"Spain is a democracy hijacked by big business, a mercantile plutocracy that has put state institutions at your service"
(Roberto Mangabeira Unger, a former minister Outside of Brazil.)
Jordi Pujol says we should be independent, and that Spain would never treat us well. He complains because there is not enough money for their puppies, but he never speaks only of economy, it says, although few believe him.
The ordinary Spaniard believes that in Catalonia are persecuted English speakers, a 55'6% of the Catalans as the last poll. The 32'4% speak Catalan, Castilian and 55'6% 7% neither. The rest no one knows, but for the Spaniard on the street, what matters is not the 7% or shit that nobody knows where they are, for the Spaniard what matters is the immersion, even if you have no fucking idea what and this 55'6%, surprisingly the majority. A Jordi Pujol does not care, but they know what is and is proud of the very cosmopolitan and open they are the Catalans, despite their commitment to achieve the opposite.
clinics managers have announced that if a computer breaks down, there will be another, although the doctor can not prescribe prescription, because now all electronic, or look at the history of the patient.
say the cut will be 10%, but closed more visits than one in ten more beds one in ten, lay off more workers than one in ten operating rooms and close more than one in ten. Actually I do not care about public health. Reduce the budget was something already planned. They want to strengthen the private medical insurance. They confessed only to gain power. Give a shit because they all have private insurance, they and 30% of catalanitos, those who say they agree with the snip and not step on a public hospital because it smells bad. Jordi Pujol
complains central government. Do not remember that it was he who negotiated with Felipe and Aznar plundering of the country that claims to defend, which was the Tripartite who got more justice in the sharing of cake, despite their attempts to boycott. And is that your puppy did not charge commission.
We have no money for health, for education ... but the FROB rescue the CAM and God knows how many more, and then sell it to the bench for much less money. The mortgage-rescue and sold at inflated price, is the trick, and with the money, its directors and presidents millionaires cashing in their bonds. After all their friends and their future retirement.
The Spaniard paid the mortgages more expensive to buy the apartments more expensive in Europe, overestimated by the same bank that lends, then is arrested for what it's worth and the rest must pay with his job. This is what the law says judges and English politicians. It's the perfect scam.
Spain is a country idiots who vote scam artists, cowardly and stupid, that as a remedy for their ills prefer to look for illegal immigrants, before taking on the bastards that give them the ass.
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