Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Knot From Heart Catherization

poverty Conjuring

Sabines, the fight against poverty.

Political File

Angel Mario Ksheratto

Since the founding of Santiago del Pinar as a municipality to address post-Zapatista demands, that city remained in obscurity, mired in such poverty, which is considered among the five poorest municipalities in Mexico. A few years ago, during the dictatorship Pabloite, he said that he had overcome his extreme poverty. Everything was a lie. That black was completed six years to finally, the inhabitants of the population saw for the first time, a light at the end of the tunnel.
Yesterday, in the presence of Philip Calderón, Governor Juan Sabines Guerrero and other personalities, opened other so-called "Rural Sustainable Cities", which comes to constitute an action that reveals the rhythmic step of a project that has as its primary purpose, to combat extreme poverty and other , refurbish the rural population that for centuries has been in a dreadful chaos population, aggravated by unfavorable geographic conditions for the population, mainly indigenous.
As the same Sabines Guerrero admitted to attending the inaugural event, population dispersal has come to be one of the main causes of poverty fueled by past governments that little importance was attached to people living in precarious conditions in areas of difficult access.
is plausible achievement of the Sustainable Rural Cities, perhaps for some constitutes an act of poor results, but the truth is that they have achieved much to ease tensions in communities, for example, faced by a fire hydrant or by simple land adjoining properties. And, if their construction has been favored self-determination of peoples, that is, no one has pressed to find accommodation in a city that offers at least basic services.
"The Chiapas understood that poverty is not necessarily a conviction, a reality that we can not get used, "Sabines said in his speech. He is right. One of the big reasons why the lag germinates in rural areas and that the authorities of the past did not attend the acute problem is that it was a conviction that ultimately, politicians enriched and impoverished the poor hardest.
Currently, the State Government has made extraordinary efforts to reverse that belief. Indeed, poverty is a burden we can snap out of it with a will. Is what we see in the administration junipers. No doubt that there are those who from the depths of power do not understand well and do the opposite of the goal set by Governor Sabines, but fortunately, these are the least and do not take the day they are exposed by the public.
may be discordant voices and that's good because only in this way understand the benefits and errors, but now for Santiago del Pinar, the certainty that every person will have access to housing, water, electricity, drainage, health, education and Of course, the opportunity to insert themselves in other tasks that netted them a living wage to support their families. That is undeniable.
before yesterday, lived in huts where water, cold and the sun were devastated. Today her condition is different. In this will be noted that the domestic government could bring down bureaucratic barriers that were previously only the best way to divert resources that were intended to help the poorest. That is, they favored direct work and left with empty pockets leaders of social and civil organizations that thrived before the poverty of the people ... Of course, also the leaders of parties that had its good crack.
is to clarify that not everything is buttoned up in extreme poverty in Chiapas, there are many other municipalities that are in poor condition and, to our knowledge, their demands being met. With all that, we must remember that it is a struggle that will last many years. The marginalization of indigenous people have suffered since they were assaulted, robbed and enslaved by the English, can not be reversed in a few months. But yes, you can move forward with firm steps as before, we see that it does Juan Sabines Guerrero.
Something worth mentioning is also common sense Sabines hinted in his speech: to provide poor tools for their own development. Teach them to fish and not in hand fried tilapia and sometimes even chewed. The greatness of a nation rising from the rubble and stands triumphant, is in his willingness to work and not become dependent on a paternalistic government. Nice change of government strategy. Plausible.
And if Mexico is not a circumstance but fate, Chiapas should be first to give the example of overcoming the world's largest. We've always been figured as the warmongering, the state contributes only red note to National Media. It is time that we bring strengths that others will follow. That's the idea. Cardholder

*** The PRD of EDOMEX are nutters, the national leadership, divide about the alliance with the PAN. The yellow EDOMEX say the alliance is going to give and even hinted yesterday that they would support the candidacy of the PAN candidate Felipe Bravo Mena. What will end this grotesque circus of clowns? It is uncertain until today. *** Active in its legislative duties Rep. John Aquino Calvo and is going beyond showing that it is not just a political opportunist, but a human being concerned for others. I wish they were all well. But there are some who are just looking to see what was stolen. *** What is only talk, without reflecting on the topic to be addressed; yesterday Magdalena Torres Abarca PRD deputy, said at the highest forum of the Nation that the government of Chiapas is determined to end the crime of "Trafficking in human trafficking." Is there such a crime? In his attempt to defend the domestic administration, ended muddy. Better tell him no longer up to Tribune only get to put us to shame. *** Then we read. Amksheratto@hotmail.com



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