and Mexico has a long way in terms of reading culture, "the latest figures from last year that Mexicans had read half a book a year that is worrying", a figure that contracts with the director of INDELI who stated during his visit to this state is 2.8 per year person. Arriaga
Cordova said to redress the problem "in Chiapas have a very important program to promote reading, where through our public libraries are installing facilities to promote reading and where we have involvement of various sectors."
also stated that it works closely with the Culture Committee of the State Congress and with 20 municipalities to bring actors in Chiapas and that they read a book.

Words About Pregnancy

EDOMEX: the divided opposition

Encinas no sign of letting candidates.
Political File

Angel Mario Ksheratto

Of the two possible scenarios for the key pre-election presidential, has only been one: the divided opposition. PRI front is a realistic chance of winning in the first place because taxation was avoided decisive factor that the party lost in other states where the PAN and PRD joined, too. Second, because the official machinery mexiquense effectively mobilized opposition while struggling in splitting hairs, but it must be said, not everything is said and not everything so far mentioned, is final.
Until yesterday, the PRD reaffirmed their determination not to ally with the PAN, despite the outcome of the vote soulless, between his teeth, he knew he would have won half the "yes." Ie, imposing dome on the democratic decision of the people. Points from an unreliable left on one hand preach democracy and respect for citizens determination and on the other, ignoring the collective agreement.
For its part, the PAN also agree to support the candidacy of Alejandro Encinas, the candidate of the PRD. The inquiry, then, unnecessary expense, a bluff useless.
The competitive landscape is expected in case left and right to join, simply disappeared. In fact, the brand new national president of the PRD, Jesus Zambrano, admitted yesterday that the "steamroller" vote in the PRI, could crush them in the choice of EDOMEX. So that, except the verbiage that eventually loosen those stubborn left, not seen an atmosphere of polarization, but rather a competition of old wolf with tender lamb.
In this scenario, no doubt, will skip the presidential election, when analysts expected a landslide election of the PRI in the state of Mexico, the presidential candidate Enrique Pena Nieto will be more than sealed in the national PRI leadership. For its part, the PAN and the PRD, digging through the rubble to the man or woman to defeat at the polls the Mexican governor yet.
have many letters, but few matches to ensure an effective nomination. The PRD has three candidates, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, Marcelo Ebrard and Jesus Ortega. The NAP is Josefina Vazquez Mota, Javier Lozano, Santiago Creel and Alonso Lujambio. In all, only Ebrard is competitive. This takes us back to times when the PRI had supremacy over all the parties and their candidates, though currently, the PAN is the ruling party. Police Chief


defendant Juan Jesús Martínez Medina, is the head of the Municipal Police Berriozábal, is distinguished by its arrogance and utter lack of respect for the basic norms of civility. But that's not the worst, in collusion with the mayor Roberto Castanon Gutierrez has been committing a series of crimes even against their staff, so yesterday was filed a criminal complaint against him for the crime of sexual harassment . In the coming days it is expected that at least three police officers sued for threats, injury and abuse of authority.
According to the victim of sexual harassment, Medina Martínez began sexually harassing her since the beginning of the administration headed by Castanon Gutierrez, he did not agree to their base instincts, threatened, first, to dismiss her from the police force and then, with false charges lift. Met with both threats.
police officer accused of drug trafficking, saying having found a large quantity of cocaine in his possession. Obviously, that clung to strip to their jobs and did, of course, with the permission of the mayor. What is now under suspicion is the origin and destination of the alleged drug "found" to the applicant. If found in his possession as he says, should make the drug available to the authority competent. But it has. If it is true, is left with the drugs?
The truth is that Medina Martinez acted against his subordinate in retaliation for her claims did not yield to sex.
In Chiapas, in case you did not know the mayor and police chief Berriozábal, there are strict laws that punish sexual harassment and abuse of authority. There is already a lawsuit against Jesus Medina and hope that the MP does not become complicit in this bad public servant. I say this because I spoke to switch to a public prosecutor who refused to be corrupted. For now the suspect and Medina berriozabalénses on several violent acts have occurred in the city. Cardholder

*** So much culture, for the love of God! Marvin Cordova Lorena Arriaga, director of CONECULTA incultísima, skipped the fence with a lot of beads should be placed in the book of the forgetfulness of the people. In an interview with Samuel Revueltas, a talented cultural reporter, the officer blamed the employees of the closure of 44 libraries of the 56 libraries that existed in Chiapas. Lack of accountability, honesty and punctuality, she said, the factors for the closure of these businesses. He made a comparison that really, I started laughing and at the same time, sadness. What makes a business called textile in the cultural area of \u200b\u200bChiapas? What say textile clothing vendor! That nothing is wrong, it's a decent job, the trouble is that so far uncovered as the lady who really, culture, knows nothing! Until now that uncovers the sewer, it occurs that there is a program to encourage reading. What? How long culture of Chiapas will be in the hands of an inexperienced, arrogant and uneducated? Going from bad to worse. *** Then we read.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Mucus On My Cats Nose

Spaniard - 6



Jorge. - Well, have you seen what has happened? Someone transcribed a newspaper our last conversation, and it is published, has been kidnapped (Some of these chapters were written in 1897 and published in L'Agitazione of Ancona, which was frequently the victim of abduction)

Ambrose. - Ah!

Jorge. - No, you know nothing, of course ... I do not understand how you can claim to be right when he fears that the public know your ideas. In this paper were accurately reflected their views and mine. Should satisfy the public to appreciate the basis on which rests the current constitution, and do justice to the vain criticisms of their adversaries. But instead, you close your mouth at people, confiscates.

Ambrosio. - I have nothing to do with it, belong to the judiciary and not the prosecutor.

Jorge. - Ya, but they are all colleagues and encourages the spirit. If my conversation
you're bored, let me know and I'll talk to another party.

Ambrosio. - No, no, quite the contrary. I confess that I am very interested. Continue, and as for the kidnapping, will notify the king's attorney. After all, by law no one can deny the right to dispute.

Jorge. - Let's continue then. The other time, if I remember correctly, in defending the right of property, you grabbed the first base of positive law, ie the code, then the sense of justice, and therefore social utility. Let me briefly recap my ideas. In my opinion, individual property is unfair and immoral because it is based on open violence, on fraud, or the legal exploitation of the work of others, and is harmful because it hinders the production and prevents the alienation of land and all necessary work to meet the needs of all men, because it creates the misery of the masses and begets hatred, crime and most of the ills that afflict modern society. So the abolition would replace it with a system of common ownership, in which all men, giving their fair share of work, from gaining the maximum possible welfare.

Ambrosio. - I do not see that logic takes you to the property. You have fought the property because, in his view, derived from violence and exploitation of labor, has said that capitalists control the production in view of their benefit and not to best meet the needs of the public, with the least effort possible workers. You have been denied the right to obtain an income from a land that is not grown with their own hands, lending at interest money itself to make a profit or used in the construction of houses and other industries, but the worker's right to the product the work itself has recognized this yourself, or rather, has become their champion.
Therefore, logically, you can claim verification of title deeds done in their opinion, the abolition of interest on money and income, can even order the liquidation of the present society and the division of land and tools, between those who want to serve of them, but can not talk about communism. Individual ownership of personal work products must always exist, and if you want your security has emancipated worker of tomorrow, without which no work is done that does not bear any immediate fruit, must also recognize the individual ownership of land and production tools you use, at least while employed.

Jorge. - Very well, go, it seems that you also believe in socialism. Although a different trend than mine, but in the end, it is socialism. A judge socialist is an interesting phenomenon.

Ambrosio. - No, no, no socialist. The only surprise was in contradiction and show that following their logic should not a communist, but a "dealer", a supporter of the division of property. And then I would say that the division of property would render any big company and cause general misery.

Jorge. - I am not a dealer, a supporter of the division of property, nor, to my knowledge, does any modern socialist. I do not think the real divide is worse than leaving them united in the hands of the capitalists, but I know that division, if possible, be detrimental to production. Also could not last and would lead back to the formation of large fortunes, to exploitation outrance.
say that the worker is entitled to the full product of their work, but acknowledge that this right is not only a formula of abstract justice, and means in practice that there should be operators, which all must work and everyone should enjoy the fruits of labor, modes agree among themselves.
The worker is not an isolated being in the world, living for himself and for himself, but a rational being who lives in a continuous exchange of services with other workers, and must coordinate their rights with the rights of others. Moreover, it is impossible, especially with modern production methods, determine a product which is the exact part of the work of each, as it is impossible to determine the difference in productivity of each worker or each group of workers , which is partly due to the difference in skill and energy displayed by the workers and that part depends on the difference in soil fertility, quality of the instruments used, the advantages and difficulties dependent on the topographical situation or social environment. And therefore, the solution can be found in the strict respect for the rights of each, but the agreement must be sought in fraternal solidarity.

Ambrosio. - But then there will be no freedom.

Jorge. - On the contrary, that is when there is freedom. You, the so-called liberals, call liberty the right theoretical and abstract to do a thing, and be able to say without laughing or blushing, of a man who has starved for failing to obtain the food than enough. We, on the contrary, we call freedom of the possibility of doing something or not do it, and this freedom, which is the only true, it becomes the more it grows the agreement between the men and the support they give each other.

Ambrosio. - You said that if you divide the assets are quickly reconstitute the great fortunes and return to the previous state. Why?

Jorge. - Because from the beginning would be impossible to put them all in a state of perfect equality and then maintain it. The lands differ greatly between them, produce a lot with a little work and very little other work. And the advantages and disadvantages of all types offered by the various locations are great, and also large differences in physical and intellectual power between man and man. Now, at the time of division arise naturally rivalry and struggle: the best land, the best tools, best places would go into the hands of the stronger, smarter or more clever. Consequently, finding the best material resources in the hands of men better equipped, they would soon be in a position superior to others, and, on this advantage primeval Easily increase in strength again and start a new process operating in the same spirit xpropiación ye of weak
reconstitute bourgeois society.

Ambrosio. - But that could be prevented with good laws to declare inalienable individual quotas and surrounding the serious weaknesses of legal guarantees.

Jorge. - Uff! You always think that everything can be solved with laws. It notes his profession. Laws are made and unmade at the whim of the strong.
Those who are a little stronger than average are raped, those who are still strong, are deleted and others in their interest.

Ambrosio. - And then?

Jorge. - So, I've said before: it is necessary to replace men fighting for the agreement and solidarity, and to achieve, above all to abolish private property.

Ambrosio. - I wonder if you are a communist Everything is all the work you want and who will not make love. Eat, drink, have fun. Go Jauja country! And life more beautiful, and asylum beautiful! -Laughs- .

Jorge. - Seeing the look you want to offer the arguments defending this company, which is governed only by brute force, I do not really have much to laugh about.
Yes, sir, I am a Communist. But you seem to have a very strange notion of communism. Next time try to make him understand.
For now, goodnight.
